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Update2: China rekent op minder sterke groei

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China heeft zijn groeidoelstelling voor 2019 vastgesteld op 6 tot 6,5 procent. Dit bleek dinsdag uit informatie die de Chinese premier Li Keqiang gaf tijdens een jaarlijkse bijeenkomst.

In 2018 groeide de Chinese economie met 6,6 procent, het laagste tempo in bijna drie decennia. Dat was echter wel nipt boven de doelstelling van 6,5 procent.

In plaats van een concreet cijfer besloot de Chinese overheid voor 2019 een bandbreedte voor de groei af te geven en zichzelf zo enige flexibiliteit te gunnen. De laatste keer dat China in plaats van een concreet nummer zichzelf een bandbreedte gaf, was in begin 2016, toen werd uitgegaan van een groei van 6,5 tot 7 procent.

"Weinig verrassingen", oordeelden de economen van KBC. "Belastingverlagingen ter waarde van meer dan 2 procent van het bruto binnenlands product en verdere monetaire versoepeling moeten helpen om dit doel te halen", concludeerden zij.

"Omdat de Chinese bbp-cijfers niet de meest betrouwbare zijn, ging het vooral om de onderliggende boodschap. Naast dat deze niet heel optimistisch was, zijn veel van de doelstellingen strijdig met elkaar. Er wordt gesproken over een voorzichtiger monetair beleid met lagere rentes, deleveraging met meer schuld, en een stabiele flexibele wisselkoers", schreven marktanalisten van Rabobank.

De samengestelde inkoopmanagersindex is in februari uitgekomen op 50,7, tegenover 50,9 in januari, zo bleek dinsdag uit cijfers van Markit en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector kwam uit op 51,1, na een stand in januari van 53,6.

Vorige week bleek dat de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie in februari was gestegen van 48,3 naar 49,9.

Update: om meer informatie toen te voegen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Chinese dienstensector groeit opnieuw minder hard

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De bedrijvigheid in de Chinese dienstensector is in februari in een beduidend lager tempo gegroeid dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek dinsdag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex voor de dienstensector kwam uit op 51,1, na een stand in januari van 53,6.

Vorige week bleek dat de inkoopmanagersindex voor de Chinese industrie in februari was gestegen van 48,3 naar 49,9.

Daarmee kwam de samengestelde index in februari uit op 50,7, tegenover 50,9 in januari.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Video: Eurozone huilende derde bij handelsakkoord VS - China

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Volgens valuta-analist Bart Hordijk van Monex Europe zou de eurozone in plaats van de lachende derde wel eens de huilende derde kunnen worden bij een handelsakkoord tussen de Verenigde Staten en China. Hordijk licht toe.


Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Weer prijsdump iPhones in China

Gepubliceerd op 6 mrt 2019 om 10:33 | Views: 4.263

PEKING (ANP/RTR) - Voor de tweede keer in korte tijd verlagen grote Chinese winkelketens de prijzen voor de nieuwste iPhones van Apple. Winkelbedrijven als Suning Commerce, JD.com en Pinduoduo doen de apparaten in de uitverkoop, nadat in januari ook al de prijzen werden verlaagd.

De stap weerspiegelt volgens kenners de nog altijd moeizame prestaties van Apple in de tweede economie van de wereld. De Apple-verkopen daalden volgens de meest recente cijfers op jaarbasis met 20 procent, onder meer door de stevige concurrentie van andere smartphonemakers.

Suning bood woensdag een iPhone XS aan met een korting van wel 1000 yuan, ongeveer 131 euro. Op dit toestel werd in januari nog geen korting geboden. Bij Pinduoduo is het eveneens mogelijk de smartphone ruim 1000 yuan onder de officiële prijs aan te schaffen. Bij JD.com zouden kortingen tot wel 1700 yuan worden geboden, bovenop de eerder prijsverlagingen begin dit jaar.

Apple biedt Chinezen aan om apparaten op krediet aan te schaffen. Consumenten hoeven dan geen rente te betalen.
’Chinese economie 12% overschat’

Door Redactie DFT
1 uur geleden in FINANCIEEL

Amsterdam - De Chinese economie is 12% kleiner dan het land in officiële cijfers voorspiegelt, en de bbp-groei is de afgelopen jaren met gemiddeld twee procentpunten overschat. Dat concluderen onderzoekers van het Brookings Institution, een Amerikaanse denktank, in een rapport waar de Financial Times over schrijft.

Er is al langer scepsis over de officiële groeicijfers van de Chinese economie, maar volgens Brookings is het nu aangetoond dat de cijfers over de jaren 2008-2016 niet kloppen. Dat heeft volgens de onderzoekers te maken met de manier waarop China zijn economie heeft ingericht: alles is gericht op groei. Lokale overheden die mooie groeicijfers kunnen overleggen, worden daarvoor beloofd. Dat geeft ze alle reden om de zaken zonniger voor te stellen dan ze zijn.

De totale Chinese economie is ook al jaren groter dan de som van de lokale economieën, en het Chinese statistiekbureau NBS heeft eerder ook al toegegeven dat „sommige statistieken vervalst zijn”. De NBS is alleen niet krachtig genoeg om de onjuiste statistieken aan te passen naar iets wat wel klopt. „Het zou oneerlijk zijn om het statistiekbureau de schuld te geven”, aldus een van de onderzoekers tegen de Financial Times.
cijfers van China worden vaak in kwaad daglicht gesteld door westerse landen.
Die van de westerse landen niet door diezelfde landen

haas schreef op 7 maart 2019 11:11:

cijfers van China worden vaak in kwaad daglicht gesteld door westerse landen.
Die van de westerse landen niet door diezelfde landen
Ik begrijp uit u betoog dat u de cijfers uit China wel vertrouwd :-)
Chinese kredieten voor Tesla-fabriek Shanghai
Automaker Tesla heeft een akkoord bereikt met Chinese kredietverstrekkers over leningen van in totaal 521 miljoen dollar. Het geld wordt gebruikt om de nieuwe megafabriek in het land uit de grond de stampen.

Buitenlandredactie 07-03-19, 22:53
Verschillende Chinese banken lenen geld uit aan Tesla, zo blijkt uit documenten die zijn ingediend bij de Amerikaanse beurswaakhond SEC. Tesla is in januari begonnen met de bouw van een Chinese Gigafactory in Shanghai. Het is de bedoeling dat hier later dit jaar de eerste wagens van de band rollen. De fabriek wordt de eerste autofabriek in China die volledig in handen is van een buitenlands bedrijf.

Musk zei eerder nog circa 500 miljoen dollar nodig te hebben voor de realisatie van de fabriek. Daarbij werd nadrukkelijk naar lokale kredietverstrekkers gekeken.

VS en China maken stappen
Redactie De Aandeelhouder -
zondag, 10 maart 2019

Valuta-beleid belangrijk onderdeel van overleg.

De Verenigde Staten en China komen steeds dichter bij een akkoord. Dit stelde een topman van de Chinese centrale bank zondag.

"Beide kampen hebben een consensus bereikt op vele cruciale en belangrijke zaken", zei Yi Gang van de People's Bank of China tijdens een bijeenkomst.

Onderdeel van het akkoord is dat China zijn munt niet zal devalueren om zo de export aan te jagen. "We zullen dit absoluut niet doen", beloofde Yi Gang.

Het devalueren van de yuan is al jarenlang een doorn in het oog van Amerika geweest. De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump wees hier meermaals op.

Hoe de valuta-deal er technisch uit komt te zien, is nog onduidelijk.

Bron: www.deaandeelhouder.nl/nieuws/2019/03...
China gaat de BTW verlagen om de economie een boost te geven.

BMW en Mercedes hebben al aangekondigd dat hun auto's dan ook goedkoper aangeboden gaan gaan worden.
China Jan to Feb refined copper output up by 6.3% YoY - Stats bureau

Reuters reported that China’s refined copper output in January and February rose by 6.3 percent year on year to 1.34 million tonnes. China’s National Bureau of Statistics said that output on a daily basis works out at around 22,712 tonnes, down 16.1 percent from December’s rate of around 27,065 tonnes.

The bureau does not typically provide individual monthly numbers for January and February due to the Lunar New Year holiday.

China January to February zinc output down 8.2 percent from a year earlier at 851,000 tonnes.

China January to February lead output rise 32.6 percent from a year earlier at 923,000 tonnes.

China January to February iron ore output rises 3.9 percent from a year earlier at 118.55 million tonnes.

China January to February alumina output rises 12.3 percent from a year earlier at 12.01 million tonnes.

Source : Reuters
China's property investment growth hits 5-year high driven by smaller cities

Reuters reported that China’s property investment accelerated in the first two months of the year driven by strong demand in its hinterland and defying a decline in sales, government curbs in bigger markets and a broader economic slowdown. Real estate investment, which mainly focuses on the residential sector but also includes commercial and office space, is a key driver of growth for the world’s second-largest economy. It rose 11.6 percent in January-February from a year earlier, up from the 9.5 percent growth reported for the 2018 full year, data from National Bureau of Statistics showed.

That marks the strongest growth for the January-February period since 2014, when it rose 19.3 percent.

The NBS said robust investment in the property sector was due to steady housing prices and an increase in property construction.

Yang Yewei, a Beijing-based analyst with Southwest Securities, said that “China’s real estate market continues to show strong resilience.”

Developers said that market sentiment has improved recently thanks to looser credit policies. Beijing has also become less worried about cities easing existing curbs and is more concerned about the broader economic impact of the trade war with the United States.

A senior executive from a top Chinese developer, who declined to be named because he is not authorised to speak to media “The market has obviously become better this month. The surge in investment is because many developers began construction on land to replenish their inventory as housing stock has kept falling,” adding many tier-2 cities are running on merely three to four months of inventory.

Yang added that but the cooling trend in sales suggests that such a rebound will be difficult to maintain while the real estate market still faces relatively significant downward pressure, Southwest Securities’.

Housing transactions slowed as property sales by floor area fell 3.6 percent YoY in the first two months of 2019, easing from the 0.9 percent gain in December.

New construction starts measured by floor area were also much weaker, rising 6 percent in January-February from a year earlier compared with the 20.5 percent in December, according to Reuters calculations.

Source : Reuters
China's now starting construction of high-tech Beijing-Zhangjiakou automatic railway

Business Times reported that the construction of the infrastructure necessary for China's newest high-speed automatic bullet train is now reportedly underway. The electrical facilities for the high-speed railway, which stretches from Beijing to Zhangjiakou, is currently in the process of being set up. According to the China Railway Corporation, they will also be installing some new smart components to the line, which will ensure reliable performance and safety. The high-speed railway will be the world's first automatically driven bullet train. The driver-less rain will also be one of the fastest trains in the country, with maximum speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour. Construction of the over 1,300 meters of overhead wiring to power the new trains has reportedly already begun. The project itself was partly conceptualized to prepare the country for the upcoming 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. Millions of people will hopefully be able to go to and from different venues during the event using the new high-speed railway.

The China Railway Corporation also boasted during a press conference that the new trail will be one of the most intelligent railway systems in the world. Trains running on the new tracks will reportedly be using Beidou's Navigation Satellite System to track its location and destination in real time. The company has apparently been testing the new system on a small section of the Beijing-Shenyang line last year. The systems reportedly passed all the safety tests with flying colors.

With the system in place, trains running on the railway will be able to operate without a lot of human intervention. Trains will apparently be able to automatically start and stop. They will also be able to automatically adjust their speed according to their set schedule of arrival and departure. All of these are achieved through thousands of sensors embedded in the train, which can also immediately report any problems to ensure safe operation.

According to the deputy chief engineer of China Railway Signal and Communication Corporation, Mr Jiang Ming, these new trains will basically be running themselves around the clock without the need for a lot of input from operators.

Source : Business Times
McDermott launches largest scale CDAlky reactor in China

McDermott International, a leading licensor of proprietary petrochemicals, refining, gasification and gas processing technologies, and a supplier of proprietary catalysts and related engineering, announced the successful commercialization and startup of its single largest CDAlky® reactor to date at PetroChina's refinery in Jilin, China. The 350,000 metric ton per annum (9,000 barrels per day) plant is one of four CDAlky projects awarded to the company by PetroChina and had an unusually fast schedule from design to operation, with startup occurring just 17 months after initial design. Lummus' CDAlky technology provides a safe, clean and economical route to low sulfur, high octane alkylate blendstock used to fuel smaller, lighter and high compression transportation engines. One of the key features of the CDAlky technology is its scalability. Competing processes would require multiple reactors to achieve the same capacity, adding complexity and plot space in comparison with CDAlky.

Mr Daniel M McCarthy, Executive Vice President of McDermott's Lummus Technology business, said that "Lummus technology's CDAlky is the most advanced alkylation process for the production of motor fuel alkylate. The CDAlky process provides a higher quality product with lower capital and operating expenditures, offering the best overall solution for the clean fuel production of alkylate."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Pakistan owes USD 10 billion debt to China for Gwadar port, other projects - Top US general

Pakistan owes its "all-weather friend" China at least USD 10 billion debt for the construction of the Gwadar port and other projects, the top US general has said, as he underlined Beijing's "predatory economics" to expand its global influence. The strategic Gwadar Port in Balochistan province on the Arabian Sea is being built by China under the multi-billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and is considered to be a link between Beijing's ambitious One Belt, One Road and Maritime Silk Road projects.

General Mr Joseph Dunford, Chairman of US Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Senate Armed Services Committee "Let us look at just a few examples. Saddled with predatory Chinese loans, Sri Lanka granted China a 99-year lease and 70 per cent stake in its deepwater port."

Mr Dunford said that the Maldives owes China roughly USD 1.5 billion in debt - about 30 per cent of its GDP - for construction costs.

He said that "Pakistan owes China at least $10 billion in debt for the construction of Gwadar Port and other projects. China is diligently building an international network of coercion through predatory economics to expand its sphere of influence," adding that nations around the globe are discovering the hard way that China's economic "friendship" via OBOR can come at "a steep cost" when promises of investment go unfulfilled and international standards and safeguards are ignored.

He added that in Africa, Djibouti owes China over 80 per cent of its GDP and in 2017, the country became host to China’s first overseas military base. In Latin America, Ecuador agreed to sell 80 to 90 per cent of its exportable crude oil to China through 2024 in exchange for $6.5 billion in Chinese loans.

Source : TOI
BMW, Mercedes-Benz lower prices in China after VAT drop

Reuters reported that BMW AG and Mercedes-Benz they will lower their prices in China, after the government announced it will reduce the country's value-added tax starting on April 1. The German automobile companies each published posts on Chinese social media announcing immediate price cuts for several models. The discounts come as China endures a shrinking market for automobiles as the economy slows.

BMW said it would reduce prices for both domestically produced and imported models, including the locally-made BMW 3 series and BMW 5 series, along with the BMW X5 and BMW 7 import models. The BMW 320Li M model will sell for a suggested retail price of 339,800 yuan ($50,620), a drop of 10,000 yuan from its original price.

The reductions mark the company's "active response to the national VAT adjustment notice," BMW said in a post on WeChat, China's popular messaging app.

Daimler AG-owned Mercedes-Benz announced similar price cuts on a range of its cars, also effective immediately, in advance of the upcoming VAT drop. The cuts shown on its social media page range from 10,000 yuan to 40,000 yuan on select models.

On March 5, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced that China will cut VAT across a range of industries, with the tax set to drop in the manufacturing sector from 16 percent to 13 percent and in the transport sector from 10 percent to 9 percent.

The carmakers' cuts come as China's automobile industry faces a major slowdown. In 2018, China's car market shrank 5.8 percent, marking its first contraction in over two decades.

Policymakers have introduced a range of policies to stimulate demand for cars. In January, China's National Development and Reform Commission said it would loosen restrictions on the second-hand car market and provide subsidies to boost purchases in rural areas.

Source : Reuters
China customs lifts suspension on Tesla Model 3 imports

Reuters reported that China's customs authority has lifted its suspension on imports of Tesla's Model 3. An official in the authority's news department told Reuters that "We can confirm that the warning notice on Tesla has been cancelled.”

Tesla declined to comment. Two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters earlier that the suspension had been lifted after Tesla made the necessary rectifications.

China's General Administration of Customs stopped clearing Tesla Model 3 imports last week, saying they did not have the required Chinese language warning signs and had missing or incorrect nameplate labels.

Tesla said at the time that the company had reached a solution with the authorities.

Source : Reuters
'Tencent wil belang nemen in Kruidvat-moeder'

Gepubliceerd op 20 mrt 2019 om 07:29 | Views: 1.814

SHENZHEN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De Chinese internetgigant Tencent overweegt een belang te nemen in A.S. Watson, het moederbedrijf van onder meer drogisterijketen Kruidvat. Dat meldt persbureau Bloomberg op basis van ingewijden. Ook de eveneens Chinese webwinkelreus Alibaba zou azen op het belang.

Tencent zou ongeveer 3 miljard dollar, omgerekend zo'n 2,6 miljard euro, over hebben voor een belang van 10 procent dat in handen is van het Singaporese staatsinvesteringsfonds Temasek Holdings. Temasek is nu nog voor ongeveer een kwart eigenaar van A.S. Watson.

Potentiële kopers worden deze maand uitgenodigd bij Temasek. Het Singaporese fonds betaalde ooit 5,6 miljard dollar voor zijn gehele belang in A.S. Watson.
China's focus massive coal industry park cleans up "scars"

Xinhua reported that the largest coal chemical park in northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has launched a campaign to clean up over 120 small and disorderly coalfields. The Ningdong Energy and Chemical Industry Base, one of China's largest coal production bases and a coal-to-chemical industry base, is located close to Shaanxi Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, areas with large coal deposits.

Since last year, it has shut down 127 disorderly coalfields which occupied over 533 hectares. Over 2 million tonnes of coal has been cleaned and 90 percent of the construction above ground has been dismantled.

The coalfields were a major logistical base that stored coal from the local area and Inner Mongolia, and then loaded them onto trucks to send to local fire power plants, boilers, and consumers in Yunnan and Jiangsu provinces. Annual turnover was 25 million tonnes, totaling CNY 10 billion. These coal fields, however, were poorly managed. Most never met environmental requirements. The decision to close them was met with great resistance by the coalfield owners who paid a hefty rent to the villages and created jobs for the people living in the area.

Yan Xinmin, an official with the base administration, said that "Money from the coalfields helped cover medical and social insurance costs for the villagers. One of the villages received four million yuan a year for leasing out the land to coal yard owners. Every family received a dividend of over CNY 5,000."

Mr Yang Jia, general manager of Ningxia Xinwen Energy Technology Company, said that he once had to hide from environmental inspectors because he did not have credentials for operation. Yang was the first to shut down the old coal yard and move his business to new coalfield, an 133-hectare area at the southern part of the base.

However, thirty-four companies have been chosen to move their coal storage facilities into the new coal field, which cost 600 million yuan to build.
Source : Xinhuahina's focus massive coal industry park cleans up "scars"
Coal News - Published on Wed, 20 Mar 2019
Image Source: wordpress.com
Xinhua reported that the largest coal chemical park in northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has launched a campaign to clean up over 120 small and disorderly coalfields. The Ningdong Energy and Chemical Industry Base, one of China's largest coal production bases and a coal-to-chemical industry base, is located close to Shaanxi Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, areas with large coal deposits.

Since last year, it has shut down 127 disorderly coalfields which occupied over 533 hectares. Over 2 million tonnes of coal has been cleaned and 90 percent of the construction above ground has been dismantled.

The coalfields were a major logistical base that stored coal from the local area and Inner Mongolia, and then loaded them onto trucks to send to local fire power plants, boilers, and consumers in Yunnan and Jiangsu provinces. Annual turnover was 25 million tonnes, totaling CNY 10 billion. These coal fields, however, were poorly managed. Most never met environmental requirements. The decision to close them was met with great resistance by the coalfield owners who paid a hefty rent to the villages and created jobs for the people living in the area.

Yan Xinmin, an official with the base administration, said that "Money from the coalfields helped cover medical and social insurance costs for the villagers. One of the villages received four million yuan a year for leasing out the land to coal yard owners. Every family received a dividend of over CNY 5,000."

Mr Yang Jia, general manager of Ningxia Xinwen Energy Technology Company, said that he once had to hide from environmental inspectors because he did not have credentials for operation. Yang was the first to shut down the old coal yard and move his business to new coalfield, an 133-hectare area at the southern part of the base.

However, thirty-four companies have been chosen to move their coal storage facilities into the new coal field, which cost 600 million yuan to build.

Source : Xinhua
China's Guangdong thermal power plants reel from high coal prices & clean energy push

YICAI reported that amid an increasing proportion of electric power market transactions, thermal power plants in south China's Guangdong province, that are far from coal producing areas, are experiencing the double pressure of rising power generation costs and competition for clean energy across the country. This has added to their operational pressure. With the deepening of power industry reforms, market-oriented trade is increasing, but the high price of coal and growing discounts in cross-regional clean energy have continued to put a squeeze on profitability of thermal power plants.

An insider from a local thermal power plant said in an interview with Yicai Global "This has significantly increased operational pressure on enterprises."

On one hand, consumers believe the price of power is too high and hope for a reduction; on the other, power plants bear huge costs and even higher losses, Wen Shugang, president of China Huadian Corporation, told media during the recent national "two sessions" in Beijing, when talking about the dilemma facing thermal power plants.

Resilient Coal Price
The average coal price has seen a continuous rise since 2016 when the coal sector began eliminating outdated industrial capacity. The national average price of thermal coal was CNY647 (USD96.4) per ton last year, higher than the CNY638 in 2017, booking an increase for the third year in a row.

Power plants in Guangdong are very poor at controlling costs though their demands are huge, due to the more than 2,000-kilometer distance between the province and major coal producing areas, as well as limits from various factors such as railways, ports, shipping and frequent natural disasters. Coastal power plants in Guangdong need to spend about CNY900 to use a ton of standard coal, with those in inland areas paying about CNY1,050, significantly higher than the national average. Coal-fired units at thermal power plants located in inland mountainous areas of Guangdong saw a loss from generating kilowatt hour of power based on the above prices.

On the other hand, thermal power plants in the province also face competition for market share from both cross-regional power transmission and clean energy, like locally-developed nuclear power.

Source : YICAI
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