Wat betreft het ietwat tendentieuze IEX-artikel van Verhagen (in 6 weken zijn tweede negatieve/kritische IEX-artikel) over zijn twijfels over de groei, slaat hij met vergelijking Q3-2024 t.o.v. ultimo-2023 mis, als de auteur even daarvoor schreef dat Q3 in 2023 ook niet veel orders opleverde….
CEO Theon heeft steeds aangegeven dat de orders in Q4-2024 zouden worden afgerond. Toch wel jammer dat Verhagen na presentatie van H1 en Q3-2024 nog steeds niet het transcript van de webcast H1-2024 heeft doorgenomen.
Christian Hadjiminas: Yes, I would like to conclude by saying we feel very confident about the ability to have in the last quarter, like we have all those years to increase the order intake. Just to say that from one country that Philippe mentioned earlier, we already participate in the release tenders, which are worth half a billion. I'm not talking about any options we have on the existing contracts, but new fresh contracts have already started.
And just now after holidays, they have just been released and they have proper budget allocation already. It's half a billion that just from one country that Theon participates. So, plus, we have a very, very - we have a - we are in negotiations with various contracts, larger contracts in the Middle East.
So, that's why we feel that during the last Q4, we will have much, much better feasibility, which in turn will allow us to give a conservative, but a proper guidance for '25 mostly, and maybe '26.