After years of struggle due to the crisis,
things are beginning to look up.
The applications, which are always a
harbinger of a recovery, are higher than
ever. As we wrote in the trading update of
13 May, in euros the applications currently
exceed the total annual sales in 2013.
This will lead to additional sales, but I must
caution that applications are not yet
billable sales. There is always a time lag.
Our financial position is a great help.
The market has suffered greatly from the
crisis, and companies are always hesitant
to work with weaker parties.
This is something we are set to benefit
from. The issue of a bond loan with
mortgage cover, as announced on 8 May,
has strengthened our market position
The proceeds will allow us to focus entirely
on growth.
Hoe lang duurt het doorgaans voordat zo'n opdracht wel te factureren is? Dat zal dan toch geen jaar duren lijkt me?