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ArcelorMittal wil Luikse hoogovens slopen
29/05/13, 07u49
Staalreus ArcelorMittal heeft de stad Seraing gevraagd om de modaliteiten te bespreken van de afbraak van de twee Luikse hoogovens. Dat schrijven de kranten van Sudpresse en L'Echo. .

ArcelorMittal stuurde de bevoegde diensten een e-mail getiteld: aanvraag tot sloopvergunning voor de hoogovens. Volgens het bedrijf gaat het om een wettelijke verplichting. In januari is een saneringsplan ingediend, aldus een woordvoerder. Met de mail werden enkel bijkomende inlichtingen gevraagd.

Nog volgens L'Echo heeft ArcelorMittal beslist de geplande 32 miljoen euro aan investeringen in twee koude lijnen in Luik met een jaar uit te stellen.

Bron: Belga
Chinese steel rebar futures dip to new low

On May 28, 2013, rebar futures mainstream 1310 contract closed at CNY 3479 per tonne, below the important mark of CNY 3500 per tonne, hitting another new record low.

Shanghai spot market encountered new low
A mixed performance was presented in domestic market as steel prices in northern regions was bolstered up by tight resources whistle South China experienced a continued decline as a result of EXW price cut and more rainy days, particularly a new low was seen in Shanghai market. Recently, Shagang, Yonggang, Zenith Steel and other steel mills based in East China have lowered wire rod ex-works price down CNY 30 per tonne and rebar CNY 50-80 per tonne, additionally providing CNY 30-50 per tonne subsidies for previous contracts.

In light of sharper drop in spot market compared to ex-works price, steel mills are still exposed to high pressure in downgrading their prices in future.

New crude steel production peak
Statistics from China Iron and Steel Association show that China's large and medium-sized steel mills have a daily crude steel production of 1.7481 million tonnes, up 2.71 percent compared with the last ten days of April, 2013. China's daily crude steel production is predicted to be 2.1929 million tonnes, an increase of 3.02 percent compared with the last ten days of April.

Sinking steel prices in recent days did not send any ripples through steel mills’ production enthusiasm.
Weakened impounding reservoir function of social inventories

Social stockpiles of rebar and wire rod totaled 8.4416 million tonnes and 2.369 million tonnes as of May 24, 2013 respectively, kept falling trend but at a slower rate. According to CISA, steel inventories at key steel mills amounted to 13.6805 million tonnes for mid May, climbing up 590,000 tonnes versus early May.

Against the background of sluggish market, steel traders took the initiative to destock and were not such active in placing orders as before. Given significantly diminished impounding reservoir function of rebar social inventories; the demand from end users would be directly mirrored by the amount of orders that steel traders are going to place. Anyway, narrowly improved downstream demand may not be able to reverse the overwhelming downward trend, which is lack of being financed.

Disappointing macro economic recovery
The flash HSBC Purchasing Managers' Index for May unexpectedly fell to 49.6, sliding below 50-mark that demarcates expansion from contraction for the first time in seven months as a sub-index measuring employment and new export orders have been staying under 50-point level for two consecutive months. In addition, the output index reached a three-month low and output price index has been sliding for the fifth straight month. These economic indicators demonstrated continued lackluster demand both at home and abroad as well as poor recovery of macro-economy.

Historical experience tells us traditional robust downstream steel consumption season (April-May) in China would gradually taper off at the start of June, but this time it comes earlier than previous years.

In sum, despite sustained advancing actual demand of rebar, the slowly recovering pace lead us to a fully exhausted spot market. In light of twin drags of high production and inventory at steel mills, domestic steel price would maintain vulnerable amid fluctuation, coupled with weak balance between supply and demand.

Source -
China steel information centre and industry database
US steel sector to remain under price pressure - Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs has lowered its 2014/2015 EPS estimates for steel producers and service centers due to lower steel price expectations.

Mr Sal Tharani analyst Goldman Sachs with does not see any signs of sustainable upside to prices.

He wrote “While macro data has indicated the market is improving, steel producers are still only seeing very modest increases in orders. We expect growth will continue to be slow, with private construction continuing to outpace public construction for some time.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute

Iran ranked as the 15th largest steel producer in the world

According to the World Steel Association, Iran’s crude steel output totaled 7.36 million tonne in the first quarter of 2012 and the country was ranked the 15th largest steel producer in the world and the second in the Middle East after Turkey. Iran produced 1.2 million tonne of crude steel in June, 3.5% less than in the previous month. The world’s total crude steel output in June fell by 0.1% at 128 million tonne compared to the same month in 2011.

The Iranian Mine and Trade Minister stated that the country’s steel output is projected to reach 55 million tonne by 2025 and Iran will become one of the world’s main steel exporters by 2016.

A report by the Association of Iranian Steel Producers indicates that Iran will attain self sufficiency in the steel sector within the next 3 years. Despite global economic sanctions, the country’s steel output increased by 5 million tonne during the past 2 years reaching to 17 million tonne. In addition, Iran produced over 5 million tonne of crude steel during the first four month of 1391 which shows a 7.1% growth compared to the same period last year which was 4.68 million tonne.

Source - FNA
Brazil iron ore exports to China up by 3pct YoY

According to data from the China Brazil Business Council, Brazil's iron ore exports to China totaled 170 MT in 2012 up 3% from 165 MT in the prior year.

However, in terms of value, the country's iron ore exports totaled USD 14.9 billion in 2012, a 25% decline compared to the USD 19.8 billion exported in 2011.

It was the first decline in iron ore exports to the Asian country recorded in the last 10 years. The decline was due to iron ore price fluctuations during 2012. China is the main destination for Brazilian exports as well as the principal source of Brazil's imports.

Source - Business News Americas

Iron ore inventory at Chinese ports maintains uptrend

As of May 28, inventory of iron ore at 25 major Chinese ports amounted to 74.15 million tonnes indicating an increase of 1.66 million tonnes or 2.33% on WoW basis as announced by China's Xinhua News Agency.

As of the same date, the Xinhua China Iron Ore Price Index for imported iron ore with 63.5% iron content was at 123 points down one point WoW. Meanwhile, the Xinhua China Iron Ore Price Index for imported iron ore with 58 percent iron content was at 107 points on the given date down two points WoW.

In the past week, Chinese import iron ore prices have indicated a further decline. The Chinese import iron ore market has remained sluggish with limited market activity observed as prices continue to soften. Although import iron ore prices have declined to a new low for the current year, market players believe that the Chinese iron ore import market is likely to indicate a further softening in the coming days because of low demand for iron ore and the lack of any obvious improvement in the finished steel market.

Although some mills and traders intend to increase their purchases at lower prices, for the time being they are maintaining a cautious stance and are buying small tonnages due to the unfavorable situation in the finished steel market. Meanwhile, there is also room for negotiations on prices of spot iron ore at Chinese ports. It is thought that the Chinese iron ore import market will indicate a further softening in the coming days, while pessimism will continue to prevail in the market.

Source - Visit for more

ArcelorMittal:Waalse regering wil zich economische instrumenten toe-eigenen
29/05/13, 20u39
dm UPDATE De Waalse regering zal een ontwerpdecreet uitwerken dat het mogelijk maakt zich economische instrumenten toe te eigenen. Dat heeft Waals minister van Economie Jean-Claude Marcourt verklaard na een bijeenkomst van de "task force" ArcelorMittal. De PS-minister wil zo snel mogelijk met de tekst naar het parlement trekken. .

De tekst zal niet enkel gericht zijn op de Luikse staalindustrie. Hij zal een algemene draagwijdte hebben en een leemte in de Belgische regelgeving opvullen. Frankrijk en Nederland beschikken al over gelijkaardige middelen, legde de minister uit.

De directie van het staalbedrijf heeft overigens gevraagd de minister de komende dagen te ontmoeten met het oog op een "verkennende onderhandeling". Volgens Marcourt heeft ze geen details gegeven over de aard van de onderhandelingen die ze wil openen. Marcourt wil van de gelegenheid gebruik maken om de staalreus "de vraag te stellen om afstand te doen van alle of een deel van de instrumenten".

De kwestie van een overnemer werd eveneens aangesneden tijdens de vergadering van de task force. De bank Degroof heeft 64 contacten met ondernemingen gehad. Er blijft vandaag nog een verkennende piste met een groep die gespecialiseerd is in de staalsector, die zich laat heeft aangeboden, aldus nog Marcourt. De media maakten de voorbije dagen gewag van een onderneming uit Qatar.

"Ons doel is nog steeds een geïntegreerde staalindustrie te behouden, zelfs al weten we dat het moeilijk zal zijn", benadrukte Marcourt.

Bij de vakbonden klonk tevredenheid dat de Waalse regering alle pistes wil gebruiken die zich aandienen. De socialistische vakbond riep de regering op de weg te openen voor een verwerving van de staalinstallaties door de overheid. De zaken zouden eenvoudiger zijn mocht een kandidaat-overnemer zich aandienen, erkende de voorzitter van de Luikse metaalafdeling van de vakbond, Francis Gomez.

De christelijke vakbond was wat voorzichtiger. "Het decreet zal zijn vruchten afwerpen indien er een kandidaat-overnemer is. We moeten niet nationaliseren om te nationaliseren", zei secretaris-generaal Jordan Atanasov van CSC-Metaal.

Bron: Belga
Michel B
Analisten zien licht voor ArcelorMittal

De koers van het metaalbedrijf ArcelorMittal cirkelt rond een historisch dieptepunt, maar analisten zijn hoopvol voor het bedrijf. De balans is versterkt en er is fors in de kosten gesneden. Het bedrijf is klaar om te profiteren van een economische opleving.
Het helpt allemaal niet mee

BRUSSEL (AFN) - De Waalse autoriteiten overwegen om een fabriek van staalfabrikant ArcelorMittal in Luik te nationaliseren. Het gaat om een productiefaciliteit die ArcelorMittal van plan is te sluiten, met het gevolg dat er circa 1300 banen verloren kunnen gaan.

De Waalse minister van Economie, Jean-Claude Marcourt, liet weten dat ,,zulke maatregelen bestaan’’, aldus persbureau Reuters. Volgens hem kunnen overheden fabrieken overnemen als het algemeen belang in het geding is. Marcourt doelde op een vergelijkbaar geval in Frankrijk, waar de regering een fabriek van ArcelorMittal zei te willen nationaliseren, als die inderdaad zou worden gesloten. Die zaak werd uiteindelijk met ArcelorMittal geschikt.
Chinese steelmakers challenge Platts iron ore pricing

Bloomberg reported that Chinese steelmakers are questioning the reliability of the main industry price index for the raw material provided by Platts, citing concerns about transparency and trading volume.

Mr Wang Liqun deputy general secretary of the China Iron & Steel Association said that “We are skeptical because we don’t know the size of the deal samples and how they work out the indexed prices. If the daily price is based only on one deal a day, can you trust it?”

Market participants including Jiangsu Shagang Group Co, China’s largest non state owned mill, have questioned whether buyers are sometimes paying too high a price. Mr Shen Wenming vice president of Jiangsu Shagang Group in an interview said that “We found the indexes often dropped slower when the spot market falls, while it always rises quicker when the spot rates move up. Indexed pricing dominates the market. Steelmakers don’t have a say but to follow.”

Much of the global trade, valued at about USD 180 billion, continues using Platts, the publisher of energy prices that was raided this month as part of an oil price-fixing probe. It became the leading price index after producers including Vale SA and Rio Tinto Group scrapped annual contract price talks in 2010.

China started its own spot trading platform last year, introducing a weighted average daily price in March.

Source - Bloomberg
Chinese aggressive stance on exports pushing global steel prices in down

The slide in steel export offers has deepened during the first 2 days of Week 22 with HR sliding to level of USD 490 FOB China, not seen since December 4th 2009 making it almost 3 ½ year low. Another major source that is Ukraine FOB has also touched USD 500 FOB mark.

Chinese steel sector is besieged with huge overcapacity amid slowdown in demand growth and due to a plethora of reasons the are churning steel at record pace resulting in surplus making them quite aggressive on export front.

CIS mills, under Chinese heat, are also forced to cut their prices. The softness in iron ore and coking coal prices is supporting these cuts

The main issue is where is the bottom? If we look at the cost side, considering current rates of USD 124 CFR for 63.5% iron ore and USD 150 CFR for Premium Low Vol Australian coking coal, hot metal comes to about USD 340, liquid steel USD 430, slab USD 460 and hot band USD 490. These numbers are for pure play steel mills buying both items on spot at global levels.

But the reality differs. Most of the CIS steel mills have captive sources of both iron ore and coal and their input costs are not clear but they are certainly lower. As far as China is concerned, it has been seen in past that due to unknown reasons they are able to sell much below global costs.

Secondly, the prices of both iron ore and coking coal are quite depressed and are heading south giving more room for price cut by steel mills. If we consider iron ore level of USD 100 and coking coal at USD 130, the hot band cost comes to USD 440.

This throws up possibility of further slide in FOB levels for steel export at China as well as Black Sea before prices rebound after hitting bottom, which is not yet known although quite close

Source - Strategic Research Institute
US raw steel production decreases last week

In the week ending May 25th 2013, domestic raw steel production was 1,850,000 net tonne while the capability utilization rate was 77.2%. Production was 1,970,000 tonne in the week ending May 25th 2012, while the capability utilization then was 79.2%.

The current week production represents a 6.1% decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending May 25th 2013 is down 2.8% from the previous week ending May 18th 2013 when production was 1,904,000 tonne and the rate of capability utilization was 79.5%.

Adjusted year to date production through May 25th 2013 was 38,564,000 tons, at a capability utilization rate of 76.6%. That is a 7.1% decrease from the 41,500,000 tonne during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 79.6%.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

Spot iron ore prices below USD 120

Spot iron ore prices in China have dipped below USD 120 mark fell to its lowest level for the year

According to Steel Index, benchmark 62% grade iron ore fell 2.6% to USD 117.80 per tonne the lowest since December 4th 2012.

The price has fallen more than 12% in May and have put many traders in tough situation. It is learnt that many of them are selling cargoes much cheaper than their buying prices as they don't believe iron ore prices will go up in the near term.

If the present pessimistic sentiment continues for some time, prices could go below USD 100 mark

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Australia shares could be constrained by drop in iron ore prices

Reuters reported that Australian shares could be hobbled by a possible hit to miners from a decline in iron ore prices to their weakest level this year, offsetting a rally on Wall Street as the Dow Jones closed at another record high.

1. Local share price index futures fell 1 point, a 6.7 point discount to the underlying S&P/ASX 200 index close. The benchmark rose 0.2% on Tuesday, snapping 5 day losing streak.

2. New Zealand's benchmark NZX 50 index rose 0.4% in early trade.

3. US stocks rose on Tuesday with the Dow closing at yet another record high after central banks reassured investors that they will retain policies designed to foster global growth.

4. Shanghai steel futures fell to near 9 month lows on Tuesday and spot iron ore prices were at their weakest this year as the risk that China's economic recovery could stall dampened demand for the commodities in the world's top consumer.

5. Copper rose after strong US housing and consumer confidence data lifted prospects for rising metals demand in the world's biggest economy although gains were capped by a stronger dollar and concerns over Chinese growth.

6. Gold fell 1% as an equities market rally driven by encouraging US home sales and consumer confidence data decreased bullion's safe haven appeal.

7. Rio Tinto Alcan has written to Japanese buyers asking for a premium of USD 254 per tonne over the LME cash price for July to September primary aluminium shipments.

8. Australian supermarket chain Wesfarmers Limited expects a full year net capital expenditure estimate of between USD 1.5 billion to USD 1.7 billion.

Source - Reuters
ArcelorMittal rondt verkoop belang in Canadese mijn af

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) heeft de eerder aangekondigde verkoop van een belang van 15% in een Canadese mijn aan een consortium onder leiding van POSCO (PKX) en China Steel Corporation (CISEY) afgerond.

De staalgigant verkocht het 15%-belang voor $1,1 miljard in contanten. ArcelorMittal Mines Canada, een volledige dochter van ArcelorMittal, behoudt de resterende 85% in de joint venture.

Door Ben Zwirs; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 52 00;

World Steel Association announces figures for 2012

The World Steel Association has published the 2013 edition of World Steel in Figures.

World Steel in Figures provides the latest updates on the global picture of the steel industry with key facts and statistics. The book contains comprehensive information on crude steel production, apparent steel use, pig iron production, steel trade, iron ore production and trade and scrap trade.

World Steel in Figures lists major steel-producing countries, top steel producing companies and top steel-consuming countries.

Major steel-producing countries 2012

China - 5 <-- Dit is volgens mij niet correct.
Japan - 107.2
United States - 88.7
India - 77.6
Russia - 70.4
South Korea - 42.7
Germany - 35.9
Turkey - 34.5
Brazil - 33.0
Ukraine - 33.0

In million tonne

Top steel producing companies 2012

ArcelorMittal - 93.6
Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation - 47.9
Hebei Group - 42.8
Baosteel Group - 42.7
POSCO - 39.9
Wuhan Group - 36.4
Shagang Group - 32.3
Shougang Group - 31.4
JFE - 30.4
Ansteel Group - 30.2

In million tonne

Countries with the highest apparent steel use per capita 2012

South Korea - 1,114.10
Taiwan, China - 769.8
Czech Republic - 565.0
Japan - 506.0
Austria - 484.9
China - 477.4
Germany - 459.8
Canada - 415.5
Belgium-Luxembourg - 392.5
Turkey - 381.9

In per kilogram

Source - Strategic Research Institute

Mooie lijst!
Belgium considers nationalization of ArcelorMittal plant in Liege

The government of Belgium's Wallonia region is considering whether to nationalize ArcelorMittal's steelworks in Liege, in an echo of a French plan that caused a stand off with the world's largest steelmaker last year.

ArcelorMittal said that it would shut most facilities at the Liege site with the likely loss of around 1,300 jobs due to weakening demand for steel in Europe.

Mr Jean Claude Marcourt a spokesman for the region's economy minister said that "It's a measure that exists. When the general interest is impacted, countries can take over major sites that put the economy of a country in peril."

He said that the Walloon government would examine whether to pass a law to nationalize the site, although it could be several months before such legislation is enacted.

A taskforce set up by Belgian PM Mr Elio Di Rupo in January was examining the future of the plant and a Qatari investment fund had expressed an interest, according to the government spokesman.

ArcelorMittal said that last year it would close 2 blast furnaces at its site in Florange, French Industry Minister Mr Arnaud Montebourg said the government could nationalize the whole site on a temporary basis until a buyer was found.

However, a dispute rumbled on for weeks until France dropped its threat after agreeing a deal with the company.

Source - Reuters

Italy steel manufacturers look abroad to cope with ILVA crisis

Reuters reported that Italian manufacturers have started to turn to foreign makers of flat steel, fearing supply disruptions at crisis hit ILVA, their usual provider now mired in an environmental and corruption inquiry.

The giant ILVA plant in the southern town of Taranto, which makes 40% of Italy's steel, is at the centre of a judicial probe over its toxic emissions.

Magistrates ordered its partial closure in July but the crisis reached a new height last week as they seized EUR 8.1 billion in assets from the controlling Riva family, triggering the resignation of the ILVA board.

Mr Enrico Letta PM of Italy said that government is desperate to preserve the largest plant in Italy's underdeveloped south, which produces almost all of the country's flat rolled steel for the automotive, shipping and white goods industries.

With crude steel output in the European Union running at around 30% above demand, the impact of a 25% drop in output from ILVA has been limited so far. But faced with the growing uncertainty, even traditional clients have started to try to diversify their suppliers.

Mr Luigi Lion from historic client Cimolai said that "We bought around 25,000 tonnes of steel from ILVA last year and were planning to buy a further 30,000 tonnes this year but have suspended all orders because we have no certainty that they will supply us."

Mr Lion said that his group got burned in November when magistrates seized 1.7 million tonnes of steel, including some of Cimolai's. The specialist bridge and viaduct manufacturer, urgently needs the steel to complete work on gates for the extension of the Panama Canal linking the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific.

He added that his group looked up suppliers in Germany, Austria and even India. It found the steel but faces higher transport costs, longer delivery times and, in the case of non-European suppliers, the obligation to pay upfront before delivery.

Meanwhile, carmaker Fiat, which in past years has sourced from ILVA 20% of its flat steel requirements for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, says it has been able to meet all its needs, given present ample supplies of steel in Europe.

Source - Reuters
ArcelorMittal launches CZK 1 billion project to cut emissions pollutants

Czech News Agency reported that steel producer ArcelorMittal Ostrava signed a contract on the delivery of technologies reducing nitrogen-oxide emissions with company CKD Praha DIZ Thursday, launching an environmental project worth over CZK 1 billion that will help it cut the amount of emitted pollutants.

AMO emitted the lowest amount of dust to the atmosphere last year. The amount was one-third lower compared with 2003, but the company still ranks among the biggest polluters of environment in the Moravskoslezsky region in northern Moravia.

The new technology is to bring a cut in annual nitrogen-oxide emissions by at least 600 tonnes a year, that is by one-quarter compared with 2012.

Construction of the new technological facility should start in July. Its launch into operation is scheduled for the beginning of 2015.

Mr Tapas Rajderkar CEO of AMO's and board of directors chairman said that the facility is a technology intensive and expensive solution and the best available technology. AMO launched desulphurising of boilers in the heating plant in 2011 already. The costs of the project will exceed CZK 500 million.

However, the company finances the boiler desulphurising from own resources, but it wants to use a European subsidy to pay for the reduction of nitrogen-oxide emissions. The subsidy should cover 40% of the project's costs.

Mr Petr Baranek, AMO's chief green officer and the CEO of company ArcelorMittal Energy Ostrava, said that "This investment will enable us to meet emissions limits set by European legislation, and to operate our heating plant also after 2016, which is a deadline by which the limits must be met in line with the European Union's relevant regulation on industrial emissions."

Source - Czech News Agency
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