27,239,764New Ordinary Shares will be issued through the Firm Placing at the Offer Price to raise gross proceeds of approximately €28.6million and 16,855,474New Ordinary Shares will be issued through the Placing and Open Offer at the Offer Price to raise gross proceeds of approximately €17.7million•The Offer Price of €1.05represents a 10.3% discount to the closing middle-market price of an Existing Ordinary Share listed on Euronext Amsterdam, and a 7.6%discount to the closing middle-market price of an Existing Ordinary Sharequoted on AIM on 27November 2019, being the last practicable date prior to the publication of this announcement•The Issue is being fully underwritten by Numis Securities Limited(“Numis”), Investec Bank plc (“Investec”) and NIBC Bank N.V. (together the “Joint Underwriters”) •The Issue is conditional on, among other things, the approval by the Company’s shareholders of resolutionsauthorisingthe Directors to allot, and to disapply pre-emption rights in respect of,the New Ordinary Sharesat a general meeting of the Company which will take place at 9:00 a.m.(GMT)on 20December 2019,and admission of theNew OrdinaryShares to listing and trading on Euronext Amsterdam and to trading on AIMbecoming effective by no later than 8:00 a.m. (GMT) on 23December 2019 (or such later time and/or date as the Company and the Joint Underwriters may determine)