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Vreemd koersverloop om 15:00 koers 28,60 en we hebben bijna op de 30 gestaan.
Tegen het einde weer wat terug, ook het volume mag er zijn.
Ik heb geen idee wat, maar je vraagt je wel af of er iets speelt.

svhk schreef op 1 september 2015 17:39:

Vreemd koersverloop om 15:00 koers 28,60 en we hebben bijna op de 30 gestaan.
Tegen het einde weer wat terug, ook het volume mag er zijn.
Ik heb geen idee wat, maar je vraagt je wel af of er iets speelt.
Ruim 120000 stuks in de eindveiling!!

Blackhamster schreef op 1 september 2015 17:43:


Ruim 120000 stuks in de eindveiling!!
Dat is giga zeg! (102 trades!!!)
Na de mooie stijging van deze ochtend alles weggedaan voor in de 30,40.
De beurs is nu niet geschikt om fondsen lang vast te houden.
Pas als we in de 460/465 staan kan je zeggen dat de storm is gaan liggen.
Tot die tijd doe ik niets of zoals nu klein winstje pakken als de kans er is.


svhk schreef op 2 september 2015 10:07:

Na de mooie stijging van deze ochtend alles weggedaan voor in de 30,40.
De beurs is nu niet geschikt om fondsen lang vast te houden.
Pas als we in de 460/465 staan kan je zeggen dat de storm is gaan liggen.
Tot die tijd doe ik niets of zoals nu klein winstje pakken als de kans er is.

Aandeel blijft prima liggen hoewel de beurs licht rood is.
Als de beurs echt groen wordt stap ik weer aan boord want ik heb het idee dat het dan hard omhoog gaat.
India seeks WTO views on stainless steel import BIS norm

The Hindu Business Line reported that India has sought comments from World Trade Organisation members on the Steel Ministry’s proposal to make it mandatory for certain grades of stainless steel sold in the country to have quality certification from the Bureau of Indian Standards.

A government official told Business Line that “Since the move could potentially slow down imports and also impact the quantities of steel imported, it is important to give a chance to exporting countries to voice their concerns and see if the relevant ones could be addressed.”

Upgrading the quality of the stainless steel products for protection of human health and safety is the rationale given by India for the proposed move in its WTO submission. The bigger reason, however, maybe to control import of cheap steel. Since BIS will be issuing the licences for use of its standard mark, it is possible to impose some sort of indirect control on indiscriminate imports.

Members have been given two months to respond. The proposal will be implemented three months after it is adopted, but no decision has been taken on its adoption.

Under the proposed order, it will be mandatory for manufacturers of identified stainless steel products, mostly used for making utensils and kitchenware, to obtain a valid licence from the BIS for use of the standard mark before starting regular production of such items. Imported steel products also have to conform to the specified standards.

Source : The Hindu Business Line
Shorts wederom toegenomen met 0.26%!

Adage capital. Zijn ze hun verstand verloren?
Japanese stainless steel scrap exports dip MoM in July

Scrap Monster reported that according to latest statistics released by Japan’s Ministry of Finance (MoF), the country’s imports of stainless steel scrap dropped significantly during the month of July this year.

The exports during the month declined sharply by nearly 16.7% when compared with the previous month. The stainless steel scrap imports by Japan totaled 18,715 tons in July. Japan had exported 22,467 tons of stainless steel scrap during the month of June this year.

During the month of July, the largest importer of stainless steel scrap from Japan was South Korea. The imports by South Korea totaled 11,615 tons. The South Korean stainless steel scrap imports from Japan increased nearly 5.8% when compared with the imports of 10,978 tons during June ‘15.

In second place was Taiwan with total imports of 5,207 tons. The stainless steel scrap exports from Japan top the US surged significantly higher by 11.3% month-on-month. In third place was Thailand with total imports of 1,144 tons. The three countries together accounted for almost 95% of the stainless steel scrap exports from Japan during June this year.

The country’s stainless steel scrap exports during the initial seven-month period of the year totaled 123,062 tons.

Source : Scrap Monster
Taigang Stainless Steel sees sharp fall in net profit in H1

Published on Wed, 09 Sep 2015 126 times viewed

Shanxi Province-based Chinese steelmaker Taigang Stainless Steel Co has announced that in the first half of the current year it registered an operating revenue of RMB 35.441 billion ($5.54 billion), down 24.13 percent year on year, with a net profit of RMB 64 million ($10.0 million), down 83.38 percent year on year.

Taigang Stainless stated that slowing economic growth, the overcapacity in the steel industry amid slack demand, and the declines in steel prices were the main reasons for the decrease in net profit incurred in the first half this year.

Source : SteelOrbis
PPMAI writes to PM and steel minister for withdrawl of draft stainless steel quality order

Process Plant and Machinery Association of India, apex body representing the Process Plant Manufacturers in the country, have sought Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Steel Minister Narendra Singh Tomar’s intervention for withdrawal of recent draft stainless steel quality control order proposing mandatory standards in the stainless steel flat product segment.

Mr V.P.Ramachandran, Secretary General, PPMAI said “In a letter to Government including Prime Minister process Plant and Machinery industry have sought withdrawal of the draft Quality Control Order and urged the steel ministry to open a dialog with the domestic stainless steel manufacturing industry to ascertain how much do they produce as per BIS and whether they also support this draft order. More over the matter needs re-examination since the draft Quality Control Order has serious implications on trade and industrial growth as well as health and safety of crores of consumers in India.”

He said “For the government, seeking the end user perspective should be the priority. The draft Quality Control order will discourage investment in key manufacturing sectors since BIS standards are not comprehensive and updated. Such an order can be termed as a barrier, ill-conceived without consent of stake holders. Why should the government attempt this when there is no complaint from the industrial end users on doing and growing business globally and domestically with compliance of International standards. India has already imposed high level of import duties on steel in the current fiscal year and there are a host of anti-dumping duties in place. Furthermore the devaluation of rupee from INR 46 to a dollar to almost INR 67 to a dollar now is in itself a great cushion to the stainless steel manufacturers in India. Excessive protectionism for a basic and intermediate goods sector can lead to withdrawal of manufacturing at higher value segments.”

Mr Ramachandran said “The value added segment of industry uses stainless steel as per international standards. In the industrial sector, no company buys stainless steel as per Indian standards nor do the designers specify use of stainless steel as per Indian standards. In effect there is no demand for stainless steel as per Indian standards. Government should investigate if the domestic stainless steel producers are producing stainless steel for industrial sector as per Indian standards. All PSUs in energy, be it nuclear , thermal or solar or gas based ,buy stainless steel as per international standards. Railways buys as per international or RDSO standards, and all our members of PPMAI also buy as per international standards.”

He added “It is very clear that process plant and Machinery industry sector is well organized as per international standards and does not need to use the BIS standards as mentioned in the quality control draft order schedule. Present BIS standards need alignment with international standards. Our standards are old and do not include hundreds of new grades which are being used globally. In the absence of Indian standards for those international standards/grades, applying BIS will mean loss of business which will kill the industry and the demand. The non availability of materials as per global standards will make the value added segment unviable to compete globally on quality.”

He said “The demand from industrial segment is in India is around 35 % of the total stainless steel demand in the country. The balance demand for stainless steel is ABOUT 65% from the consumer segment which should actually be a source of major worry for the steel ministry since this sector does not conform to any international standards. The trade market is flooded with substandard materials as well as proprietary grades which are not conforming to any international or BIS standards. The quality control order excludes these major demands of non-standard grades from applicability thus exposing crores of innocent consumers to risk on health and safety. This will derail Make in India campaign of the Prime Minister and the vision of Zero Defect and Zero Effect.”

Mr Ramachandran urged “We appeal that the matter needs re-examination since the draft Quality Control Order has serious implications on trade and industrial growth as well as health and safety of citizens.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Staalproducent Outokumpu komt met winstwaarschuwing

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--De Finse producent van roestvast staal Outokumpu Oyj (OUT1V.HE) heeft zijn winstverwachtingen voor het derde kwartaal verlaagd omdat er minder staal wordt geleverd, terwijl de dalende nikkelprijs voor extra druk heeft gezorgd.

De marktleider in Europa en concurrent van midkapper Aperam in Amsterdam zei dat in de belangrijkste markten van Amerika en Europa klanten wachten met het plaatsen van orders in navolging van de dalende nikkelprijs. Nikkel is een essentiele grondstof voor de productie van roestvast staal. Wanneer de prijs daalt nemen afnemers een afwachtende houding aan, anticiperend op verdere dalingen.

Outokumpu had tevens productieproblemen in zijn fabriek in het noorden van Finland door stakingen waarvoor de productiefaciliteit 24 uur lang dicht moest.

Het concern voorspelt nu dat de geleverde volumes in het derde kwartaal 10% lager zullen uitkomen dan in het tweede kwartaal. Daarom wordt verwacht dat een groter operationeel verlies (EBIT) wordt behaald dan in het tweede kwartaal. Eerder ging Outokumpu nog uit van een verbetering ten opzichte van het voorgaande kwartaal.

Omstreeks 11.00 uur daalt het aandeel 15,1%, terwijl Aperam 9,9% zakt.

Door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; levien.defeijter@wsj.com

Aperam winstverwachtingen omlaag bij Rabobank - Market Talk

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Analisten van Rabobank hebben hun winstverwachtingen voor Aperam (056997440.LU) verlaagd vanwege de dalende nikkelprijs en een gebrek aan herstel van basisprijzen in Europa. Voor dit jaar rekenen ze nu op een operationele winst (EBITDA) van $521 miljoen ten opzichte van $549 miljoen eerder en hun verwachting voor 2016 is verlaagd naar $573 miljoen van $633 miljoen. Wel zijn ze van mening dat de waardering van het aandeel ten opzichte van sectorgenoten Outokumpu en Acerinox nog steeds te laag is. Het advies blijft buy en het koersdoel gaat omlaag naar EUR39 van EUR48. Omstreeks 9.40 uur noteert het aandeel 7,6% lager op EUR25,66, terwijl de Midkap met 0,2% daalt. (levien.defeijter@wsj.com)

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200; amsterdam@dowjones.com

Outokumpu deliveres Forta LDX 2101 duplex stainless for oil storage tanks

Outokumpu delivered to date one of the largest orders for tank building, 245 tons of Forta LDX 2101 lean duplex stainless steel for the construction of three big oil storage tanks at the Antwerp harbor in Belgium. Each storage tank has a capacity of 4,200 m3 which equals for a total of 12,600,000 liters of oil transported to the oil terminal by tanker ships.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Stainless steel production turns out at 10 4 million tonnes in Q1 of 2015

The International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) has released figures for the first three months of 2015 showing that at 10.4 million tonnes stainless steel melt shop production was at the same level year–on–year. Production increased in the Americas and in Asia without China.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Mr YPS Suri of Outokumpu calls for use of stainless steel rebars in infrastructure creation

Mr Yatinder Pal Singh Suri, Country head of stainless steel giant Outokumpu while speaking at summit organized by FICCI and Builders Association of India emphasized use of sustainable materials in infrastructure creation in India.

He said “Stainless steel rebars are emerging as an excellent sustainable solution for the concrete bridges in coastal and hill areas. The stainless steel reinforcing bars provide long life into concrete structures especially in the hills, coastal areas, ports, airports, bridges, high rise buildings and water treatment plants as these bars do not ever corrode and thus concrete failure due to spalling is avoided. Since stainless steel does not corrode, the concrete continues to offer a maintenance free life of over 100 years. There are global examples to showcase this. Our planners must make use of stainless steel rebars mandatory in corrosion prone areas of the bridge. This would mean substituting just 5-10 per cent of the total rebars to be used in a bridge from carbon steel to stainless steel. The cost of the bridge project cost may go up by a 2-3 per cent but the life will go up to 100 years that too almost maintenance free.”

Mr Suri said "Duplex Stainless steel reinforcing bars are although more expensive than carbon steel but it can be used selectively in failure prone zones only thus increasing the project cost marginally and at the same time we can get over 100 years maintenance free life which means lots of savings by reducing the ongoing repair and maintenance costs of structures like bridges, coastal area projects, water treatment plants, high rise buildings and highways.”

Mr Suri added "Over the last 3 decades, premature deterioration of reinforced concrete structures has become a serious problem worldwide due to corrosion of the embedded steel. The estimated cost of repair is in excess of USD 550 billion."

He also said "The other benefits of stainless steel reinforcement include significant increase in durability and reduction in repair and maintenance costs, elimination of concrete sealants and reduction in thickness of the concrete cover.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Cu Chulainn
day low tot nu toe 23.17, min 6.5% ... lijkt erop dat Aperam mee omlaag gaat met VW.
ja, arcelor mittal is gigantisch afgestraft afgelopen jaren...aperam steeg door een enorme stijging van de nikkelprijs....maar de laatste tijd is de nikkelprijs weer behoorlijk in elkaar geklapt...en VW in de problemen...outukumpu met een winstwaarschuwing...zie het somber in met al die hedgefunds in aperam...terug naar 10?
Russia Stainless Steel Imports fell 20.2%

According to Spetsstal’s appraisal, imports of stainless steel to Russia in the first half of 2015, if compared to the same period of 2014, fell 20.2% to 101,167 tons.

Imports of stainless steel flats fell 16.2% to 76,845 tons, longs – 38.1% to 9,259 tons, wire – 4.5% to 2,186 tons, seamless tubes – 49.2% to 3,781 tons, fittings/flanges - 44.3% to 1,441 tons and slabs/ingots - 43.3% to 1,022 tons.

Only imports of welded tubes increase by 9.0% to 6,633 tons.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Japan stainless steel scrap exports plunged in August

The stainless steel scrap exports by Japan during the month of August this year declined considerably, as per the latest data released by the country’s Ministry of Finance. According to MoF data, the country’s scrap exports totaled 15,167 tons during the month.

The exports were down marginally by 7% when compared with the exports during the same month a year before. The country’s stainless steel scrap exports during August last year had totaled 16,300 tons. The Japanese steel scrap exports dropped sharply when compared with the previous month. The exports were down by nearly 19% when matched with the exports of 18,725 tons during July this year.

The largest importer of Japanese stainless steel scrap during the month of August this year was South Korea. The scrap imports by South Korea totaled 6,266 tons, constituting over 41% of the total scrap exports by Japan during the month. The stainless steel scrap exports to South Korea dropped sharply by 46% over the previous year. Japan had exported 11,604 tons of scrap to South Korea during August 2014. In second place was Taiwan with scrap stainless steel imports from Japan totaling to 3,902 tons. The exports to Taiwan dropped heavily by over 25% year-on-year. The stainless steel scrap imports to China surged higher by over 7 times month-on-month to 3,422 tons during the month.

The cumulative stainless steel scrap exports by Japan during the initial eight-month period of the year totaled 138,229 tons.

The country’s stainless steel scrap export for the whole year 2015 is estimated at 207,000 tons.

Source : Scrap Monster
First phase of stainless steel industrial park commissioned in Hunan

SteelOrbis reported that the first phase of a new stainless steel industrial park in the city of Lengshuijiang in China’s Hunan Province has been completed and put into operation, according to local media sources in Hunan.

Construction started on the first phase of the industrial park on May 29 this year and has been completed within just four months. The first phase has a designed annual production capacity of 400,000 mt of semi-finished stainless steel, with auxiliary annealing and pickling production lines.

Total investment in the overall industrial is expected to reach RMB 1.8 billon ($0.28 billion). All three phases are expected to be completed by 2020, while the designed annual capacity will total 400,000 mt of stainless hot rolled coil (HRC) and 600,000 mt of end products made from stainless steel.

Source : SteelOrbis
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Vertraagd 7 mrt 2025 09:24
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Volume 10.827
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