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Doodstraf Canadees in China wegens drugs

Een Canadees is in China wegens drugssmokkel in hoger beroep veroordeeld tot de doodstraf. Hij was in eerste aanleg veroordeeld tot vijftien jaar cel. De aanklagers waren in beroep gegaan omdat ze die straf te licht vonden.

Buitenlandredactie 14-01-19, 20:20

Over de rechtszaak tegen Robert Lloyd Schellenberg is verder weinig bekendgemaakt.

De man zou in 2014 zijn gearresteerd en werd in november 2016 veroordeeld tot vijftien jaar. Zaterdag gelastte een gerechtshof in de provincie Liaoning dat hij opnieuw moest worden berecht, omdat hij een belangrijke drugscrimineel zou zijn en niet slechts een smokkelaar. Vandaag veroordeelde een rechter in Dalian Schellenberg tot de dood.

De Canadese premier Justin Trudeau beschuldigde China maandag na de uitspraak van de rechtbank van willekeurig gebruik van de doodstraf . ,,Het is een extreme zorg voor ons als regering, zoals het zou moeten zijn voor al onze internationale vrienden en bondgenoten, dat China ervoor heeft gekozen om willekeurig (de) doodstraf toe te passen ... zoals in dit geval'', zei hij tegen verslaggevers.

Het vonnis komt in een periode van toenemende diplomatieke spanningen tussen China en Canada door de aanhouding van de prominente Chinese zakenvrouw Sabrina Meng Wanzhou in het Canadese Vancouver. Sinds deze topvrouw van de IT-gigant Huawei 1 december op verzoek van de VS werd aangehouden, zijn drie Canadezen opgepakt in China: voormalig Canadees diplomaat Michael Kovrig, consultant en Noord-Korea-kenner Michael Spavor en lerares Sarah McIver. McIver is inmiddels weer terug in Canada.

China wil meer stimuleren

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China zal de stimuleringen opvoeren om de economie dit jaar aan te jagen, nu signalen erop wijzen dat de economische vertraging steeds sterker wordt. Dit hebben Chinese overheidsfunctionarissen laten weten.

Beijing wil dat er voldoende krediet beschikbaar is voor kleinere bedrijven, maar bijvoorbeeld ook meer investeren in infrastructuur en de belastingen verlagen, aldus een officiële brief dinsdag.

De People’s Bank of China streeft een groter aanbod van geld na, zo benadrukte een centraal bankier.

Ook zal de centrale bank het probleem oplossen dat commerciële banken terughoudend zijn om leningen te verstekken aan kleine bedrijven, aldus de functionaris.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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China to focus on improving steel capacity structure - CISA Chairman

Reuters reported that China’s steel industry will shift its focus to optimising capacity structure, including products, location and ownership, in 2019, from reducing overall capacity. An executive of the country’s iron and steel association said that China is entering the fourth year of its supply-side reform push to streamline its bloated heavy industry and to pursue “high-quality development” from “fast-speed development.”

Since 2016, the world’s largest steel maker has eliminated nearly 300 million tonnes of outdated steel production capacity and low-grade steel capacity, but around 908 million tonnes still remains.

Mr Yu Yong, the chairman of China Iron and Steel Association at an annual industry meeting said that “(China’s steel industry) is still far from accomplishing the supply-side reform task. (A) major campaign in 2019 will be optimising production structure, adjusting layout of steel mills and pushing merger and acquisition.”

But he also acknowledged that the pressure of oversupply from illegally-added capacity and new projects remains as mills try to cash in on high profit margins.

Mr Yu said that “Main source of China’s economic growth has turned to consumption from investment, which leads to fewer demand for steel products and higher requirement of products quality.”

The China Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute, a government consultancy, predicted last month that steel consumption in the country would fall to 800 million tonnes in 2019 from 820 million tonnes in 2018, because of waning demand in the property, automobile and energy sectors.

China’s car sales fell 2.8 percent in 2018 from the previous year, the first annual decline in 28 years.

Mr Yu also called on steel mills to prepare for further Sino-US trade friction and to pay close attention to the indirect impacts on Chinese steel exports.

Source : Reuters
North Chinese province to cut 14 mln tonnes of iron and steel capacity in 2019

Xinhua reported that Hebei Province, China’s main iron and steel production base, plans to cut its capacity by 14 million tonnes this year. Its governor Mr Xu Qin made the announcement Monday when delivering a government work report at the opening of the local legislative session.

Mr Xu said in the report that among its prefectural cities, Zhangjiakou, where the Winter Olympics will be held in 2022, and Langfang, which neighbors Beijing, will phase out iron and steel industry this year.

He said that other efforts to fight overcapacity this year include cutting capacity of coal by 10 million tonnes, cement by 1 million tonnes, carbon coke by 3 million tonnes and coal-fired power supply by 500,000 kW.

Hebei and several other regions around Beijing are home to major steelmakers, coal mines and chemical plants. They are at the forefront of the country’s fight against air pollution.

According to the report, Hebei cut production capacity of steel by 12.3 million tonnes, coal by 14 million tonnes and cement by 3.13 million tonnes in 2018, which not only contributed to the national target to seek a high-quality economic growth but also helped improve air quality.

Source : Xinhua
Geely says it has not sold Daimler shares - Report

Reuters reported that China's Geely Group said it has not sold any shares in Daimler AG, denying a Bloomberg report that the Chinese firm had slashed its 9.7 percent stake in the German carmaker by more than half. A Hangzhou-based spokesman for Geely told Reuters that "As a long-term investor, Zhejiang Geely Holding has not sold any shares. The Daimler shareholding remains unchanged.”

Bloomberg reported that Chinese billionaire Li Shufu's Geely had sold a 5.4 percent stake, citing people familiar with the matter, but that the new owners of the shares were not known.

The report comes as Morgan Stanley disclosed in a filing on Thursday that it had increased its Daimler stake to 5.39 percent from 0.34 percent on Jan. 4. According to Bloomberg, Morgan Stanley is holding the shares on behalf of others.

Li had picked up the 9.7 percent stake in Daimler in 2018, asking the maker of Mercedes-Benz cars to strike up an alliance to better counter the threat from upstart mobility companies.

His move rekindled German fears about high-tech know-how falling into Chinese hands and Daimler had initially balked at the prospect of an alliance, partly on fears it might alienate Mercedes' existing Chinese partner BAIC.

But the companies have remained in talks about areas of potential cooperation and in October announced they would set up a ride-hailing joint venture in China.

Source : Reuters
Vestas receives 101 MW order for V120-2.2 MW turbines featuring the tallest towers in China

Leveraging its high tower solution, Vestas has secured a 101 MW order in China for 46 V120-2.2 MW turbines that will all feature the country’s tallest towers with a hub height of 152m. The project’s customised tower solution takes the 2 MW platform to the highest hub heights ever in Vestas’ history and opens up new wind resources by allowing access to higher and more consistent wind speeds, maximising the site’s energy output. As Vestas’ latest 2 MW platform addition, The V120-2.2 MW turbine was launched for the Chinese market during China Wind Power 2017, underlining how Vestas has been introducing its latest technologies and solutions to China since pioneering the market more than 20 years ago. In 2018, Vestas installed several wind parks with 2 MW platform turbines and hub height of 137m, which at the time was the hub height record for China’s wind industry.

Mr Thomas Keller, Senior Vice President and CFO/COO of Vestas China said that “With this project, we continue to offer our best-in-class solutions and our industry leading project expertise from 100 GW of global installations for the Chinese market.”

Anne Vedel, Vice President and CTO/CCO of Vestas China said that “Together with the proven 2 MW platform, Vestas’ high tower solution remains one of our core competitive offerings for China’s low wind market. The V120-2.2 MW turbine is a great match for the for Chinese market and I’m pleased to see that it’s being received well by our Chinese customers.”

The order includes a 2-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service agreement, as well as VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution. Delivery and commissioning are expected to begin in the second quarter of 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Adrian Smith, Gordon Gill win 700m tower in China

Global Construction Review reported that Chicago headquartered Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture has won the competition for a major development in Shenzhen, China that will include a contender, however fleeting, for the second tallest building in the world. The 700m tower, called Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Center, will be the focal point of developer Shimao Group’s Shenzhen Longgang Master Plan, set between the foothills of Longcheng Park and the Dayun National Park.

It would be “a new sculptural icon for northwest Shenzhen’s skyline”, it added.

The world’s tallest building now is the 828-m Burj Khalifa in Dubai, with the 632 m Shanghai Tower coming in second.

If this tower gets built, its title as world’s second-tallest will come immediately under threat from another of mega-tall specialist AS+GG’s own projects, the (purportedly) kilometre-high Jeddah Tower now under construction in Saudi Arabia.

Also nipping at its heels is architect Santiago Calatrava’s Dubai Creek Tower, under construction in the UAE, which aims to be an unspecified amount taller than the Burj.

So, while it will be the tallest tower in China, by the time it is finished it may be the world’s third or even fourth tallest. Its proximity to sporting arenas led AS+GG to draw on athleticism for inspiration.

AS+GG Design Partner Adrian Smith, FAIA said that “The Shenzhen-Hong Kong International Center is anthropomorphic in its character, representing and honouring in an abstract way the athletes that train and struggle to have the opportunity to perform in the world-class stadiums, arenas, and natatorium directly adjacent to and integrated into the overall AS+GG master plan for this project.”

The mixed-use district that surrounds it contains a five-star hotel, offices, and conference facilities.

The firm said the tower and surrounding district are being designed to achieve a LEED Platinum rating, with the building’s lifecycle carbon emissions reduced by 50% against current practices baseline.

Source : Global Construction Review
Voor het eerst groeien er plantjes op de maan

Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis groeien er plantjes op de maan. Een Chinese sonde bracht katoenzaadjes naar het hemellichaam, die inmiddels zijn uitgekomen.

Buitenlandredactie 15-01-19, 17:52 Laatste update: 20:41

Het kiemen van de katoenzaadjes wordt gezien als een grote stap binnen de ruimteverkenning op lange termijn. Het zou betekenen dat astronauten in de toekomst hun eigen voedsel in de ruimte kunnen kweken. Eerder groeiden er al planten in het internationaal ruimtestation ISS, maar nog nooit eerder gebeurde dat op de maan.

Op 7 december vorig jaar lanceerde China de ruimtesonde Chang’e 4, die begin dit jaar aankwam. Het onbemande ruimteschip werd naar de achterkant van de maan gestuurd. Een robot doet daar voor het eerst onderzoek naar het maanoppervlak. Chinese onderzoekers plaatsten bij hun bezoek ook een microsysteem om planten in te laten groeien.

Ruimtevaartonderzoeker Angelo Vermeulen van de TU Delft is enthousiast over de geslaagde missie. ,,Geweldig! De grote uitdaging was om de zaden onderweg in leven te houden en te zorgen dat alles ter plekke kon ontkiemen.”

De droom is om straks zoveel planten te kweken dat deze voldoende zuurstof afgeven, om een tijd op de maan te overleven.

Angelo Vermeulen, Ruimtevaartonderzoeker TU Delft
Het microsysteem van zo’n 2,6 kilogram bevatte onder meer zaden van katoen en aardappelen, maar bijvoorbeeld ook fruitvliegjes en gist. Het ecosysteem werd in een afgesloten emmer geplaatst, met daarin een buisje dat natuurlijk zonlicht binnenbrengt. Speciale techniek zorgde ervoor dat de zaadjes steeds een beetje water kregen. ,,De droom is om straks zoveel planten te kweken dat deze voldoende zuurstof afgeven, om een tijd op de maan te overleven, zónder bevoorrading van de aarde,” filosofeert Vermeulen. De Belgische bioloog gelooft erin dat we uiteindelijk massaal verkassen naar de ruimte. ,,Al kan dat nog 500 jaar duren.”

Een van de grootste moeilijkheden voor de groei van planten blijft de temperatuur op de maan. Die varieert van 100 graden overdag tot -100 graden ’s nachts. Daarnaast kan de lage zwaartekracht het groeiproces beïnvloeden. De laatste foto’s die door de sonde zijn teruggestuurd naar de aarde laten echter zien dat de katoenzaden ondanks die moeilijkheden goed groeien. De andere planten zijn tot nu toe nog niet gekiemd.

Droge klomp cement
De Chinese wetenschappers hopen uit de resultaten van hun Chang’e maanprogramma belangrijke informatie te halen over de ondergrond en leefomstandigheden op de maan. Die informatie willen ze gebruiken om er binnenkort een bewoonbare maanbasis te bouwen. ,,Dat zou moeten kunnen. We hebben heel lang gedacht dat de maan een droge klomp cement was, maar in de kraters op de noordpool van de maan - waar het zonlicht niet bij kan komen - zit 600 miljoen ton water. Al dat ijswater biedt mogelijkheden om een basis te bouwen,” aldus Vermeulen.

Maar het zal nog lang duren voordat er echt voedsel voor consumptie kan worden geteeld op de maan, zegt hij. De emmer met katoenzaadjes komt nog niet eens in de buurt van een volledige maaltijd. ,,In het ruimtestation ISS is het ook al eens gelukt om sla te kweken, maar dat waren veel te weinig calorieën voor de astronauten. Voorlopig zijn dit soort experimenten vooral interessant voor de wetenschap.”

Het Chinese agentschap zei in een persconferentie dat er nog vier maanmissies aankomen. Een van de sondes zal monsters van de maan mee terug kunnen nemen naar de aarde. Een andere missie moet een begin maken met de bouw van een maanbasis voor onderzoek. Die kan mogelijk gebruikmaken van 3D-printtechnologie om faciliteiten te bouwen. Plaatsvervangend hoofd van de China National Space Administration (CNSA) Wu Yanhua onthulde ook dat China rond 2020 een sonde naar Mars zal sturen.

De zakelijke investeringen van Chinees geld in de VS is dramatisch afgenomen.

In 2016 was het nog 46 miljard. In 2017 was het 29 miljard en in 2018 was het nog slechts 4,8 miljard. Daarentegen nemen de particuliere investeringen van Chinezen in de huizenmarkt van de VS wel toe.
Chinese steel exports could remain low in 2019 - Jefferies

Reuters reported that Jefferies Financial Group says that Chinese steel exports are likely to remain low in 2019, but it is possible exports increase modestly. China’s exports unexpectedly fell the most in two years in December, pointing to further weakness in the economy in 2019 and deteriorating global demand. Brokerage says fall in Chinese exports in 2018 despite Yuan’s depreciation and domestic market volatility offers welcomed breathing room to Western markets

Jefferies says ArcelorMittal remains its preferred play on a structurally improved global steel market, Thyssenkrupp and Voestalpine stand out in Europe, while it prefers MT and SSAB. In the US, Nucor, Steel Dynamics, Commercial Metals Co and Reliance Steel & Aluminum offer defensive positioning.

Source : Reuters
Chinese steel producers profits surge as capacity slashed

Xinhua reported that Chinese steel producers saw their profits surge in the first 11 months of 2018 as the sector's overcapacity was slashed amid the supply-side structural reform. Data from the China Iron and Steel Association showed the combined profits of its members' enterprises jumped 63.54 percent year on year to 280.2 billion yuan (about 41.5 billion US dollars) in the first 11 months of 2018. Their debt ratio declined to 65.74 percent by the end of November, down 3.39 percentage points from a year earlier, with half of the enterprises seeing a debt ratio of below 60 percent.

The improvement in corporate profitability came after the country fulfilled its goal of reducing the steel industry's capacity by 100 million-150 million tonnes from 2016 to 2020 ahead of schedule.

By the end of 2017, steel overcapacity had already been slashed by over 115 million tonnes.

Mr Yu Yong, CISA chairman, at a conference of the association said that "The market environment has improved markedly, and the bloated capacity has been effectively addressed.” However, he cautioned that the foundation for sustained profitability remains shaky as costs have increased while steel prices have started to retreat due to such factors as lower demand and growing output.

Source : Xinhua
Geely Auto unveiled all new electric sedan

Geely Auto unveiled its first all-new electric sedan since the launch of the Emgrand EV in 2015. The forthcoming new sedan is a globally developed product and will begin to spearhead Geely’s efforts into entering overseas markets. The design language will use a ‘closed’ frontal design language with the headlights designed around the concept of ‘Yi’, the Chinese word for one: “?”, which allows the headlights to reach across the front of the car and up into the front arches.

The strong pronounced hoodline also improves the wind drag coefficient of the model, bringing it down to just 0.2375 and allowing for greater efficiency whilst driving. To further that efficiency, Geely’s new electric sedan has moved to integrate its door handles into the bodywork and will only appear when the driver is within a certain range.

The new electric sedan will be unveiled in early 2019 with a focus on design, technology and performance.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
German vehicle exports from US to China slump

Reuters reported that German carmakers appealed on Monday for tariff-free trade to preserve jobs in Europe and the United States, as the country's auto industry association reported exports of German light vehicles from the United States to China dropped 37 percent last year. German auto industry association VDA said that a trade conflict between the United States and China is having an adverse impact on the German auto industry, which operates four large light-vehicle factories in the United States and employs 118,000 people there.

VDA said that German carmakers shipped 95,000 light vehicles, including SUVs and crossovers, made by BMW and Mercedes-Benz from the United States to China last year, down from 150,000 a year earlier.

It said that German carmakers produced 750,000 vehicles at their U.S. plants, of which 56 percent were exported to Europe and China, while around 470,000 vehicles made by German carmakers were imported to the United States from Europe.

Mr Klaus Braeunig, managing director of the German Association of the Automotive Industry, at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit said that "Recent developments once again proved that the automotive industry and the jobs it provides depend heavily on free and fair trade.”

Mr Braeunig said in a statement that "This is why we are deeply concerned about the direction that US trade policy has taken since 2017. We should always keep in mind that together the EU and the US account for 50 percent of world trade.”

Source : Reuters
China vehicle outputs in 2018 drop by 2.76pct YoY - CAAM

According to sales data released by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, China's vehicle outputs and sales in 2018 reached 27,809,200 units and 28,080,600 units, dropping 4.16% and 2.76% year on year respectively. Both outputs and sales of PVs faced negative growth on an annual basis, which directly led to the downturn for entire automotive market despite the growth of CV performances.

In December, there were 2,482,200 vehicles output and 2,661,500 vehicles sold in China with respective YoY decline of 18.39% and 13.03%. Double-digit YoY decrease appeared on both monthly PV outputs and sales. In the meantime, the CV outputs only edged down 0.98% over a year ago, yet its sales climbed 5.24% from the previous year.

The PV declining performances are reflected on outputs and sales for all detail sectors. In December, the sales look not that depressed compared with the previous month—only the car sales showed a YoY drop of 4.4%. However, compared with the same period a year ago, the sales of the car, SUV and MPV sectors all displayed double-digit decrease.

As to the full-year performances, the sales of cars and SUVs slightly shrank 2.7% and 2.52% over the year-ago period, while their sales reduction basically determine the results of overall PV sales due to the absolute majority in quantity. Meanwhile, the MPV and minibus failed to dodge the sliding performances as well.

Source : Gasgoo
Port Hedland iron ore shipments to China jump 14% MoM in December

Reuters reported that the Pilbara Ports Authority said that iron ore shipments to China from Australia’s Port Hedland terminal rose 14% in December from a month earlier. Iron ore shipments to China from the world’s biggest iron ore port totalled 37.4 million tonnes in December, compared with November’s 32.9 million tonnes

Port Hedland is used by three of Australia’s top four iron ore miners, BHP Billiton, Fortescue Metals Group and Gina Rinehart’s Hancock Prospecting.

Source : Reuters
India to build 44 strategic roads along China border

Deccan Herald reported that government will construct 44 strategic roads along the border with China and over 2100 km of axial and lateral roads in Punjab and Rajasthan, abutting Pakistan, a CPWD document shows. According to an annual report (2018-19) prepared, and released earlier this month by the Central Public Works Department, the agency has been asked to construct 44 "strategically important" roads along the India-China border to ensure quick mobilisation of troops in case of a conflict. The nearly 4000-km-long Line of Actual Control between India and China touches areas from Jammu and Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh.

The report comes at a time China is giving a priority to projects along its India borders. In 2017, Indian and Chinese troops engaged in a face-off at the Doklam tri-junction after the neighbouring country had begun building road in the area.

The standoff ended on August 28 following a mutual agreement under which China stopped the construction of the road and India withdrew its troops.

The report stated that these 44 strategic roads along the India-China border will be constructed at a cost of nearly INR 21,000 crore.

Source : Deccan Herald
China’s spot copper TC/RCs as concentrate supply tightens

Spot treatment and refining charges for imported copper concentrates for Chinese smelters stood at USD 89-93 per tonne in the week to Saturday, down from USD 90-94 per tonne the week before. Jiangxi Copper Corp in its weekly report said industry insiders have revised down their concentrate supply outlook as smelters in China began buying concentrates for the second quarter, paring back earlier expectations of supply remaining ample. That expectation had seen TC/RCs hit USD 95 per tonne last October. It said longer run fee offers were mostly below USD 90 per tonne, below the target levels of Chinese smelters.

Hubei-based Chinese brokerage Mailyard Futures in its weekly copper report attributed the fall in spot fees to concentrate supply gradually tightening. It noted unionized workers at BHP’s Escondida copper mine in Chile had declined wage talks, adding to anticipation that global concentrate supply would tighten further.

A Guangzhou-based Chinese brokerage in its copper report noted there was little global supply growth planned in mined copper in the next five years.

Jiangxi Copper noted the resumption date of Vedanta Resources’ smelter in Tuticorin in India had yet to be confirmed and hinged on the outcome of a court hearing on January 21. If the court approves the restart, it could happen by the second quarter and have a flow-on effect on upcoming TC/RC offers, it added.

Source : Platts
China exports 5.8 million tonne of aluminium in 2018

Aluminium exports from the People’s Republic of China set a new record last year, besting 2017’s total by 20.9 percent thanks in part to demand for Chinese aluminium bolstered by oppressive sanctions levied on Russia’s UC Rusal by the United States government. According to data by China’s General Administration of Customs, Chinese smelters combined to ship 5.8 million metric tons of raw aluminium to foreign shores in 2018. This came despite a blanket 10-percent tariff on all imported aluminium imposed by the Trump administration in March.

In the year’s final month, total exports fell by 0.6 percent on the month to 527 thousand metric tons, but December’s total was still better by 19.8 percent over the previous year. Aiding in the strong numbers was the arbitrage situation encountered by exporters, though the gap narrowed by 5.7 percent in the course of the month. The drop, which was the sharpest since June, was occasioned by news of the impending end of U.S. government sanctions on Rusal.

In November, Chinese smelters exported 530 thousand metric tons, setting a record for the second-highest export total. November’s exports benefited from the introduction of a higher 16-percent value-added tax rebate.

Source : Aluminium Insider
China 2018 coal imports at four year high despite government curbs

Reuters reported that China's coal imports rose to 281.5 million tonnes in 2018, the highest annually since 2014, data from the General Administration of Customs showed. Coal shipments last year rose 3.4 per cent from 2017 despite government efforts over the past two years to reduce imports to boost domestic prices.

Imports in December tumbled 46.6 per cent to 10.23 million tonnes, customs data showed.

Source : Reuters
CNPC to build 23 more gas storage facilities by 2030

Reuters reported that China's CNPC said that it will build 23 more gas storage facilities and expand 10 existing ones by 2030. The state energy group will build six regional gas storage centres across China, where the facilities will be located, in the next 12 years

The plan is part of China's efforts to secure supplies of natural gas during peak demand season over winter. Gas producers and local authorities have been boosting investment and adding new storage following a harsh winter that saw a severe supply squeeze, partly due to storage shortfalls.

Source : Reuters
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