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Commentaar van een demograaf op Trump:

"Nog meer dan andere crises lijkt deze crisis alle andere te overtreffen. Volgens Ken Rogoff lijkt de huidige crisis iedere crisis van de afgelopen 150 jaar te overtreffen. Dat zijn krasse woorden. Maar is het echt zo? Hieronder ... bekijk ik de staat van de Verenigde Staten (VS), een land dat nog steeds een bepalende stem heeft in de wereld. Het is echter ook een land in verval, een land waar het onconventionele monetaire beleid het nieuwe normaal is geworden en daarmee riskante trekken vertoont. En last but not least, het is een land dat zijn lot in handen heeft gegeven van een ‘crackpot’. Ondanks dit alles zijn de VS nog altijd een factor van belang in de wereld, ook al wordt er steeds meewariger naar dit land gekeken.
De huidige monetaire onzekerheid heeft derhalve een uitzonderlijk karakter en op zich is dat ook niet zo gek. De activa die op de balans van de Fed staan krijgen een nog heterogener en onbekender karakter dan voorheen, en tegelijkertijd is het afbouwen van onconventionele activa van de Fed (of zoals Trump dat beleid betitelt ‘funny money’) dat de laatste jaren langzaam op gang kwam abrupt gestopt. Daarnaast heeft de VS te maken met een president die in menig persconferentie zijn eigen centrale bankpresident herhaaldelijk afvalt en zinspeelt op een demotie van Powell. [...]
Gelet op de aanstaande verkiezingen is het te verwachten dat deze ‘trigger-happy’ president voor nog meer onzekerheid zal zorgen. Maar ten diepste wordt de onzekerheid gevoed door de groeiende angst voor een experiment dat nog nooit in vredestijd is uitgevoerd: een economie waarvan groot deel van de motoren noodgedwongen is uitgezet voor het hogere doel: mensenlevens sparen.
Moet ‘social distancing’ oftewel de 1,5-metereconomie meer ruimte krijgen, ook al loop je het risico dat er weer een nieuwe uitbraak komt? Als de Spaanse griep enige ervaring kan bieden dan is het wellicht dat dit dilemma helemaal niet bestaat. Correira et al. (2020) laten zien wat de Spaanse griep, die heerste van 1918 tot 1921, met de Amerikaanse economie deed. De VS had 600 duizend doden te betreuren en als gevolg hiervan ontstond een diepe recessie (de productie daalde met 18%) en een aanzienlijke deflatie tot juli 1921. Op basis van de handelwijzen van verschillende staten in de VS laten zij zien dat regio’s die eerder en feller hebben ingegrepen niet alleen minder doden hadden te betreuren, maar ook sneller economisch herstelden na de pandemie.
Jongeren verwachten in de VS voor de korte termijn dat ongeveer 50 procent van hun inkomen weg zal vallen, en zelfs ouderen verwachten een teruggang van 20 procent. Het is genoegzaam bekend dat in de VS de verdeeldheid tussen aanhangers van republikeinen en democraten groot is. Momenteel is het algemene sentiment niet gunstig voor Trump: men vindt dat hij te laat actie heeft ondernomen, men vreest dat het ergste nog moet komen, en de meerderheid vreest ook dat hij de ‘lockdown’ te vroeg zal beëindigen (Pew Reserach, 2020). De belangrijkste speler in het populistisch geweld op dit moment is uiteraard Trump zelf: de leider van een van de belangrijkste delen van de wereld heeft geen idee wat hij doet en zijn ‘animal spirits’ hebben onverminderd de overhand in gedrag en uitlatingen. Met de verkiezingen op komst zal Trump er alles - goedschiks of kwaadschiks - aan doen om de goede tijden zo snel mogelijk te laten terugkeren. In tijden van fundamentele onzekerheid en is dat een explosief mengsel."

Beperktedijkbewaking schreef op 7 mei 2020 08:33:

....Met de verkiezingen op komst zal Trump er alles - goedschiks of kwaadschiks - aan doen om de goede tijden zo snel mogelijk te laten terugkeren.
"goede tijden zo snel mogelijk te laten terugkeren" dat is toch waar een staatshoofd voor zou moeten zitten en wat je elk land zou moeten gunnen.

Vergeet al het andere geroezemoes, vooral van niet-Amerikanen die overal een mening over willen spuien.

NewKidInTown schreef op 7 mei 2020 08:52:

"goede tijden zo snel mogelijk te laten terugkeren" dat is toch waar een staatshoofd voor zou moeten zitten en wat je elk land zou moeten gunnen.

Vergeet al het andere geroezemoes, vooral van niet-Amerikanen die overal een mening over willen spuien.
Wij als NL zijn de oudste bondgenoot van de VS. Hun pilgrim fathers vertrokken trouwens uit Delfshaven. Zij bevrijdden ons, samen met de Canadezen.
We behoren ook tot de belangrijkste investeerders in de VS.

Als westerse democratieën spelen de VS en NL een belangrijke rol in vele allianties en internationale organisaties. Dat Trump daar lullig tegen doet, en zich half en half daaruit dreigt terug te trekken (WHO, NATO, WTO) gaat ons rechtstreeks aan.
Heel misschien heeft hij soms op een enkel puntje gelijk (al kan hij een maand later het omgekeerde beweren, de man is een opportunistische draaikont), denk niet dat hij zoiets ooit met Rutte of Merkel zal overleggen.

Ik heb als NLstaatsburger om al deze redenen het volste recht om een oordeel over Trump te hebben.

James Carville, veteran democratic strategist, over Brad Parscale, trump's 2020 camping manager ;

Carville: Look what his campaign is doing. They’re a pack of grifters (zakkenvullers, graaiers).. His campaign manager got two condos, a Ferrari, a yacht, a Range Rover and they’re all just fleecing the campaign. This is all about making money and they’re going in there and giving him fake polls.

video 0:45 minuut

Republican donor tapped to lead struggling U.S. Postal Service
Trump has long railed against the Postal Service, saying the agency has been swindled by e-commerce giants like Amazon.

Businessman Louis DeJoy, a top donor to President Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee, has been picked to be the new head of the U.S. Postal Service.

DeJoy, a native of Brooklyn, New York, is a North Carolina-based businessman who formerly ran New Breed Corp., a private logistics and distribution company in Greensboro. He replaces Postmaster General Megan Brennan, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama in 2015 and was the first woman to hold the position.

DeJoy's appointment was made on Wednesday by the Postal Service's Board of Governors.

DeJoy is a large contributor to the president and other Republicans. Since January, he has donated over $360,000 to the president's re-election campaign and about $70,000 to the Republican National Committee, according to campaign finance data from the Federal Elections Commission.

Trump has long railed against the Postal Service, particularly claiming the agency has been swindled by e-commerce giants that use the post office to send out millions of packages, such as Amazon.

Late last month, Trump blasted the Postal Service as "a joke" and vowed to block financial aid for the struggling agency unless it raised prices for packages "four times or five times."

Trump has called for the post office to hit Amazon and other tech companies with much higher prices for packages to make up for its budget woes. The president has also signaled that he won't support giving the agency billions of dollars in loans as the administration tries to protect the economy with aid packages during the coronavirus pandemic.

"They don't want to raise it, because they don't want to insult Amazon," Trump said at the time. "If they don't raise the price, I'm not signing anything."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told reporters last month that Trump is looking to privatize the agency, which she called a "very big danger" for the country, especially in the middle of the coronavirus outbreak.

Trump, however, later tweeted: "I will never let our Post Office fail."

The appointment has already drawn criticism from some lawmakers.

Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-Va., chairman of the Oversight subcommittee on government operations, which oversees the agency, said in a phone interview Wednesday that the nomination raises eyebrows.

"I have no idea — is he is just going to take his marching orders from a hostile Donald Trump and an acolyte [Treasury Secretary] Steve Mnuchin, or is he going to embrace a broader responsibility as the new Postmaster General?" said Connolly, adding that he finds the move "anything but reassuring."

"It is somewhat alarming," he said.

However, in a 2004 interview, DeJoy told the Greensboro, North Carolina, News & Record that Trump was not his vision of executive leadership.

"I'd be fired," he said, referring to Trump's hit NBC reality show at the time, "The Apprentice." "That attitude that you are the most important person is self-destructive."


Een mega donor van Trump aan het hoofd van US Postal Service.

Er gaan stemmen op om het stemmen per post te bevorderen, met name met het corona virus.
Trump is erop tegen om per post te stemmen.
Maar als nu een grote vriend van hem de leiding van US Postal Service heeft kan men zich afvragen hoe hij de stemming kan beïnvloeden.


Grote ruzie op twitter tussen Steve Mnuchin, Minister van financiën, en Axl Rose van de band Guns N' Roses

Axl Rose twitterde :
It’s official! Whatever anyone may have previously thought of Steve Mnuchin he’s officially an asshole.

Steve Mnuchin reageerde :

What have you done for the country lately?

Waarop er op twitter grote bijval voor Axl Rose was en Mnuchin's verleden werd opgerakeld.

Mnuchin’s initial tweet, according to screenshots, featured a flag of Liberia rather than that of the United States.

He deleted the tweet and replaced it with one with the proper flag.

Mnuchin asked a question... and his critics were only happy to step in and join the fun and games with some answers

Mnuchin heeft een redelijk corrupt verleden



Steve Mnuchin was actief als filmproducent.

Richtte tientallen brievenbus firma's opgericht door Steve Mnuchin (geldwit wassen) die vervolgens onder chapter 11 faillissement aanvroegen.

Hier een copy van de brievenbus firma's van Steve Mnuchin.

United States Bankruptcy Court
notice of deadline for filing proofs of claims



These are Mnuchin’s greatest hits. Welcome to the Corruption Jungle.


Steve Mnuchin heeft als bankeigenaar One West bank een 90 jarige vrouw haar huis uitgezet omdat er een fout van 27 dollar cent in haar betaling zat.


Voor de critici op George Soros

artikel augusts 2015
OneWest-CIT Merger to Create County's Largest Bank

CIT Group Inc. in Livingston, N.J. announced Monday it has completed its previously announced acquisition of Pasadena’s OneWest Bank for about $3.4 billion in cash and stock.

The deal received approval from regulators on July 21, almost exactly one year after it was first announced – and despite substantial opposition to the deal from several community groups, most notably San Francisco’s California Reinvestment Coalition.

CIT currently specializes in commercial lending and leasing. As part of the deal CIT’s banking unit, CIT Bank, will merge into OneWest’s retail bank, creating by far the largest bank headquartered in Los Angeles County, with more than $65 billion in assets.

Under the terms of the deal, current shareholders in OneWest’s parent company, IMB Holdco, will receive about $1.9 billion in cash and nearly 31 million shares of CIT stock, which currently trades at about $47 a share. They will also receive about 168,000 CIT restricted stock units.

It’s a huge financial win for OneWest’s backers, who include hedge funder managers Steven Mnuchin and George Soros. They formed OneWest out of the wreckage of failed mortgage lender IndyMac Bank and benefited from an agreement with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. under which the government agency absorbed much of the losses on the institution’s bad debt.

The investors have already pulled more than $2 billion in dividends from the bank, and stand to reap another windfall as a result of the acquisition by CIT.

CIT also benefited from a financial crisis-era sweetener: it received $2.3 billion as part of the Troubled Asset Relief Program and failed to pay it back before it went bankrupt.


Steve Mnuchin was zakenpartner van George Soros.
Tijdens de crisis 2008 /2009 ging hypotheek verstrekker IndyMac failliet werd opgekocht door Steve Mnuchin en George Soros.
Grote delen van de schulden werden overgenomen door de regering van Obama die probeerde de huizen crisis te herstellen.
De investeerders hadden al ruim $ 2 miljard ontvangen aan dividend

Steven Mnuchin is zeer gefortuneerd uit de 2009 huizen crisis gekomen, dankzij het steunpakket van Obama.


Steve Mnuchin had in zijn originele tweet de vlag van Liberia.
Heeft hij hersteld door de vlag van de US erop te zetten.

Er is echter wel een screen shot gemaakt van de tweet met de vlag van Liberia :

Deze Minister van Financiën werkt niet echt nauwkeurig.

De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump heeft de COVID-19-pandemie de "ergste aanval" op de Verenigde Staten ooit genoemd. Vanuit zijn Oval Office wees hij woensdag opnieuw met een beschuldigende vinger naar China.

Trump zei dat de virusuitbraak de VS harder heeft getroffen dan de Japanse luchtaanvallen op Pearl Harbor in de Tweede Wereldoorlog en de aanslag op het World Trade Center op 11 september 2001.

WAT een toeval toch dat het ook nog eens samenvalt met de meest idiote megalomane en
narcistische president die je je maar kunt indenken.

het onvermijdelijke leedvermaak staat tegenover de negatieve impact van het virus
en de kans dat deze onbenul nog maanden de kans krijgt om zich heen te slaan
en de hele wereld te beschuldigen van alles wat 'hem' overkomt.

Steve Mnuchin accepteert niet dat men hem de bijnaam foreclosure king geeft.

artikel augustus 2017
Steven Mnuchin is miffed as heck, and he’s not going to take it anymore.”I take great offense to anybody who calls me the foreclosure king,” the Treasury Secretary and former Goldman Sachs banker told a Congressional hearing late last week.

At issue is the role of Mnuchin’s banking adventure at OneWest, a bank that like many others used questionable practices to foreclose on thousands of American families. Mnuchin argues OneWest was simply following standard industry practices, even if these came to be widely viewed as reprehensible.

His critics, including community leaders and Democratic politicians, say the bank, began the practice of pushing homeowners out of their homes en masse late in the game, when many Wall Street firms had already been reprimanded for similar practices. OneWest spawned from the failure of mortgage lender IndyMac in July 2008 and was active in states ranging from California to Ohio.

Steve Mnuchin
artikel december 2016 :


His time at Goldman was practically charity work by comparison.

Since it was announced Tuesday evening that Donald Trump will nominate Steven Mnuchin for Treasury secretary, a lot of time has been spent focusing on the 17 years Mnuchin worked at Goldman Sachs and whether it should disqualify him for the job. And while some might argue that having Goldman Sachs on your résumé helps qualify a person for this sort of position, the fact that the president-elect spent much of his campaign telling Americans not to vote for Hillary Clinton, in part, because she is “owned” by the bank (not to mention running an ad demonizing C.E.O. Lloyd Blankfein as part of a sinister “global power structure”) makes his decision to give multiple people from the firm—including, maybe, its No. 2 employee—top positions in his administration somewhat hypocritical.

Of course, focusing on Goldman Sachs obscures the far more terrible achievements of Mnuchin’s own career, like producing Suicide Squad. There was also the time he literally forced people out of their homes while he was running OneWest, the lender he sold last year for a personal gain of several millions of dollars. As Bloomberg previously reported, OneWest “carried out more than 36,000 foreclosures during Mnuchin’s reign,” earning the bank a reputation as a “foreclosure machine.” Here, some highlights of Mnuchin’s company’s work:

Changing the locks on Leslie Parks’s Minneapolis house, during a blizzard.

Allegedly refusing to negotiate with Greg Horoski and his wife, Diane Yano-Horoski, when the couple fell behind on payments due to Horoski getting sick; treating them, in the words of Judge Jeffrey Spinner, to “mortifying abuse”; and generally acting in a manner that was not only “inequitable, unconscionable, vexatious and opprobrious” but also “harsh, repugnant, shocking and repulsive.” (OneWest commented at the time, “We respectfully disagree with the lower court’s unprecedented ruling,” which wiped out the $525,000 the couple owed in mortgage payments. It also claimed it had been “extremely active in working with consumers on home loan modifications through the Obama administration’s Home Affordable Modification Program and other loan modification initiatives.”)

Allegedly sending a homeowner’s name to a debt collector who proceeded to “call her 81 times in a single day.”

And the pièce de résistance: reportedly foreclosing on a 90-year-old woman, Ossie Lofton, who owed the bank 30 cents but sent a check for 3 cents.

By comparison, Mnuchin’s time at Goldman was akin to working as a volunteer in Ethiopia, feeding and bathing orphans, and walking multiple miles for clean water in his personal time. If only he’d stuck to being a pawn of the “global power structure,” we might all be a little better off.


Steve Mnuchin

OneWest Bank to cough up cash over racial bias allegations during Mnuchin’s reign
HUD approves bank's deal to settle allegations of redlining in Southern California

OneWest Bank is finally able to put two-year-old allegations of housing discrimination to rest as the Department of Housing and Urban Development approved a settlement Monday that will see the bank hand over a chunk of change to end the ordeal.

The settlement resolves the dispute between the California Reinvestment Coalition and CIT Group, which includes its subsidiary, OneWest Bank.

OneWest was founded by a group of private equity investors led by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin.

Mnuchin and his partners formed OneWest from the remains of IndyMac Federal Bank in 2009. At the time of the alleged discrimination, Mnuchin was as OneWest’s chairman, while the current Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting was CEO.

The agreement approved Monday settles a 2017 complaint filed with HUD by the California Reinvestment Coalition accusing OneWest of failing to locate bank branches in communities of color and, from 2014 to at least 2017, extending very few or no mortgages to borrowers of color – a process commonly referred to as redlining.

As part of the settlement, OneWest did not admit to any wrongdoing, but agreed to invest $7.3 million in several programs designed to support minority homeownership. The deal includes $5 million earmarked to subsidize home loans for minorities in Southern California and the opening of a full-service branch in a minority and low- to moderate-income neighborhood.

“Homeownership is the foundation of the American dream,” Anna Maria Farías, HUD’s assistant secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, said in a statement. “Today’s settlement is an important step toward ensuring access to that dream for all borrowers, regardless of their race or national origin.”


Al Kipone
Twee artikelen, en dan koffie:

34 days of pandemic: Inside Trump’s desperate attempts to reopen America

...For Trump — whose decision-making has been guided largely by his reelection prospects — the analysis, coupled with Hassett’s grim predictions of economic calamity, provided justification to pivot to where he preferred to be: cheering an economic revival rather than managing a catastrophic health crisis.

Trump directed his coronavirus task force to issue guidelines for reopening businesses, encouraged “LIBERATE” protests to apply pressure on governors and proclaimed that “the cure can’t be worse than the problem itself” — even as polls showed that Americans were far more concerned about their personal safety....



A set of detailed documents created by the nation’s top disease investigators meant to give step-by-step advice to local leaders deciding when and how to reopen public places such as mass transit, day care centers and restaurants during the still-raging pandemic has been shelved by the Trump administration.

The 17-page report by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention team, titled “Guidance for Implementing the Opening Up America Again Framework,” was researched and written to help faith leaders, business owners, educators and state and local officials as they begin to reopen.

It was supposed to be published last Friday, but agency scientists were told the guidance “would never see the light of day,” according to a CDC official. The official was not authorized to talk to reporters and spoke to The Associated Press on the condition of anonymity.

The AP obtained a copy from a second federal official who was not authorized to release it. The guidance was described in AP stories last week, prior to the White House decision to shelve it.

The Trump administration has been closely controlling the release of guidance and information during the pandemic spurred by a new coronavirus that scientists are still trying to understand, with the president himself leading freewheeling daily briefings until last week.

Traditionally, it’s been the CDC’s role to give the public and local officials guidance and science-based information during public health crises. During this one, however, the CDC has not had a regular, pandemic-related news briefing in nearly two months. CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield has been a member of the White House coronavirus task force, but largely absent from public appearances.

The dearth of real-time, public information from the nation’s experts has struck many current and former government health officials as dangerous.

“CDC has always been the public health agency Americans turn to in a time of crisis,” said Dr. Howard Koh, a Harvard professor and former health official in the Obama administration during the H1N1 swine flu pandemic in 2009. “The standard in a crisis is to turn to them for the latest data and latest guidance and the latest press briefing. That has not occurred, and everyone sees that.”

The Trump administration has instead sought to put the onus on states to handle COVID-19 response. This approach to managing the pandemic has been reflected in President Donald Trump’s public statements, from the assertion that he isn’t responsible for the country’s lackluster early testing efforts, to his description last week of the federal government’s role as a “supplier of last resort” for states in need of testing aid.

White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany echoed that at a briefing Wednesday. “We’ve consulted individually with states, but as I said, it’s (a) governor-led effort. It’s a state-led effort on ... which the federal government will consult. And we do so each and every day.”

The rejected reopening guidance was described by one of the federal officials as a touchstone document that was to be used as a blueprint for other groups inside the CDC who are creating the same type of instructional materials for other facilities.

The guidance contained detailed advice for making site-specific decisions related to reopening schools, restaurants, summer camps, churches, day care centers and other institutions. It had been widely shared within CDC, and included detailed “decision trees,” flow charts to be used by local officials to think through different scenarios. One page of the document can be found on the CDC website via search engines, but it did not appear to be linked to any other CDC pages.


Al Kipone schreef op 7 mei 2020 14:32:

En ondertussen is trump bezig Obamacare te ontmantelen.
President Trump: "We've already pretty much killed [ObamaCare]."

video 1:30 minuut

Trump attacks whistleblower who was reassigned after raising concerns about pandemic response

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump lashed out at Dr. Rick Bright, the public health official who filed a whistleblower complaint against the administration after being reassigned from a vaccine program.

“I never met Dr. Bright. I don’t know who he is,” Trump told reporters. “I didn’t hear good things about him. To me, he seems like a disgruntled employee that’s trying to help the Democrats.”

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