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Groei Chinese detailhandelsverkopen licht toegenomen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De detailhandelsverkopen in China zijn in december iets harder gegroeid dan een maand eerder. Dit bleek maandag uit overheidscijfers.

De verkopen stegen in december met 8,2 procent op jaarbasis. In november ging het om een groei van 8,1 procent.

Op maandbasis was er in december een groei van 0,55 procent, terwijl dit een maand eerder nog 0,50 procent was.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
China groeit duidelijk in lager tempo

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China is in 2018 in het laagste tempo in bijna drie decennia gegroeid. Dit bleek maandag uit cijfers van de Chinese overheid.

In het afgelopen jaar groeide het Chinese bruto binnenlands product met 6,6 procent. Zo traag groeide de Chinese economie niet meer sinds 1990.

Daarbij daalde het groeitempo in de laatste die maanden van 2018 naar 6,4 procent, zoals economen ook hadden voorzien. Het handelsconflict met de Verenigde Staten liet zijn sporen achter.

Op kwartaalbasis bedroeg de groei in het vierde kwartaal 1,5 procent.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
'Forse daling Chinese investeringen Nederland'

Gepubliceerd op 21 jan 2019 om 11:26 | Views: 2.352

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - De Chinese investeringen in Nederland zijn in 2018 sterk afgenomen. De investeringen door Chinese partijen in Nederlandse bedrijven of andere bezittingen bedroegen vorig jaar 0,9 miljard dollar, tegen ruim 3,7 miljard dollar in 2017. Dat blijkt uit een rapport van advocatenkantoor Baker McKenzie en onderzoeksinstituut Rhodium Group.

Volgens de onderzoekers hangt de daling deels af van de verhoogde screening van de Nederlandse overheid in bijvoorbeeld de telecomindustrie, maar ook door het ontbreken van grote deals. Voor heel Europa gingen de Chinese investeringen met 70 procent omlaag tot 22,5 miljard dollar. In 2017 stond hier nog een bedrag van 80 miljard dollar, deels door de overname van de Zwitserse zadenhandelaar en producent van landbouwbestrijdingsmiddelen Syngenta door ChemChina ter waarde van 43 miljard dollar in dat jaar.

In de Verenigde Staten kwamen de Chinese investeringen vorig jaar uit op 4,8 miljard dollar, tegen het recordbedrag van 46 miljard dollar in 2017. Dit komt door de Amerikaanse angst over Chinese inbreuk op de nationale veiligheid en de handelsoorlog tussen beide economische grootmachten, aldus het rapport.
China zet Europese beurzen lager

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Europese beurzen zijn maandag lager gesloten. Het sentiment werd vandaag gedrukt door groeicijfers uit China die wijzen op een vertraging.

De breed samengestelde STOXX Europe 600 index daalde 0,2 procent tot 356,36 punten, de Duitse DAX presenteerde een verlies van 0,6 procent op 11.136,20 punten en de Franse CAC 40 zakte 0,2 procent tot 4.867,78 punten. De Britse FTSE 100 sloot vrijwel onveranderd op 6.970,59 punten.

De Chinese economie groeide in 2018 met 6,6 procent, wat het laagste groeicijfer is sinds 1990. In het vierde kwartaal liep de groei verder terug naar 6,4 procent.

“Dit cijfer toont aan dat de op één na grootste economie ter wereld aan het afkoelen is”, zei analist David Madden van CMC Markets. “Een deel van de winst die vrijdag op de beurzen werd behaald, werd vandaag weer prijsgegeven. De volatiliteit was laag, omdat de beurzen in de VS gesloten waren”, aldus Madden.

Het Internationaal Monetair Fonds ziet de wereldwijde economie de komende jaren minder hard groeien, zo bleek maandag uit een rapport van het Fonds. De wereldeconomie groeide volgens het IMF afgelopen jaar met 3,7 procent, maar dit wordt 3,5 procent in 2019 en 3,6 procent in 2020.

Later deze week zal ECB-voorzitter Mario Draghi naar verwachting bevestigen dat de vooruitzichten voor de eurozone somberder zijn geworden, bij de monetaire beleidsvergadering op donderdag. Eerder deze maand zei Draghi al dat recente economische cijfers tegenvielen, hoewel hij verwachtte dat de eurozone een recessie zal kunnen vermijden.

De Britse premier Theresa May heeft maandag haar plan B voor het vertrek van het Verenigd Koninkrijk uit de Europese Unie gepresenteerd, maar die leek volgens het Lagerhuis in veel opzichten op het eerste plan.

May wil aanpassingen aanbrengen in de zogeheten backstop om zo de zorgen in het VK weg te nemen. De vraag is of de Europese Commissie wel bereid is om te heronderhandelen over dit deel van het Brexit-akkoord, dat bedoeld is om de Noord-Ierse grens met Ierland open te houden.

May wil eigenlijk geen tweede referendum en ook uitstel van de Brexit-onderhandelingen ziet zij niet zitten, omdat dit een no-deal vertrek niet uitsluit.

De Franse president, de Britse premier en de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump zullen geen van drieën het World Economic Forum bezoeken deze week, vanwege de onrustige politieke situatie in hun land. In Amerika kampt Trump met een gedeeltelijke sluiting van het overheidsapparaat.

De Amerikaanse aandelen- en obligatiebeurzen blijven maandag dicht voor Martin Luther King dag. Daardoor was ook de macro-economische agenda bijna leeg vandaag.

Vanmorgen werd bekend dat de producentenprijzen in Duitsland in december minder hard stegen dan in de voorgaande maand: met 2,7 procent, tegen 3,3 procent in november.

De olieprijs was stabiel. De maart-future voor een vat West Texas Intermediate noteerde vrijwel onveranderd op 54,20 dollar terwijl de Brent-future 0,1 procent hoger noteerde op 62,79.

De euro/dollar noteerde op 1,1371. Bij aanvang van de handelsdag bewoog het muntpaar nog op 1,1380 en bij het sluiten van de Amerikaanse beurzen op vrijdag stond er 1,1364 op de borden.


In Frankfurt was Henkel de gebeten hond na teleurstellende cijfers voor de fabrikant van Dial-zeep en Purex-wasmiddel. Het aandeel verloor 9,8 procent. Het bedrijf verwacht een uitdagend 2019, met veel onzekerheid en volatiliteit, en ook meer tegenwind van wisselkoersen en grondstoffen.

Just Eat steeg 0,7 procent. De CEO kondigde plotseling zijn aftreden aan. Peter Plumb was nog maar sinds juli 2017 CEO van de Britse branchegenoot van Takeaway.com.

Norwegian Air verloor 0,6 procent, op het bericht dat International Airlines (IAG) nog steeds belangstelling heeft in een overname van de Noorse luchtvaartmaatschappij.

Air France-KLM is een favoriet luchtvaartaandeel bij Davy-analisten, die denken dat er veel waarde kan worden gerealiseerd door de strategie van de nieuwe CEO. Het aandeel kreeg een Outperform-advies en steeg 5,2 procent.

GlaxoSmithKline kondigde maandag aan dat voorzitter Philip Hampton na bijna vier jaar vertrekt, zonder dat er een opvolger klaarstaat bij de Britse farmaciereus. Het aandeel verloor 0,4 procent.

Rheinmetall en BAE Systems willen een joint venture in het Verenigd Koninkrijk beginnen voor militaire landsystemen, meldde het Duitse bedrijf maandag. Rheinmetall won 0,5 procent en BAE 1 procent.

Bij de Britten was tabaksfabrikant British American Tobacco een stijger, met een koerswinst van 0,9 procent.

William Hill verloor 1,7 procent. Het gokbedrijf verwacht dat de aangepaste operationele winst over 2018 met 15 procent zal dalen. William Hill geeft als oorzaak de verscherpte wetgeving rond gokken aan.

Futures Wall Street

De Amerikaanse beurzen blijven maandag gesloten. Futures op de S&P 500 index noteerden rond het sluiten van de Europese beurzen tot 0,3 procent in het rood.

Wall Street sloot vrijdag nog in het groen. De S&P 500 index won 1,3 procent op 2.670,71 punten, terwijl de Dow Jones index 1,4 procent steeg tot 24.706,35 punten. Technologiebeurs Nasdaq schreef 1 procent bij op 7.157,23 punten.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Ecuador inaugurates hydroelectric power station built by Chinese firm

Xinhua reported that Ecuador inaugurated the Minas-San Francisco hydroelectric power station built by Chinese firm Harbin Electric International at the Pacific watershed between the southern provinces of Azuay and El Oro. The completion of the work demonstrates that challenges were overcome from all engineering points, said Mr William Barcenes, manager of the business unit of the Ecuadorian Electric Corporation, which manages the power station. He added that the support of the communities in the area was essential to the project.

Mr Daniel Merchan, leader of the local San Sebastian community, highlighted the social compensation efforts made during the construction of the power station.

Mr Carlos Perez, minister of Energy and Non-renewable Natural Resources, also attended the event.

The power station, with a capacity of 270 megawatts of installed power, will contribute to the National Interconnected System with an estimated annual production of 1,290 gigawatt hours of renewable energy, benefitting 222,000 families in southern Ecuador.

The project is considered by the Ecuadorian government to be one of the most important in the energy sector since it complements others located in the Amazon watershed.

In addition, it will help cut 690,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year on average by reducing the use of fossil fuels.

Source : Xinhua
Tsingshan Holding to invest USD 3 billion in Dholera for en electric battery plant

Economic Times reported that chinese steelmaker Tsingshan Holding Group will invest USD 3 billion in Dholera; its founder Guangda Xiang announced at the Vibrant Gujarat 2019 summit in Gandhinagar. The company is also an emerging electrical vehicle battery producer and is considering setting up an electrical battery plant in Dholera to cater to the fast developing auto industry in lndia: he said. The decision was taken after company officials and representatives visited the Dholera site in the recent past.

The investment will be made in conjunction with their Indian JV partner Chromeni Steel. The company is currently involved in the setting up of a major stainless steel complex in Mundra, Kutch district. It undertook this project after signing an MOU during the Vibrant Gujarat Summit 2017. Within a year of signing the MOU, the company began the construction of the first phase of the project which is slated to be completed in a record time of 14 months.

Source : Economic Times
British Lotus cars to be 'Made in China' at new Geely plant – Report

Reuters reported that Chinese owner of Lotus plans to start producing the British sports car brand in China for the first time with the opening of a new 9 billion yuan (USD 1.3 billion) factory in Wuhan city, company job advertisements and government documents showed. The previously unreported plans are Zhejiang Geely Holding Group's first move to shake up the British brand since its purchase of a majority stake in 2017.

The move is in line with Geely's ambitions to build more up-market cars and throw off its reputation for copycat designs and shoddy quality. For Lotus, it could mean greater production volumes and new models such as SUVs to boost sales.

Mr Alan Kang, Shanghai based analyst at LMC Automotive said that "For Geely, going high-end can help it take more market share. Geely needs to do that to better compete with global brands."

Lotus cars are currently built in Norfolk, England.

Geely and Lotus said in a joint statement that while Norfolk was Lotus's manufacturing home, a key part of the firm's strategy to revive the brand was expanding the brand's manufacturing footprint globally.

The company said that "Details on additional locations and models will be confirmed in due course.”

The planning authority of Hubei province, whose capital is Wuhan, last month approved Geely's plans for the plant. The factory will be able to manufacture 150,000 cars annually, according to a document posted on the authority's website.

Source : Reuters
New regulation on data collection for energy consumption of ships calling at Chinese Ports

West of England said that It has come to the attention of the Club that new regulatory requirements concerning the reporting of energy consumption from ships have been introduced for vessels calling at ports in China, with effect from 1st January 2019. Although no official translation of these new regulatory requirements has been published by the Chinese MSA, the Chinese authorities have indicated that the translation contained in this copy of the Regulation on Data Collection for Energy Consumption of Ships, is aligned with the Chinese text.

Key points from these new regulatory requirements are summarised below:

Applies to vessels of 400 GT and above or powered by propulsion machinery of 750kW and above, flying any flag, when entering or leaving ports in China.

The regulations do not apply to warships or fishing vessels.

Reports detailing energy consumption for the last voyage, in the format contained in the Annex of the linked regulations on data collection, “Data Report Format for the Energy Consumption of Ships”, are to be submitted to the Chinese MSA via their online platform at cspur.msa.gov.cn/ShipReportWeb/regist... prior to departure. It is envisaged that the data will be given by the vessel to their local agent, who will then report the information to the MSA.

Some vessels are permitted to submit monthly reports, rather than voyage reports, when certain fixed routing requirements, and maximum voyage durations are met.

Chinese flagged vessels of 5,000 GT and above trading internationally, and inland ships report energy consumption data on an annual basis.

Members requiring further guidance should contact the Loss Prevention department.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese president waarschuwt voor impact vertragende economie

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese president Xi Jinping zou topambtenaren binnen zijn Communistische Partij hebben gewaarschuwd voor de impact van de vertragende economie in zijn land. Dit meldde staatspersbureau Xinhua dinsdag.

In een toespraak waarschuwde de Chinese leider voor zwarte zwanen, een metafoor voor een onvoorziene gebeurtenis die voor onrust in de markt kan zorgen, en grijze neushoorns, die symbool staan voor een zeer aannemelijke dreiging die wordt genegeerd.

Xi riep de topambtenaren in zijn partij dan ook op om actie te nemen tegen de risico's voor de economie. Maandag werd bekend dat de economie in China afgelopen jaar met 6,6 procent is gegroeid, wat het traagste groeitempo markeerde sinds 1990. De economische vertraging is onder meer het gevolg van het handelsconflict tussen China en de Verenigde Staten.

Experts stellen dat de Communistische Partij bang is dat de economische verzwakking zal leiden tot maatschappelijke onrust. Men zou een herhaling van het Tiananmenprotest in 1989 willen voorkomen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright Dow Jones Newswires. All rights reserved.
Trump ziet in groeivertraging China reden voor vlot handelsakkoord

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Amerikaanse Donald Trump meent dat China vlot een handelsakkoord met de Verenigde Staten zou moeten tekenen, nu de Chinese economie in het laagste tempo sinds 1990 groeit.

De reden daarvan is volgens Trump de handelsspanningen en het nieuwe beleid van Amerika met importheffingen.

"Het zou zo logisch zijn voor China om eindelijk een Echte Deal te sluiten", aldus Trump op Twitter.

In het afgelopen jaar groeide het Chinese bruto binnenlands product met 6,6 procent. Daarbij daalde het groeitempo in de laatste drie maanden van 2018 naar 6,4 procent, zoals economen ook hadden voorzien.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
China to punish cities missing air quality targets

Xinhua reported that China will strengthen accountability of cities that miss air quality targets this winter. Liu Bingjiang, an official with the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said that "China has vowed to reduce the average PM2.5 density by 3 percent year on year between October 1, 2018 and March 31, 2019 in the area of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, one of the heavily polluted regions. However, the area saw a 9.2% YoY rise of average PM2.5 density from October 1, 2018 to January 19, 2019."

Liu attributed the rise to unfavorable weather conditions in the area since last fall, such as higher temperatures and low precipitation, adding that some cities in other heavily polluted regions also saw increases in the index.

He said “The ministry is formulating accountability measures for officials in cities that fail to fulfil air quality targets. To further curb air pollution this year, China will implement tougher ultra-low emission standards in the steel industry, make more efforts to promote the use of clean energy and reduce coal consumption.”

Source : Xinhua
China Dec aluminium production surges to record monthly high

Reuters reported that China’s primary aluminium output defied low prices to rise for a second straight month to a record high in December as falling alumina costs boosted margins, while 2018 annual output was also a record. The world’s top producer churned out more than 3 million tonnes in a month for the first time, undeterred by aluminium prices at two-year lows, the impact of the US-China trade war and Beijing’s environmental crackdown.

Ms Helen Lau, an analyst at Argonaut Securities said that Production was likely spurred by new smelter openings late last year and higher utilisation rates following a plunge in the cost of raw material alumina.

Output hit 3.05 million tonnes in December, National Bureau of Statistics data showed, up 8.2 percent from November and up 11.3 percent from December 2017.

On a daily basis, China produced almost 98,400 tonnes of aluminium last month, up from 94,000 tonnes in November and also a record high, according to Reuters calculations. December had one more day than November.

Full-year output came in at 35.8 million tonnes in 2018, up 7.4 percent from the previous annual record in 2017.

China added 3.8 million tonnes of aluminium smelting capacity in 2018, according to consultancy AZ China, while about 2.8 million tonnes was shut due to a slump in aluminium prices.

Winter restrictions on output to curb pollution were also less severe than expected.

Shanghai aluminium prices slumped a hefty 14 percent over 2018 to below 14,000 yuan (USD 2,063) a tonne amid plentiful supply and worries over the impact of the Sino-US trade war on demand.

Ms Lau said that “Even though at the current (aluminium) price you may say smelters are not making money, as long as they break even they will continue to produc.” She added that “Those newly commissioned smelters have to start operating to pay back their loans. They have to generate enough cash flow to do that.”

Source : Reuters
EC imposes anti-dumping and anti-subsidy duties on China E-Bike Imports

After more than a year of investigations and hearings, the European Commission imposed both an anti-dumping and an anti-subsidy duties on e-bikes imported from China in January 2019 in order to protect EU manufacturers from unfair competition. The EC released a document detailing the new duties on January 18th. Instead of adopting a single anti-dumping duty for all Chinese suppliers, the EC opted for per company dumping duties, ranging from 24%-79%.

The EU – which features a large e-bike market– is home to a number of the world's leading suppliers (such as Accell Group) and countless smaller industry participants. According to industry analyst Gleb Mytko, "The European Commission's actions were designed to protect a nascent but important industry from what it deemed unfair dumping practices." With these measures, the EU hopes to maintain a competitive and diverse e-bike market that is well positioned for strong growth. In addition, the move will allow new e-bike start-ups to compete and expand their operations, ensuring the long term health of the EU e-bike industry. This is particularly important because the global e-bike market is still at an early stage of development and is poised for many years of growth.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese domestic thermal coal prices may spike after holidays amid stringent checks: sources

Platts reported that Chinese domestic thermal coal prices may likely see a spike after the Lunar New Year holidays with the full impact of the recent mining accident taking effect. A coal mine in northeastern Shaanxi province collapsed earlier this month, claiming the lives of 21 people and prompting Chinese authorities to adopt stricter safety measures, including shutting down mines and conducting stringent checks on mines in other coal producing provinces as well.

Offers from domestic miners jumped as much as Yuan 50/mt since the accident in Shaanxi, while prices at Qinhuangdao port rose by a mere Yuan 3 per tonne since last Friday amid high stocks.

Stockpiles at both ports and power plants have remained elevated in recent times, with stocks at utilities enough to last for nearly 19 days of coal burn.

Chinese domestic 5,500 kcal/kg NAR grade of coal was assessed at Yuan 588 per tonne FOB Wednesday, up Yuan 8 per tonne since the start of the year, S&P Global Platts data showed.

A China-based trader said that “Right now, there’ll still be some restocking, but we don’t see much impact on prices yet as the accident happened when there had not been much buying activities.”

Market sources in China expect safety checks to continue until at least end-March, and this may provide a boost to domestic prices after the Lunar New Year holidays starting early February.

A buyer said that “We know prices will go up after Lunar New Year, but it’s difficult to restock a lot right now as we’ve more than enough stocks, especially with the continued arrival of import cargoes.”

The most actively traded May futures contract on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange rose 4% from its settlement of Yuan 560/mt on Friday to about Yuan 583 per tonne at 4 pm (0800 GMT) Thursday, following news of the mine accident.

The mining accident has also prompted some buyers to turn to the seaborne market pushing up import prices in recent days.

Energy consultancy firm Wood Mackenzie said in a recent note that “We understand that all privately owned mines in Shenmu county were forced to suspend operations the day after the accident. We have also heard that mines in adjacent Fugu county — another large coal mining area — may also be subject to suspensions.”

Source : Platts
China cools solar power drive

Arab News reported that China put just over 43 gigawatts (GW) of new solar generation capacity into operation in 2018, down 18 percent from a year earlier, an industry group said, after a government move to curb new capacity and ease a subsidy payment backlog. The new generation took the country’s total installed solar power capacity to more than 170 GW by the end of the year, the China Photovoltaic Industry Association (CPIA) said.

China announced last year that it would suspend new projects after a record 53 GW capacity increase in 2017 left it struggling to find spare grid capacity and pay a renewable subsidy backlog amounting to more than 140 billion yuan (USD 20.69 billion) last year.

China is also aiming to gradually phase out direct financial support to the solar industry after a decline in costs, announcing last week that it would launch a series of new subsidy-free projects.

But solar manufacturers are already feeling the pinch, and warned last year they were facing closure after a surge in new production capacity in previous years sent component prices plummeting.

Mr Wang Bohua, CPIA vice-chairman, in a speech said that “Facing a lot of complicated domestic and overseas trends, the sector as a whole is under big pressures and substandard producers are expected to promptly exit the market.” Mr Wang said output of solar equipment continued to increase in 2018 despite the decline in new domestic capacity, with solar module production up 14.3 percent to an equivalent of 85.7 GW.

Source : Arab News
China power consumption rises 8.5 per cent in 2018

Reuters reported that China's power consumption rose 8.5 percent last year to 6,844.9 billion kilowatt hours. Data from the National Energy Administration showed that the country's total installed power generation capacity had reached 1,899.67 gigawatts by the end of 2018.

NEA said that industrial power consumption increased by 7.1 percent in 2018 to 4,645.6 billion kilowatt hours.

Source : Reuters
Jiangsu province approves 6.7 GW offshore wind projects

Reuters reported that China's manufacturing hub Jiangsu province gave green lights to 24 offshore wind power projects with total capacity of 6.7 gigawatts (GW). That came as part of Jiangsu's ambitious plan to launch 10 GW-level offshore wind power plants, known as "Three Gorges on Sea" project, alongside its coastal regions to boost clean energy consumption.

The 24 newly approved projects, with total investment reaching 122.29 billion yuan (USD 18.05 billion), will be developed by China's top power generators, including China Energy Group, China General Nuclear Power Corp , China Huaneng Group and State Power Investment Corp.

Jiangsu had 56 wind farms under operation by 2018, with online capacity reaching over 8.6 GW.

China aims to build seven large-scale wind power generation base in Jiangsu, Hebei, Jilin, Gansu, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia, topping the country's total wind power capacity to more than 100 GW by 2020.

Source : Reuters
China building a 9400 feet long tunnel under the sea

Daily Mail reported that Chinese engineers have started to drill a 9,400-foot-long tunnel in the seabed as part of a 'super' subway line that will cost GBP 2 billion to build. To dig the sub-surface shaft in north-eastern China, workers need to break through rock as deep as 74.8 feet under the bottom of the Yellow Sea. The land forms of the seabed are extremely complicated and the construction machines will need to cut through a series of huge caves in the seabed, according to a lead engineer.

The deepest part of the tunnel is about 164 feet from the surface of the sea, meaning the drilling machine will need to bear enormous water pressure, adding to the difficulties of the project, according to Wang Jian, the chief engineer of the project.

The construction, which officially began today, is so challenging that it has been billed as a 'super undersea project' by media.

The tunnel is expected to complete in June 2021.

The underwater passage spans across the Suoyu Bay of Dalian, a cosmopolitan city with about six million residents in the Liaoning Province.

It connects two stations of the Dalian Metro Line 5, which has 18 stations in total and is expected to complete in 2023, according to a verified social media post released by the press office of the Dalian government.

Source : Daily Mail
CNOOC commences production at the Huizhou oil field project in the South China Sea

On January 16, CNOOC Limited announced that Huizhou 32-5 oilfield comprehensive adjustment/Huizhou 33-1 oilfield joint development project has commenced production. Huizhou 32-5 oilfield comprehensive adjustment/Huizhou 33-1 oilfield joint development project is located in south-central part of the eastern South China Sea, approximately 170 kilometers from Hong Kong, with a water depth of approximately 115 meters. In addition to fully utilizing the existing facilities of Huizhou 25-8 oilfield, the project has also built one drilling and production platform. There is one well currently producing and the project is expected to reach its peak production of approximately 19,200 barrels of crude oil per day in 2020.

CNOOC Limited holds 100% interest in Huizhou 32-5 oilfield comprehensive adjustment/Huizhou 33-1 oilfield joint development project and acts as the operator.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Global Ferronickel holds ore shipments to China steady as economy cools

Reuters reported that Philippines nickel ore miner, Global Ferronickel Holdings Inc aims to ship 5.7 million wet metric tonnes to China this year, in line with 2018, as China’s cooling economy slows expected demand. Global Ferronickel also said it has signed a contract to sell 1 million wmt of ore to Baosteel, a unit of top steel manufacturer China Baowu Steel Group. It is also looking to sell ore to China’s Guangdong Century Tsingshan Nickel Industry Co. The deal with Baosteel, which has been a customer of the Philippines’ second-largest nickel ore producer since 2014, is the biggest so far between the two companies

Global Ferronickel President Dante Bravo said “The miner expected to remain profitable this year despite a loss of growth momemtum in China. The effect of the cooling Chinese economy basically brought down the expected demand and ore prices,” he told Reuters. “But overall, we are still profitable. We will be signing new supply agreements with our buyers after the Chinese new year next month.”

Source : Reuters
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