Uit het jaarverslag 2023
Mail in the Netherlands faces a challenging situation, with a continuous annual volume decline of 7 to 9 percent. Furthermore, the demand for mail to be delivered within a day has decreased even more significantly. This trend, combined with the sharp increase in labour costs, means that the universal service obligation (USO) will be loss-making from 2024 onwards, which will eventually apply to the entire mail business. Despite these challenges, it is our mission to keep postal services accessible and reliable, while maintaining realistic quality. After all, mail still plays a relevant role in our society.
This situation requires a fundamental change in our service framework, enabling PostNL to continue adapting to the declining volumes and changing customer demand in a socially and societally responsible manner. To make this necessary transformation possible, a change in the current regulations is needed. We ask the ministry and politicians to address this issue and to engage in dialogue about changing postal services. Together, we can ensure that we can sustainably maintain postal services in the Netherlands in the future. Through these changes, the postal company can achieve a return that is higher than the costs of capital for Mail in the Netherlands, ensuring that mail remains reliable and accessible for everyone in the Netherlands
Waarom accepteert het bestuur van PNL dat de UPD vanaf 2024 verlieslatend is? Het kan niet anders dan dat men dit al langer zag aankomen en toch greep men niet eerder/harder in. Het riekt bijna naar onbehoorlijk bestuur. Een bestuurder van een privaat bedrijf die zich volledig afhankelijk van de politiek en een verlieslatende tak in leven houdt, hoe is dat in overeenstemming met haar verantwoordelijkheid voor het (mede) behartigen van aandeelhoudersbelangen?