Altijd leerzaam om voorgaande woordkeuzes bij eerdere updates en jaar berichten erbij te pakken;
Na boekjaar 2016 stelt de CEO;
Jan Sundelin (CEO) said:“2016 is an important year in the existence of the company. This was the first year in which we were able to fully combine our highly rated back-end integration expertise with front end channel management functionality. The result was the mid-year introduction of FLOW: “the world’s First Self Service Partner Automation Platform”, a truly novel solution bringing together all our product functionality in one self-service platform. We intend to continue our investments in further development, marketing and sales of FLOW in the coming years. 2016 was also the year in which the company has further homogenized its product suite. Our overall Q4 revenue came in below Q4 last year, as we strive to discontinue certain non-strategic activities, such as EU projects and other bespoke type of business, and replace that with our core FLOW solutions. This conversion process of our business will take at least another year. At the same time, our quarter on quarter increasing bottom line profitability confirms to us that we are on the right track”.
Na boekjaar 2017 stelt de CEO;
Jan Sundelin (CEO) said:“In 2017, we have also seen our non-FLOW business decline – as foreseen. Especially in the second half of 2017, the company was able to prove the viability of the FLOW strategy. The demand for our FLOW platform, combining highly rated back-end integration expertise with front end channel management functionality, is increasing as evidenced with strong Order Intake. We have signed up many new FLOW customers on our self-service platform. With our extended partner channel and expanded sales teams we will continue our investments in the roll out of FLOW in our markets. We intend to increase our marketing budgets to support these efforts. Higher sales and marketing costs can to some extend be mitigated by lower costs of delivery and implementation. However, in FY 2018 some margin pressure may be expected as a result of our increased marketing and sales efforts. Also the decline of non-FLOW business will continue in FY 2018.”
Na boekjaar 2018 stelt de CEO;
Jan Sundelin (CEO) said:“For 2018 we decided to step up our investments in marketing and sales. We hired additional sales staff and invested in additional marketing programs. All in all I am satisfied with the outcome. The additional investments have laid a foundation for the future as we have seen our sales funnel grow in 2018. Even with these additional investments our EBITDA is on track with 10% and we came in on plan. As planned, also in 2018, our non-FLOW business declined from € 3,3 mln (2017) to € 1,7 mln (2018). Our FLOW SaaS growth cannot compensate for this and as a consequence our top line revenue came in below 2017 level. For 2019 we plan to consolidate our investments and focus on running an efficient and lean product suite company with healthy margins.
De bijbehorende omzet- & Ebit ontwikkelingen;
Omzet Euro 22.2 Mln
Ebit Euro -/- 1.4 Mln (incidentele last EU subsidie)
Omzet Euro 20.2Mln
Ebit Euro 786 K
Omzet Euro 18.8 Mln
Ebit Euro -/- 2.1 Mln
Omzet Euro 16.8 Mln.
Ebit Euro 508K
2019 H-1;
Omzet Euro 7.7 Mln. (Euro 8.8 Mln)
Ebit Euro -/- 388 K ( Euro -/-250K)
Zo er sprake was van een "3-5 jaars omvormingsplan", o.b.v. een mislukte strategische keuze daarvoor, dan was het een vrij dure exercitie en is het vanaf nu "goud wat er blinkt", ook in de uitspraken.
Zo niet, dan kunnen nieuwe RvC & 6 grootaandeelhouders o.b.v. de afgelopen 3 jaar en uitspraken inmiddels hun mening vormen i.r.t. de broodnodige next steps c.q. volgende strategische herorientatie.