ProveIT schreef op 24 mei 2018 19:43:
LCD : L37005 Laatste update 17/04 en effectief vanaf 01/05/2018
Wijziging die ik zie tov voor de update is oa het wegvallen van het laatste punt ivm CTR : maar 7 ipv 8 condities meer :
Nog andere aanpassingen waarvan ze spreken in de update van 1 mei :
05/01/2018 Removed the following information: CDD from the title, all the information related to the Certification and Training Registry, PASCUAL clinical trial & data collection. Added information regarding clinical studies in the first paragraph, and updated the summary of evidence with “for all prostate cancer and 96% for high-grade disease” and “
Further analysis demonstrated that the assay test results combined with traditional clinical risk factors improved patient risk stratification and significantly outperformed current risk prediction models such as the Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial Risk Calculator (PCPTRC 2.0) and PSA