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wildspieker schreef op 14 december 2010 13:53:


Gewoon ff opsturen....
Zouden ze niet zoals wij het forum raadplegen voor evt. nieuws ?
Detailhandelsverkopen VS stijgen verder WASHINGTON (AFN) - De detailhandelsverkopen in de Verenigde Staten zijn in november met 0,8 procent gestegen ten opzichte van de voorgaande maand. Dat heeft het Amerikaanse ministerie van Handel dinsdag gemeld.

Daarmee steeg de omzet van de Amerikaanse detailhandelaren iets sterker dan verwacht. Analisten hadden een toename met 0,6 procent voorspeld.

De ontwikkeling van de verkopen in oktober was rooskleuriger dan eerder gedacht, bleek uit een nieuwe schatting van het ministerie. In die maand werd 1,7 procent meer verkocht dan in september. Bij de eerste raming werd uitgegaan van een groei met 1,2 procent.

Afgezien van de autoverkopen namen de detailhandelsverkopen vorige maand met 1,2 procent toe. Analisten hadden hier een toename met slechts 0,6 procent voorspeld.

Verhaaltje Belleggers Belangen over TomTom
Een aantal analisten is altijd positief over TomTom gebleven, ook toen het fonds dramatische koersniveaus kende. Martijn den Drijven van SNS Securities heeft TomTom tot een van de Top Picks voor 2011 bestempeld. Hij is van mening dat TomTom in 2011 het bewijs zal leveren dat het in staat is zich om te vormen van pure hardwareleverancier naar een bredere verlener van navigatiediensten. De analist denkt dat met het aantrekken van de consumentenbestedingen TomTom zijn marktaandeel kan vergroten, omzet kan laten roeien en tegelijk de marge kan vergroten. De nieuwe abonneeservices, die in absolute termen nog klein zijn, maar wel snel groeien(40 Business Solutionsabonnees erbij in het derde kwartaal), zullen de omzet verder opstuwen aldus Den Drijver. De koerssprong is een mooie beloning voor wie het aangedrufd heeft op een laag niveau in te stappen. Ook wij hebben dat gedaan in onze offensieve modelportefeuille. Dat was meer uit speculatieve (waarderings)overwegingen dan uit fundamentele motieven, maar het werkt wel: TomTom is de sterkste stijger in die portefeuille sinds de startdatum op 3 november.
Juist vanwege de nog niet overtuigende fundamentele ontwikkelingen bij TomTom blijft het aandeel een speculatief karakter houden. Op fundamentele gronden handhaven wij ons houdadvies.
8 december...week oud..

Laatste update: 08.12.2010
Analist(en): Jan-Willem Stokhuyzen (ABNAMRO)
Koers*: 7.79
Koersdoel: 8.00

Route navigation is becoming an increasingly important tool to modern commuters and new services such as dynamic route advisory are becoming increasingly desired. TomTom has grown strongly in recent years and is now market share and technology leader. TomTom's value lies mainly in its strong brand name and the innovative products & services it offers.

The takeover of mapmaker Tele Atlas strengthened its position. However, TomTom has been plagued by the weak economy and troubling market developments in recent years. In 2008 the share price dropped considerably as investors became concerned about TomTom’s stretched balance sheet after it acquired Tele Altas.
In June 2009 TomTom addressed these concerns and raised around EUR 430mln through a rights issue. With this step, net debt/EBITDA dropped below 2x and concerns about TomTom’s financial health seem to have dissipated for now, also thanks to the strong free cash flow generation. But these worries were replaced by worries about the weak economy and dynamic changes in the sector. In November 2009 Google announced its intentions to launch a free navigation application on Google-phones. Nokia followed suit early 2010. Investors panicked as the long term growth model for TomTom has come into question.
Though the move is clearly a concern for TomTom, we think the company still has value that should not be ignored. It seems very likely that the market for PNDs will steadily diminish, but that this will not happen overnight. In the meantime, TomTom works to diversify its income sources away from PNDs to activities such as car in-dash navigation solutions and services.

Furthermore TomTom will partner with smartphone firms such as Apple to provide navigation solutions. A takeover is a realistic possibility. In the near term, sales of PNDs (70% current total revenues) should recover as the economy continues to improve and consumer start to spend again. Though we acknowledge that there is much uncertainty about TomTom’s business model and that is a high risk investment who’s share price is extremely volatile, we feel that TomTom is undervalued.

* TomTom presented mixed 3Q10 results with a weaker than expected net profit but strong operational trends. Revenues were up 3% y-o-y despite difficult trading conditions and 5% higher that expected at EUR 375mln. Operating profit (EBIT) was 20% higher than expected at EUR 55mln (10% higher than last year), leading to fairly unchanged operating margin of 15%. Disappointing was that net profit was 25% lower then expected at EUR 19mln, although this was related to an exceptionally large hedging costs and should not be considered operational. Excluding these charges, net profit was in fact 24% better than expected. TomTom remains focused on cash flow and managed to pay down EUR 125mln of debt ahead of schedule, leaving the stock trading comfortably within its bank covenants.

* Operationally, TomTom made some important steps this quarter, signing new built-in dashboard automotive contracts with Mazda, Renault and Sony. In addition, it will partner with HTC to bring a TomTom application for Android smartphones, therefore competing with Google in this field. We also see that the price declines for PND’s is slowing down, which is positive. But the main source of current sales, personal navigation devices, had a bad quarter as the market for PND’s shrunk in the US and Europe by 10% which is more than last quarter, meaning that smartphone sale are putting this division under pressure. This remains a point of concern which looms over the stock. We expect TomTom will in line be able to replace income from PND sales to other business lines.

* In its outlook for 2010, TomTom repeated its expectation that revenues and earnings to be in line with 2009. The CFO refused to comment on rumors that TomTom is engaged in takeover talks with unnamed parties, something that the CEO had indicated a number of weeks ago. It would not be unrealistic for TomTom to be taken over, especially seeing the value of its maps network, innovative reputation and strong brand name. The main hurdle for such a deal would be convincing the major shareholders (who are also in management) to part with their interests.

* Though much uncertainty remains about TomTom’s business model, the stability of results since the launch of the first smartphone free navigation system and growing demand for TomTom automotive solutions should bring comfort as to the medium-term outlook.
TomTom trades at a clear discount to peers and historical averages with a 2011 P/E of around 8.7x and at 1x book value 2011, which we feel in unjustified. But this remains a high risk, volatile stock.

Waarderingen / Ratios
Return on Equity 12.91%
Koers/boek Ratio 1.54
WPA Huidige Jr (IDPRD) 0.70
K/W Huidige Jr (IDPRD) 11.30
WPA Volgend Jr (IDPRD) 0.77
K/W Volgend Jr (IDPRD) 10.28
TomTom Automotive selects Sierra Wireless embedded modules for new connected navigation solutions



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Sierra Wireless AirPrime(TM) Intelligent Embedded Modules add cellular connectivity to TomTom's integrated navigation systems for Renault and Mazda

VANCOUVER, Dec. 15 /PRNewswire/ - Sierra Wireless (NASDAQ: SWIR; TSX: SW) today announced that TomTom, a leading location and navigation solutions provider, is using Sierra Wireless AirPrime Intelligent Embedded Modules to provide cellular connectivity to its integrated navigation systems for two of the world's premier car makers, Renault and Mazda.

The Carminat TomTom LIVE, first disclosed at the Paris Motor Show in October, is Renault's latest connected built-in navigation system, developed as part of the car maker's exclusive partnership with TomTom and fitted into Clio, Megane and Scenic models sold inEurope. Thanks to the cellular connectivity provided by the Sierra Wireless integrated wireless module, the system enables drivers to access real-time information for an enhanced driving experience: local search for nearby services or points of interest, mobile safety camera reporting and sharing, weather information and much more.

TomTom's connected in-car navigation technology, including TomTom LIVE Services, will also be offered by Mazda as an option on its new Mazda5 inEurope. The embedded wireless module inside the navigation system enables drivers to receive up-to-date information, including the location of speed cameras and accurate reports on traffic jams. In addition to the navigation service, the system offers a full infotainment solution.

"The skill sets of our two companies are very complementary, and we are delighted to work alongside TomTom in this exciting space," said Didier Dutronc, Senior Vice President and General Manager, M2M Embedded Solutions for Sierra Wireless. "We are confident that drivers across Europe will appreciate and enjoy the new features of their connected navigation systems."

Sierra Wireless solutions for automotive

With over a decade of experience, award-winning expertise, and more than two million wireless modules sold to the automotive industry, Sierra Wireless is the market leader in wireless technologies for automotive applications. Sierra Wireless offers:

-- all the components required for a wireless connectivity solution, from
wireless embedded modules and software suites to development tools and
services platforms
-- products designed to match the automotive industry's toughest quality
requirements, manufactured in an ISO/TS 16949 compliant facility, and
supported by automotive specialists
-- proven technologies that allow rapid design and easy integration, and a
services platform that enables fast deployment and cost-effective
maintenance and support
-- professional services for engineering, design, and systems integration
that conform to the automotive industry's toughest constraints.
weet niet of dit al was/is geplaatst,

TomTom Automotive selects Sierra Wireless embedded modules for new connected navigation solutions

Sierra Wireless AirPrime™ Intelligent Embedded Modules add cellular connectivity to TomTom's integrated navigation systems for Renault and Mazda
Vancouver, Canada - December 15, 2010
Sierra Wireless (NASDAQ: SWIR; TSX: SW) today announced that TomTom, a leading location and navigation solutions provider, is using Sierra Wireless AirPrime Intelligent Embedded Modules to provide cellular connectivity to its integrated navigation systems for two of the world’s premier car makers, Renault and Mazda.

The Carminat TomTom LIVE, first disclosed at the Paris Motor Show in October, is Renault’s latest connected built-in navigation system, developed as part of the car maker’s exclusive partnership with TomTom and fitted into Clio, Mégane and Scenic models sold in Europe. Thanks to the cellular connectivity provided by the Sierra Wireless integrated wireless module, the system enables drivers to access real-time information for an enhanced driving experience: local search for nearby services or points of interest, mobile safety camera reporting and sharing, weather information and much more.

TomTom’s connected in-car navigation technology, including TomTom LIVE Services, will also be offered by Mazda as an option on its new Mazda5 in Europe. The embedded wireless module inside the navigation system enables drivers to receive up-to-date information, including the location of speed cameras and accurate reports on traffic jams. In addition to the navigation service, the system offers a full infotainment solution.

“The skill sets of our two companies are very complementary, and we are delighted to work alongside TomTom in this exciting space,” said Didier Dutronc, Senior Vice President and General Manager, M2M Embedded Solutions for Sierra Wireless. “We are confident that drivers across Europe will appreciate and enjoy the new features of their connected navigation systems.”

Kaartmateriaal wordt steeds waardevoller en belangrijker.
Ook in de opkomende markten, vandaar dat Navteq daar ook flink gaat uitbreiden.

ilko schreef op 16 december 2010 09:29:
Een 8 is een goed rapportcijfer. Goed om de lezen dat hd live en IQ routes goed werkt...
MyTomTom komt eindelijk tot leven
15 december 2010 - 08:11 uur26 reacties
MyTomTom, de nieuwe oplossing voor content- en service-beheer op de GO LIVE 1000 en 1005, begint tekenen van leven te geven...Door Nick van Leeuwen TomTom is begonnen met het uitleveren van de eerste updates via MyTomTom, de dienst voor het beheren van GO 1000 en 1005 en alle VIA-devices van het bedrijf. Gisteren stonden voor in iedere geval de GO 1005 een nieuwe versie van Navcore en een nieuwe kaart voor de laatste-kaart-garantie klaar ter download.

Met het aanbieden van de eerste content via MyTomTom, komt TomTom de belofte na die men een maand geleden deed. Toen zegde men namelijk toe de verschillende zaken stap-voor-stap te implementeren volgens onderstaand schema:

De eerste Navcore-updates: eind 2010;

Kaarten (ook laatste kaart garantie): eind 2010;

Eigen POI's toevoegen: eind januari 2011;

Map Share: 1e kwartaal 2011;

Backups maken: 1e kwartaal 2011;

Routeplanning met meerdere tussenpunten: 2e kwartaal 2011.

Met het beschikbaar komen van de eerste Navcore-update en nieuwe kaarten ligt men op dit moment dus keurig op schema. Al is nog niet geheel duidelijk wannneer één en ander voor welke devices beschikbaar is. We houden jullie op de hoogte...

TomTom, MyTomTom, HOME

Ander Nieuws:
Sales: tot 30 procent korting op kaarten16 december
Eerste sneeuw op komst: 3.000 km file?25 november34 reactiesReacties op dit artikel:Geplaatst op: 14 december 2010, 17:36 uurDoor: BramvT QUOTE (davl | 14-12-2010, 17:34)

Vanavond stond er een update klaar voor mijn TT go 1005, raad eens ... een nieuwe kaart, nog 1u20 te gaan en hij is binnen.

Welke kaartversie ?
Geplaatst op: 14 december 2010, 17:48 uurDoor: TigerD Ook aan het downloaden!

is v. 860.3104

Geplaatst op: 14 december 2010, 18:02 uurDoor: davl QUOTE (TigerD | 14-12-2010, 17:48)

Ook aan het downloaden!

is v. 860.3104

Aha, interessant om weten, mag ik even vragen waar u dat ziet aub ?
Ik zag enkel dat er een nieuwe kaart klaarstond, en nu zie ik enkel dat de download bezig is, maar verder nergens geen details.

Geplaatst op: 14 december 2010, 18:32 uurDoor: TigerD Staat op de mytomtom website,... daar kun je bij de beschikbare downoads op meer info klikken om te kijken wat het is!

Geplaatst op: 14 december 2010, 19:24 uurDoor: crips Hier loopt ie ook binnen. Gaat goed met TomTom de laatste tijd!
Geplaatst op: 14 december 2010, 19:39 uurDoor: willydebakker Ben ook bezig de laatste nieuwe kaart op 1005 te downloaden.
Hoop dat er geen problemen mee zijn.
Bij vroegere toestellen had ge de mogelijkheid om een backup te maken.
Bij 1005 hebt ge deze mogelijkheid nog niet.
Groetjes Willy.
Geplaatst op: 14 december 2010, 20:06 uurDoor: TigerD Alles geinstalleerd en prima gegaan,...
en jawel, de favorieten staat er gelukkig nog op!!
Geplaatst op: 14 december 2010, 20:15 uurDoor: crips Zie ik het nou goed dat de kaart alleen voor de GO 1005 en niet voor de GO 1000 wordt aangeboden?
Geplaatst op: 14 december 2010, 21:44 uurDoor: Giordano Bruno QUOTE (crips | 14-12-2010, 20:15)

Zie ik het nou goed dat de kaart alleen voor de GO 1005 en niet voor de GO 1000 wordt aangeboden?

Het lijkt er wel op. Voor mijn 1000 is er nog geen update ...
Geplaatst op: 14 december 2010, 22:25 uurDoor: popcornoldies QUOTE (Giordano Bruno | 14-12-2010, 21:44)

Het lijkt er wel op. Voor mijn 1000 is er nog geen update ...

Klopt voor mijn 1000 ook niet
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battumboy schreef:

TomTom Automotive selects Sierra Wireless embedded modules for new connected navigation solutions



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Sierra Wireless AirPrime(TM) Intelligent Embedded Modules add cellular connectivity to TomTom's integrated navigation systems for Renault and Mazda

VANCOUVER, Dec. 15 /PRNewswire/ - Sierra Wireless (NASDAQ: SWIR; TSX: SW) today announced that TomTom, a leading location and navigation solutions provider, is using Sierra Wireless AirPrime Intelligent Embedded Modules to provide cellular connectivity to its integrated navigation systems for two of the world's premier car makers, Renault and Mazda.

The Carminat TomTom LIVE, first disclosed at the Paris Motor Show in October, is Renault's latest connected built-in navigation system, developed as part of the car maker's exclusive partnership with TomTom and fitted into Clio, Megane and Scenic models sold inEurope. Thanks to the cellular connectivity provided by the Sierra Wireless integrated wireless module, the system enables drivers to access real-time information for an enhanced driving experience: local search for nearby services or points of interest, mobile safety camera reporting and sharing, weather information and much more.

TomTom's connected in-car navigation technology, including TomTom LIVE Services, will also be offered by Mazda as an option on its new Mazda5 inEurope. The embedded wireless module inside the navigation system enables drivers to receive up-to-date information, including the location of speed cameras and accurate reports on traffic jams. In addition to the navigation service, the system offers a full infotainment solution.

"The skill sets of our two companies are very complementary, and we are delighted to work alongside TomTom in this exciting space," said Didier Dutronc, Senior Vice President and General Manager, M2M Embedded Solutions for Sierra Wireless. "We are confident that drivers across Europe will appreciate and enjoy the new features of their connected navigation systems."

Sierra Wireless solutions for automotive

With over a decade of experience, award-winning expertise, and more than two million wireless modules sold to the automotive industry, Sierra Wireless is the market leader in wireless technologies for automotive applications. Sierra Wireless offers:

-- all the components required for a wireless connectivity solution, from
wireless embedded modules and software suites to development tools and
services platforms
-- products designed to match the automotive industry's toughest quality
requirements, manufactured in an ISO/TS 16949 compliant facility, and
supported by automotive specialists
-- proven technologies that allow rapid design and easy integration, and a
services platform that enables fast deployment and cost-effective
maintenance and support
-- professional services for engineering, design, and systems integration
that conform to the automotive industry's toughest constraints.

china Mob.doet hier ook aan mee,zou TT iets met Autonavi m.n nieuwe producten op de markt brengen in China (M2M)onderling communiceren van PND's??(ik noem maar iets)
Toyota has upgraded its range-topping Yaris models. Based on the current top-selling TR trim, the T Spirit and SR models go on sale in January.

The T Spirit package includes an integrated TomTom sat-nav with Bluetooth and USB connectivity, eight-spoke alloys, climate control, rear parking sensors and chrome surrounds for the front foglights.

The best news is that the extra kit comes at no extra cost as this model costs £11,695, exactly the same price as the TR.

The SR package is designed to be a little more sporty, and includes Toyota Motorsport 16-inch alloys, a roof spoiler, extra chrome detailing and rear privacy glass, plus a TomTom sat-nav and climate control. The SR costs £13,215, which is a £750 price premium on the TR model.

The T Spirit package is available with all engine and transmission combinations, while the SR can only be had with the 1.33-litre petrol engine and one of three paint finishes - are Cirrus White, Chilli Red and Crystal Silver.
For an alternative review of the latest Toyota Yaris visit our sister site

Read more:
Black Friday’s GPS Units Sales down 27% in the U.S.
Market research firm NPD Group has released last week its Consumer Technology Black Friday week sales data, unveiling a gloomy situation for the personal navigation business. According to Stephen Baker, Vice President, Industry Analysis, “[GPS] Prices were down just $10, to $113 but unit...

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bionerd schreef op 17 december 2010 00:16:

Black Friday’s GPS Units Sales down 27% in the U.S.
Market research firm NPD Group has released last week its Consumer Technology Black Friday week sales data, unveiling a gloomy situation for the personal navigation business. According to Stephen Baker, Vice President, Industry Analysis, “[GPS] Prices were down just $10, to $113 but unit...

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heb je wel eens gehoord van online bestellen?
aha, ja kon het artikel niet helemaal lezen, je moet er voor betalen.

Maar je hebt gelijk die verkopen waren geloof ik ook 30% toegenomen.

Verbaasde me erover dat niemand dit nog in het nieuwsblokje vermeld had.
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