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Production restrictions in Tangshan and Handan extended to Q2 – Report

Reuters, citing industry sources, reported that steel mills in the two biggest steelmaking cities in China, Tangshan and Handan, will be required to continue production restrictions in the second quarter as part of local governments’ efforts to improve air quality. Sources said “Mills in the two cities will have to cut back the operations at about 20 % of their blast furnaces under the restrictions for the April to June period, down from 30% for the restrictions during the November to March period.”

One of the sources, an executive at a steel mill in Tangshan with output of 11 million tonnes per year, tod Reuters “We received oral notices from the local government to carry on production restrictions in the second quarter, but the enforcement will be more sophisticated. Based on our calculation, the average production cuts would be around 20 percent throughout April to June.”

Industrial emissions are a major source of air pollution. Local governments in smog-prone northern China have ordered factories during the past two years to cut output during the Northern Hemisphere winter to meet air quality targets set by Beijing.

Source : Reuters
Neways neemt intrek in nieuwe fabriek in China

Gepubliceerd op 2 apr 2019 om 15:23 | Views: 0

Neways 14:59
13,15 +0,35 (+2,73%)

SON (AFN) - Neways Electronics heeft zijn intrek genomen in een nieuwe fabriek in China. De fabrikant van elektrotechnische componenten heeft in het nieuwe gebouw nabij het vliegveld van Wuxi een ruimte van 7200 vierkante meter ter beschikking en kan daarmee beschikken over 30 procent meer capaciteit.

Alle kwaliteitscontroles zijn succesvol afgerond. Volgens Neways zijn de faciliteiten op de nieuwe locatie beter dan op de vorige.
Beursblik: Chinese inkopers geven positief signaal

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese inkoopmanagersindices laten een duidelijke verbetering zien. Dit concludeerde econoom Arjen van Dijkhuizen van ABN AMRO, wijzend op zowel de officiële inkoopmanagersindices als die van Caixin en Markit in de afgelopen dagen.

Overigens houdt de sterke verbetering in maart volgens Van Dijkhuizen mogelijk deels verband met het weer opstarten van economische activiteiten na de lange vakantieperiode rond het Chinese nieuwjaar van begin februari.

Nadat in november 2018 de klad kwam in de Chinese export en import, zijn er inmiddels tekenen van stabilisatie. Volgens ABN AMRO is dat mogelijk ingegeven door de hoop op een handelsdeal tussen de VS en China. Wel verwacht Van Dijkhuizen dat de groei van de uitvoer en invoer op jaarbasis dit jaar "duidelijk lager blijft dan het forse tempo van 2017 en 2018".

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
'Meeste pijnpunten China en VS weggewerkt'

Gepubliceerd op 3 apr 2019 om 08:27 | Views: 3.490

WASHINGTON (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Verenigde Staten en China hebben de meeste twistpunten in hun onderhandelingen over een nieuwe handelsovereenkomst weggewerkt. Toch zijn er nog enkele obstakels op weg naar een definitief akkoord, laten ingewijden weten aan zakenkrant Financial Times. Onderhandelaars steggelen vooral over de toekomst van importtarieven op Chinese goederen en de manier waarop het uiteindelijke akkoord moet worden gehandhaafd.

Later op de dag ontmoet de Chinese vicepremier Liu He de Amerikaanse handelsgezant Robert Lighthizer en minister van Financiën Steven Mnuchin. Als die gesprekken tot een doorbraak leiden, tekenen de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump en zijn Chinese ambtsgenoot Xi Jinping mogelijk deze maand een definitief akkoord.

Gedurende de vier maanden van onderhandelingen hebben de Chinezen beloofd flink meer landbouwgoederen, grondstoffen en luchtvaartonderdelen te importeren uit de VS. Die stap moet een einde maken aan het grote handelsoverschot van de Chinezen met de Amerikanen, een punt dat Trump meermaals als reden gaf voor zijn importheffingen. Daarnaast belooft China de eigen markt verder open te stellen voor buitenlandse ondernemers

De grote vraag is nu wat er gebeurt met de invoerheffingen als er een deal komt. China wil dat die volledig worden geschrapt, maar de Amerikanen willen ze juist deels in stand houden om druk op de ketel te houden. Naar verluidt wil Lighthizer ook een bepaling dat de VS eenzijdig importtarieven mogen instellen als China handelsafspraken schendt, zonder dat Peking met dezelfde soort maatregelen kan terugslaan. De Volksrepubliek weigert dit, omdat daarmee soevereiniteit van het land in het geding is.
Chinese dienstensector groeit harder

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in maart in een beduidend hoger tempo gegroeid dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek woensdag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector kwam uit op 54,4, na een stand in februari van 51,1.

Eerder deze week bleek dat de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie in maart was gestegen van 49,9 naar 50,8.

Daarmee steeg de samengestelde index van 50,7 in februari naar 52,9 in maart, waarmee de index op het hoogste niveau sinds juni 2018 stond.

Al met al "voorzichtige signalen van herstel", aldus econoom Zhengsheng Zhong van Caixin. Maar volgens de econoom is meer bewijs nodig om te kunnen constateren dat de Chinese economie stabiliseert.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Ford mikt op tientallen introducties in China

Gepubliceerd op 3 apr 2019 om 12:16 | Views: 419

SHANGHAI (AFN/RTR) - Automaker Ford maakt werk van uitbreiding in China, waar het de laatste tijd juist kampt met tanende verkopen. De Amerikanen zijn van plan de komende drie jaar ruim dertig nieuwe modellen op de Chinese markt te brengen. Ongeveer een derde van de nieuwe auto's betreft een elektrisch aangedreven voertuig.

Ford kondigde eerder al aan dat het in de periode tot 2025 tientallen nieuwe en gepimpte auto's in de Chinese markt wil zetten. Met de aankondiging woensdag zette Ford een duidelijkere stip op de horizon. Het bedrijf wil ook de relatie met Chinese partners verbeteren en steekt geld in de werving en selectie van met name Chinese vakkrachten.

China is na de VS de belangrijkste markt voor Ford. Vorig jaar daalden de opbrengsten in het land met ruim een derde, na een omzetdaling van 6 procent in 2017. Ford zelf wijt de daling onder meer aan het ontbreken van nieuwe modellen. Volgens marktkenners zitten ook handelsspanningen tussen China en de VS de verkopen van Ford dwars.
China’s import of aluminium scrap in Jan-Feb decline 33% YoY

SMM reported that data from China Customs showed that China imported 206,200 tonnes of aluminium scrap in the first two months of 2019, down 33.41%, or 103,500 tonne from the same period of 2018. China’s exports of unwrought aluminium alloy, however, rose 15,300 tonne or 21.62% in January-February. The data combined figures for January and February to smooth out distortions caused by the week-long Lunar New Year holiday.

Chinese aluminium alloy producers usually use imported aluminium scrap as raw materials to avoid duties of 15% on exports of unwrought aluminium alloy. Such exports of unwrought aluminium alloy accounted for 95.93% of the total in 2018.

Source : SMM
Zhongwang to set up 1 million tonne aluminium plant in Luoyang in Henan Province

Reuters reported that aluminium product manufacturer China Zhongwang Holdings will invest CNY 21 billion (USD 3.13 billion) in a deep-processing plant in Luoyang in central China’s Henan province. The plant will have annual output capacity of 1 million tonnes of extrusions, including automotive body parts and aluminium furniture initially and is targeting annual sales revenue of over CNY 41 billion

A spokeswoman for Zhongwang confirmed the planned investment, which she said would come in stages, and production capacity, but said it was too early to give a timeframe for the start of the project.

Source : Reuters
China opens Nansha Bridge in Guangdong Province with 5G network

Daily Pakistan reported that China’s state-asset regulator announced a bridge opened earlier this week in the southern province of Guangdong is the country’s first bridge with a 5G network. Also known as the Humen Second Bridge, the 40.5-meter-wide Nansha Bridge is the world’s widest steel box girder suspension bridge. Linking Guangzhou and Dongguan, two major cities in the Greater Bay Area, the bridge is designed for a traffic speed of 100 kph and expected to greatly relieve traffic pressure in the area.

As the latest major transport project in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the 12.89-km bridge began to provide 4g and 5G services on the day (April 2) it opened, according to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. To ensure smooth network connectivity, telecommunication base stations were launched on the towers and lamp posts of the bridge, an innovative technique, said the commission.

The Nansha Bridge adopts a two-way eight-lane highway standard, and is expected to handle 120,000 vehicles per day.

Source : Daily Pakistan
Trump ziet VS en China deal naderen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Verenigde Staten en China zullen in de komende vier weken een handelsdeal sluiten. Dit zei de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump donderdagavond laat.

Trump maakte evenwel geen datum bekend voor een ontmoeting met de Chinese president Xi Jinping. Daarop hoopte de markt wel, omdat dit een signaal zou zijn dat de onderhandelingen inderdaad in een eindfase zitten.

"Dit is een epische deal, historisch, als het gebeurt", zei Trump. "We zullen zien wat er gebeurt."

Hoewel de onderhandelingen volgens de president en zijn team in de laatste fase zitten, waarschuwden zij dat er nog altijd problemen te overwinnen zijn en dat vooralsnog de importheffingen op Chinese goederen van kracht blijven.

Er zijn nog "grote, grote problemen", zei handelsgezant Robert Lighthizer. "We boeken zeker meer vooruitgang dan we hadden gedacht toen we begonnen", voegde hij evenwel toe.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Crude steel production capacity in Hebei Province to be capped at 200 million tonnes

China Daily reported that crude steel production capacity in Hebei province and Tianjin will be capped at 200 million tonnes and 15 milleion tonns by 2020, as part of China's efforts to optimize the iron and steel industry. Mr Lyu Guixin, an inspector with the raw material department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said "There is too much capacity in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the surrounding areas, as well as the Yangtze River Delta region. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region takes up only 2.2% of China's territory, but accounts for 25% of the nation's crude steel output. Most of the steel firms in the region still use blast furnaces that are more polluting than electric furnaces, which results in huge energy consumption and pollution discharge burdens. To better protect the environment, it is not enough to relocate the production capacity from one place to another within a province as some local governments have done.”

Lyu revealed that the authorities will carry out a random inspection on illegal steel production activities this year, through means such as satellite remote sensing, electricity consumption monitoring, and illegal production activity reporting platforms.

Although official figures from the Chinese authorities are not available, Zeng Jiesheng, chief analyst with steel e-commerce platform Ouyeel.com, told Chinese media earlier that the iron and steel capacity of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region stood at about 280 million tonnes.

Source : China Daily
Bus terminal moved by Chinese engineers in 40 days

Daily Mail reported that engineers in a Chinese city have moved a bus terminal to a new location by pushing the entire five storey building across the ground. To relocate the massive 30,000-tonne structure whole, workers put hundreds of hydraulic jacks under it and laid rolling tracks for it to slide along. The building measures 162 metres (531 feet) long and 33.6 metres (110 feet) wide. The far side would need to slide along the ground for as far as 288 metres (945 feet) to help the building reach the destination.

Prior to the move, workers had dug into the ground and remove the soil between the building's original location and the new location. The also put railings along the ground in the fan-shaped area. Then they lifted the building off the ground and put 532 hydraulic jacks underneath. Those are special hydraulic jacks that can move forwards automatically after pushing the structure up, bringing the building with them. The hydraulic jacks were divided into two groups, both controlled by computers. The first group would rise, 'step' forwards and go down before the second group repeat the same motions. This would create a visual illusion that the building had been 'walking'. The hydraulic jacks worked 24 hours without a stop and the bus terminal was pushed forwards for 10 to 20 metres (32.8 to 65.6 feet) a day. The move began on February 21 and was completed on last Monday.

The Houxi Long Distance Bus Station is situated in the Jimei District of Xiamen, a port city in south-eastern China's Fujian Province. With three storeys above the ground and two underneath, the CNY 260 million station opened to the public in 2015 after five years of construction. But a latest transport plan from the city required the terminal to move to a nearby street to facilitate a high-speed railway project. After rounds of consultations, the city's authorities decided to push the entire building from one street to another.

Source : Daily Mail
Chinese autoverkopen zakken verder in maart

Gepubliceerd op 9 apr 2019 om 12:04 | Views: 1.449

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De autoverkopen in China zijn afgelopen maand wederom sterk teruggelopen. Het is al de tiende maand op een rij dat de Chinezen minder auto's kopen ten opzichte van een jaar eerder. Voor deze neergang genoot de markt decennialang van stijgende verkopen.

De Chinezen kochten in maart 12 procent minder personenauto's vergeleken met een jaar eerder. Dat kwam neer op 1,78 miljoen voertuigen. De daling van een maand eerder was weliswaar sterker, bijna 20 procent. De vertraging van de Chinese economie, mede veroorzaakt door de handelsspanningen met de Verenigde Staten, en de aanpassingen in het belastingstelsel zorgden voor een inzakking van de vraag naar auto's.

De dalende verkopen zijn slecht nieuws voor automakers wereldwijd. China is voor veel autoconcerns de grootste bron van groei. China telt 1,4 miljard mensen maar slechts 200 miljoen personenauto's.
China komt EU tegemoet op top in Brussel

Gepubliceerd op 9 apr 2019 om 17:11 | Views: 1.196

BRUSSEL (AFN) - China is de Europese eis voor betere toegang van Europese bedrijven tot de Chinese markt en een meer evenwichtige handelsrelatie deels tegemoetgekomen. Peking deed op een top Brussel toezeggingen over zaken als staatssteun, openbare aanbestedingen en technologie-overdracht.

Er komt meer wederkerigheid in de relatie, zei EU-president Donald Tusk. ,,Een grote stap in de goede richting, maar er moet de komende tijd wel geleverd worden’’, aldus Europees Commissievoorzitter Juncker.

Op de 21e EU-China-top schaarden de Chinese premier Li Keqiang, Tusk en Juncker zich achter een gemeenschappelijke verklaring. Overeenstemming werd pas bereikt nadat China zich bereid had getoond samen te werken om de wereldhandelsorganisatie WTO te hervormen. Dat moet leiden tot duidelijke regels voor eerlijke handel en minder overheidssubsidies aan de industrie.

Een ,,ambitieus’’ akkoord over investeringen waar beide grootmachten al jaren over onderhandelen moet volgend jaar zijn afgerond. Peking erkende dat het onwenselijk is dat bedrijven worden gedwongen technologische kennis over te dragen als ze investeren in China.
US DoC issues determination in CVD investigation of imports of aluminum wire and cable from China

US Department of Commerce announced the affirmative preliminary determination in the countervailing duty investigation of imports of aluminum wire and cable from China, finding that exporters received countervailable subsidies ranging from 11.57 to 164.16 percent. As a result of today’s decision, Commerce will instruct US Customs and Border Protection to collect cash deposits from importers of aluminum wire and cable from China based on these preliminary rates. In 2017, imports of aluminum wire and cable from China were valued at an estimated USD 157.2 million. The petitioners are Encore Wire Corporation and Southwire Company LLC.

The strict enforcement of US trade law is a primary focus of the Trump Administration. Since the beginning of the current Administration, Commerce has initiated 157 new antidumping and countervailing duty investigations – this is a 283 percent increase from the comparable period in the previous administration.

Commerce is currently scheduled to announce its final determination on or about August 13, 2019. If Commerce makes an affirmative final determination, the US International Trade Commission will be scheduled to make its final injury determination on or about September 26, 2019. If Commerce makes an affirmative final determination in this investigation and the ITC makes an affirmative final injury determination, Commerce will issue a CVD order. If Commerce makes a negative final determination or the ITC makes a negative final determination of injury, the investigation will be terminated and no order will be issued.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese carmakers set up plants in Syria

Sputnik reported that Chinese carmakers have been setting up manufacturing plants in Syria following the withdrawal of Western investors, while local business also hopes to see the opening of the Russian car production factories in the Middle Eastern country. Mr Bilal Shammout executive director of the car factory, said that "This plant was built in 2012, just before the start of the war. We were forced to evacuate soon after we started the manufacturing [business]. In 2016, the area was liberated [from militants], but when we came back, we found out everything had been destroyed. Chinese investors offered their assistance in rebuilding the plant adding that now the plant produces about 10 cars a day.

Mr Mager Halyawe, a factory worker, explained that "The assembly technology is very simple: the frame goes first, then the engine, then the transmission, the gas tank, the electrical engineering."

The car production process is organised according to Syrian and Chinese standards.

Mr Shammout added that "We assemble more of certain [car] models in response to demand. Everything you see in the showroom, at the workshop, is the cars that were assembled here.”

Source : Sputnik
China's building a highway with dedicated lanes for autonomous vehicles

FutureCar reported that a new highway in China is being built that will have dedicated lanes for autonomous vehicles. The lanes reserved for self-driving cars will be built on a new freeway connecting Beijing and the Xiongan New Area in Hebei province. The area is located about 60 miles southwest of Beijing. The 100-kilometer (62 mile) freeway will be open to two-way traffic, with two of the eight lanes specially designed for autonomous vehicles, according to the Beijing Capital Highway Development Group Co Construction on the project will begin this year. The speed limit on the highway will range from 62 to 74 mph.

The stretch of highway will also include intelligent road infrastructure and smart-toll facilities. This intelligent infrastructure system can acquire vehicle data and road information through wireless communication and internet technology, improving traffic flow and safety.

Zhou Xiaohong, deputy head of the group's department of technology and planning, was quoted as saying by Beijing Daily "It will be the most convenient freeway between Beijing and Xiongan."

According to the outline, when the Beijing-Xiongan freeway is complete, travel time from the capital city of Beijing to Xiongan will be cut to one hour from the current two and a half hours.

Source : FutureCar
China's sign an agreement to build world's biggest LNG tanker

Sputnik reported that China's Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding company and Norway's DNV GL accredited registrar and classification society have signed an agreement on the joint development of the world's biggest liquefied natural gas tanker. The agreement was signed on the sidelines of the 19th International Conference & Exhibition on Liquefied Natural Gas in Shanghai (LNG2019).

The deadline for the tanker's construction is not clear, but the parties agreed to prepare technical documents on the project by the end of next year. The tanker is expected to transport up to 270,000 cubic metres (9.5 million cubic feet) of LNG.

Source : Sputnik
Chinese CGGC signs contract for Pakistani dam project at USD 1.9 billion

Xinhua reported that Chinese construction and engineering company China Gezhouba Group Co has signed a contract with Pakistani authorities to take part in a hydropower project valued at USD 1.9 billion in the south Asian country. The Mohmand hydroelectric project, located in Pakistan's northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, involves building a dam on the Swat River and installing four generators totaling 800 megawatts.

The consortium includes CGGC and Descon of Pakistan, with stakes of 70 percent and 30 percent respectively.

The project is designed to help protect local areas from floods, irrigate large areas of farmland, produce 2.86 billion kilowatt hours of electricity a year and provide local residents with 140 million cubic meters of drinking water per year.

Source : Xinhua
Chinese steel producers post profit slump in Jan to Feb 2019

China Org reported that China's steel industry saw its profits nearly halved in the first two months of 2019 from a year earlier, as output growth accelerated. According to the National Development and Reform Commission, the country's top economic planner, the sector reported profits of CNY 29.6 billion (USD 4.4 billion) in the January to February period, a decline of 49.5% year on year. The profit slump came as market supply continued to expand. Crude steel output grew 9.2% to 149.6 million tonnes, 3.3% higher YoY.

As a result of government efforts to cut overcapacity, the steel market has recovered recently, prompting some companies to attempt to expand capacity, according to Lyu Guixin, an inspector with the raw material department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. he further said that iron ore prices continued an upward trend in recent months as overseas mine accidents disrupted supplies. Experts said that Iron ore futures prices have increased nearly 40 percent since the start of the year, and still have room to rise, pushing steel prices higher.

Brazil’s Vale dam accidents and the suspension of the transportation of iron ore in Australia because of cyclones have pushed up prices of the steel-making material.

Source : China Org
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