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China aluminium firms to cut 800,000 tonne of capacity – Report

Reuters reported that analysts from Antaike, the research arm of the China Nonferrous Metals Industry Association, said that China's aluminum producers are set to cut at least another 800,000 tonnes per year of smelting capacity. Chinese smelters have so far closed more than 3.2 million tonnes of capacity in 2018, about 80 percent of that in the second-half of the year amid a slump in aluminum prices

The analysts were attending a key smelter meeting in the southern region of Guangxi, which was called by the metals association.

It was not immediately clear whether the 800,000-tonne figure was Antaike's own estimate or if the research house was citing the other participants at the meeting.

These included top smelters China Hongqiao Group, Aluminum Corp of China Ltd, Xinfa Group, Hangzhou Jinjiang Group and East Hope, Antaike said.

According to Antaike, participants said that the operating pressure on smelters was "reaching the extreme limit" and had surpassed even the worst levels seen in the fourth quarter of 2015.

Three years ago, with prices slumping to around 10,000 yuan a tonne, Chinese smelters gathered for a similar meeting and decided to cut 500,000 tonnes of production by the end of that year.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China tightens controls on vehicle production

Argus Media reported that the Chinese government has come up with a new set of regulations for its automotive industry to limit production of gasoline and diesel-fuelled vehicles. The country's top economic planning body NDRC last week announced the new regulations that will ban automotive manufacturers from building new production plants for gasoline and diesel fuelled vehicles, effective from 10 January next year. Automotive manufacturers will not be allowed to relocate their plants to other provinces. The government will prohibit them from raising their production capacity of fossil fuel vehicles unless their actual output of new energy vehicles has been above the industry average over the last two years.

Gasoline and diesel fuelled vehicles in the regulations refer to traditional fuel vehicles, regular hybrid vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles.

The decree also includes several clauses that are designed to manage investment in the electric vehicle sector. The minimum output capacity of any new project that produces all-electric passenger cars must be at least 100,000 units a year, with the minimum capacity for all-electric commercial vehicles set at 5,000 units a year.

The government in the regulations has urged electric car producers to improve their research and development ability, conceptual design and product quality.

Beijing in September 2017 hinted that it will ban the production and sale of gasoline and diesel fueled vehicles to reduce pollution, without providing further details.

The move follows a series of countries announcing plans to ban gasoline and diesel-fueled cars. The UK and French governments will enforce the ban in 2040, and India, Norway, Germany and the Netherlands are scheduled for 2025-30.

China produced 807,000 units of all electric vehicles and 247,000 plug-in hybrids during January to November this year. It is expected to exceed its initial target of producing 1mn electric vehicles in 2018, following rises in output over the past few months.

The Chinese government has tightened its control on NEV subsidies, which are scheduled to be completely removed by the end of 2020. The authorities in February canceled a subsidy of 20,000 yuan (USD 2,900) for pure EVs with a driving range of below 150km and reduced the subsidy for EVs with a range of 150-200km to CNY 15,000 from CNY 36,000. The subsidy for those that have a range of 200-250km was lowered to CNY 24,000 from CNY 36,000, while the subsidy for those with a range of 250-300km was slashed by CNY 10,000 to CNY 34,000.

Source : Argus Media
'Alibaba-dochter koopt Brits WorldFirst'

Gepubliceerd op 24 dec 2018 om 14:34 | Views: 104

HANGZHOU (AFN) - Alibaba-dochter Ant Financial is in de markt om het Britse fintechbedrijf WorldFirst over te nemen. Dat meldt de Britse nieuwszender Sky News. De twee partijen zijn al enkele maanden in gesprek. Ant Financial zou 550 miljoen pond, ruim 610 miljoen euro, overhebben voor WorldFirst.

Volgens de bronnen van Sky kan de overname in de komende weken bekend worden gemaakt. Het zou de grootste stap van een Chinees bedrijf in de Britse fintechsector zijn. WorldFirst biedt klanten de mogelijkheid om zich in te dekken tegen koerswisselingen van valuta's. Die diensten biedt de onderneming aan bedrijven, banken, beleggingsfondsen en individuen.

Ant Financial is de grootste fintech start-up ter wereld. Het bedrijf is voortgekomen uit Alibaba en heette oorspronkelijk Alipay. Alibaba heeft nog ongeveer een derde van Ant in handen.

Bij de laatste private financieringsronde afgelopen zomer werd de waarde van Ant op 150 miljard dollar bepaald. De onderneming zou mogelijk volgend jaar naar de beurs gaan.
OTHChina's real estate builders are hurting, Beijing may feel the pain - Cai

Cai Zhonghui has worked in China's construction industry all his adult life, graduating from a labourer to owning a company with 100 workers building factories and roads around eastern China. Cai says the industry is now facing the toughest challenges he has seen, squeezed by high materials costs, tougher regulations and tighter access to credit, making him cautious about taking on new projects. That caution reflects a broader threat to Beijing as it looks to stimulate a slowing economy with increased infrastructure approvals: private builders the backbone of the sector - are less willing to take projects on due to higher risks and lower profits.

Cai, a wiry and sprightly 63-year-old, told Reuters at his office in the eastern Chinese city of Nantong "In the past, once there was an opportunity, we would rush to grab the work. But now we're more choosy: Are we able to undertake it? Do we really want to do this? We want to lower our risks."

Cai and other industry executives told Reuters, construction projects have taken longer to start and complete, due to increased environmental regulations, work suspensions and growing liquidity pressures.

The builders' concerns come at a time when China's broader infrastructure and property industry, a key driver of its economy, is in flux. While investment as a proportion of China's economy has been trending down as services and consumption rise, it still contributed to about one-third of the country's economic growth last year.

China poured billions of dollars into building roads, rail-lines and other infrastructure to prop up the economy during the global financial crisis in 2008 and has routinely returned to use it as a driver of growth. However, analysts say that its effectiveness has been increasingly dulled with rising debt risks and inefficient projects.

Beijing began tightening approvals for infrastructure projects last year and ordered an overhaul of its public-private partnerships programme as part of its efforts to tackle debt risks.

Infrastructure spending growth slowed to 3.7 percent in November, near its lowest level in two decades, from levels of over 20 percent last year.

And downward pressure on the economy is increasing, China's statistics bureau said on Friday.

Larger listed builders are feeling the pinch. A Reuters analysis of the earnings of 82 listed Chinese construction and engineering firms found total debt grew at its slowest rate in at least six years between July to September, illustrating the difficulties they face in obtaining financing.

These companies include Jiangsu Zhongnan Construction Group , which saw its total debt contract by just over 10 percent over the period. Like a large number of Chinese companies, its controlling shareholder has in recent months been pledging its shares to finance firms to raise cash.

Meanwhile, third-quarter revenues rose at their lowest pace in six quarters, underlining the pressure on sales.

State-owned giants such as China Communications Construction Corp and China State Construction Engineering Corp build the country's largest projects but work also filters down to private firms, which make up about 90 percent of China's 86,000 construction firms, according to the China Construction Industry Association.

Adding to those strains are China's effort to clean up the environment, which builders say has pressured some materials producers to shut plants and others to stop work when pollution levels are high, curbing output and pushing up prices. Prices of materials, which can account for about 60 percent of a building's cost, have risen 29 percent between the first quarter of 2016 to the third quarter this year, according to Joe Chan, Head of China East at consultancy Arcadis.

Cement production, for example, has dipped, driving Chinese firms to start importing from places like Vietnam which saw cement exports to China jump by over half this year.

"The situation is new for the cement industry for China," said Raluca Cercel, an associate at consultancy CW Group, who estimates average cement prices have risen to over $50 a tonne from less than $30 a tonne in 2016. "Supply is definitely declining faster than demand is."

Mr Zhao Yingtai, the owner of another Nantong-based construction firm, said supply shortages and rising prices were impacting timely completion of projects. He said that "Now the cement companies are choosing who they want to supply to. This has meant that our work can't progress on schedule, which causes delivery problems which in turn can become a liquidity issue."

The government is taking steps to mitigate these pressures. Since July, it has restarted greenlighting a number of large railway and airport projects as a trade war with the United States threaten to trigger a sharper slowdown.

Beijing has also said it will relax restrictions to allow local governments to sell special bonds to pay for projects and has pledged more financing support to cash-strapped firms.

Authorities also started probing the steep price rises of sand, cement and concrete in September, an official from the China Cement Association, who declined to be named, told Reuters, confirming recent domestic media reports.

The National Development and Reform Commission did not respond to a request for comment.

However, industry insiders said they believe the pressures will last for at least another year and any funding from the Beijing will take some time to filter down to smaller firms. State firms, which tend to have easier access to capital, will likely shoulder the lion's share of the work in the meantime.

Source : Reuters
China's CNAF signs strategic alliance pact with oil major BP

Reuters reported that China National Aviation Fuel Company, the country's near-monopoly jet fuel distributor, has signed a global strategic cooperation pact with oil major BP, according to a report posted on a government website. The agreement, signed, covers areas such as air transportation and jet fuel supplies for general aviation, said the report, posted on the website of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission. The report did not give further details of the pact.

CNAF and BP set up their first joint venture, supplying jet fuel to south China's Shenzhen airport, in 1991. The two firms then founded a second JV - South China Blue Sky - in 1998 which started with selling 600,000 tonnes a year of aviation fuel, with volumes estimated to reach 6 million tonnes this year.

Source : Reuters
Democratie in China: de vraag van 1,4 miljard

‘Alle curves steil omhoog: hoe arm China dankzij Deng “glorieus rijk” werd’. En ‘Xi's missie: houd de middenklasse tevreden’.

Deze twee koppen komen uit de reeks van FD-collega's Jean Dohmen en Sjoerd den Daas over hoe het China in de afgelopen veertig jaar is vergaan. Ze illustreren mooi de realiteit van het verleden en het gevaar van de toekomst.

De aanleiding voor de artikelen was de veertigste verjaardag van een ingrijpende Chinese koerswijziging. In december 1978 besloot politiek leider Deng Xiaoping immers dat het anders moest. Zijn economische hervormingen zetten de deur open voor buitenlandse handel, buitenlandse investeringen, en toegang tot technologie uit het Westen.

Tekende China in 1978 voor 1,7% van de mondiale economie, vorig jaar was dat 15,2%. Daarmee is het land de tweede economie op aarde, na de Verenigde Staten. De Chinese bevolking van nu ongeveer 1,4 miljard zielen kreeg in die periode ook meer greep gegeven op haar eigen leven. Zo zijn er steeds meer eigendomsrechten gekomen en kan een groeiend aantal burgers kiezen waar en waarmee ze hun brood willen verdienen.

Geen lastige democratie
Tegelijkertijd hield de Communistische Partij al die tijd de touwtjes in handen. Geen gedoe met een lastige democratie dus. Waarom zou Peking dan van koers moeten veranderen?
Een van de belangrijkste argumenten om dat wel te doen, is dat veel laaghangend fruit is geplukt. De industrialisering heeft tot een sprong voorwaarts geleid, maar een inhaalrace is iets anders dan op kop gaan lopen. Daar is duurzame groei voor nodig. Sommige landen lukt dat, anderen niet.

Veertig jaar geleden begon China aan economische hervormingen. Centraal afgebeeld is de toenmalige leider, Deng Xiaoping.Foto: Antonio Pisacreta / ZUMA Press

Daron Acemoglu en James Robinson leggen in het populair geworden boek Why nations fail uit hoe dat werkt. De academici van respectievelijk MIT en Harvard onderscheiden inclusieve en extractieve landen. In inclusieve landen heeft een brede laag van de bevolking politieke rechten en legt de overheid verantwoording af aan haar burgers, die ook de kans krijgen zich op economisch vlak te ontplooien. De opbrengsten van de risico’s die ze nemen komen hen ook ten goede.

Het oude vervangen door het nieuwe
In extractieve landen is alle politieke macht in handen van een kleine elite, die de economie leegzuigt. De Sovjet-Unie was daar een sprekend voorbeeld van. Alle mensen waren gelijk, maar sommigen meer dan anderen, wat er op neerkwam dat een kleine groep van machthebbers zich schaamteloos kon verrijken ten koste van de rest van de bevolking.

Hogesnelheidstrein in de Chinese provincie Shaanxi.Foto: Xinhua / eyevine
Dat wil niet zeggen dat er geen groei mogelijk is onder dergelijke regimes, wel dat er een rem op staat. Technologische ontwikkeling ligt altijd aan de basis van economische groei, maar het zijn de politieke instellingen die de aard, snelheid en verspreiding van die veranderingen bepalen. Een essentieel kenmerk van extractieve instellingen is dat ze geen creatieve destructie toelaten. Het oude vervangen door het nieuwe zet de bestaande politieke machtsverhoudingen immers op lossen schroeven.

Afgaand op die analyse zal de Chinese economie stagneren of zelfs wegkwijnen als het land zich niet ontwikkelt tot een meer inclusieve politieke democratie.
Acemoglu onderbouwde zijn theorie met cijfers. In 2015 maakte hij samen met een groep academici een studie over het wedervaren van 175 landen tussen 1960 en 2010. Democratie bleek een duidelijke positieve impact te hebben op economische groei. De omschakeling van een autoritair naar een democratisch regime zou de Chinese economie tegen 2040 met 20% kunnen vergroten.

De huidige leider van de Communistische Partij, Xi Jinping.REUTERS

De kanalen waarlangs dat loopt, zijn bedrieglijk eenvoudig: democratie moedigt investeringen aan, bevordert scholing, zet hervormingen in gang, leidt tot betere publieke dienstverlening en vermindert sociale onrust.
De Chinese Communistische Partij mag dan wel de boodschap verkondigen dat democratie helemaal niet nodig is voor economische groei, het is maar de vraag of ze daar ook de volgende veertig jaar mee doorkomt. Ergens onderweg zullen de 1,4 miljard Chinezen daar vermoedelijk ook wel wat over willen zeggen.

Daan Ballegeer

'Trump wil Huawei en ZTE in de ban doen'

Gepubliceerd op 27 dec 2018 om 08:16 | Views: 5.927

WASHINGTON (AFN) - De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump denkt erover na om bedrijven uit zijn land te verbieden telecomapparatuur van de Chinese bedrijven Huawei en ZTE te gebruiken. Trump wil een nationale noodsituatie afkondigen om dat te bewerkstelligen, zeggen bronnen tegen persbureau Reuters.

Het zou een definitieve stap zijn om Huawei en ZTE van de Amerikaanse markt te weren. Volgens de Verenigde Staten werken de twee ondernemingen samen met de Chinese regering en kan Peking de netwerkapparatuur van Huawei en ZTE gebruiken om Amerikanen te bespioneren.

Het presidentiële besluit, waar Trump al ruim acht maanden over nadenkt, zou in januari getekend kunnen worden. Het Amerikaanse ministerie van Handel zou dan kunnen verordenen dat bedrijven geen netwerkapparatuur mogen aanschaffen van buitenlandse bedrijven die een risico vormen voor de nationale veiligheid.

Huawei, dat ook bijvoorbeeld telefoons maakt, kondigde aan dit jaar te verwachten de omzet met ruim een vijfde te verhogen naar ruim 95 miljard euro. Het bedrijf heeft al 26 contracten afgesloten voor het leveren van 5G-apparatuur.
China’s steel scrap use to increases further as EAF output expands

Argus reported that China's overall steel scrap use is rising on demand from new electric arc furnaces, even as its blast furnace-based mills reduce scrap ratios to preserve profit margins. China Association of Metal Scrap Utilization said that China's scrap use is expected to increase by 10% to 220 million tonne in 2018, with 187 million tonne of it used by steel mills and 15 million tonne by casting mills. The average ratio of the scrap charge in basic oxygen furnaces was 20.1% during January-September this year, with some mills as high as 34% and others still well below 10%

Other forecasts put China's scrap use lower at around 190-200 million tonne in 2018 but still on an upwards trend. Scrap use should exceed 200 million tonne by 2020, according to China's ministry of industry and information technology. New EAFs are the main driver to the increased demand.

China's EAF steel output is expected to increase to 87 million tonne in 2020, or 12% of its total steel output, from 53 million tonne or 6% of the total in 2017, investment bank Goldman Sachs forecasts.

Source : Argus
China unveils tariff adjustments for 2019 to boost trade

Business Times reported that China announced on Monday adjustments to some import and export tariffs for 2019, removing import duties on alternatives to soymeal for animal feeds and tariffs on fertilisers and iron ore exports, to boost foreign trade as the economy slows. China finance ministry said in a statement on its website that import tariffs on so-called alternative meals, including rapeseed meal, cotton meal, sunflower meal and palm meal, will be removed from Jan 1 next year, along with those for the materials of some pharmaceutical goods.

China will levy temporary tariffs on more than 700 items next year and maintain relatively low import tariffs for aircraft engines, the ministry added. Temporary tax rates for manganese slag and lithium-ion battery cells for new energy vehicles will be removed and most-favored-nation tax rates will be imposed on those products, according to the ministry.

For exports, China will not levy any export tariffs on 94 products next year including fertilisers, iron ore, slag, coal tar and wood pulp.

It will also further cut most-favoured-nation tariffs on 298 information technology products from July 2019. The statement did not give details.

China's economic growth slowed to 6.5 per cent in the third quarter, the weakest pace since the global financial crisis and is expected to slow further in 2019 amid a trade war with the United States.

Source : Business Times
Chinese GEM signs 5 year battery material supply deal with ECOPRO

Reuters reported that Chinese battery firm GEM Co Ltd will supply 170,000 tonnes of raw materials to South Korean battery maker ECOPRO Co Ltd from 2019 to 2023, its latest effort to win a bigger share of the booming power cell market. GEM signed a MoU with ECOPRO to sell 16,000 tonnes of lithium nickel-cobalt-aluminium oxide cathode materials in 2019, the company said in a filing to the Shenzhen stock exchange.

GEM said that the volume will increase to 24,000 tonnes in 2020 and 40,000 tonnes in 2021. Prices for the deal were not disclosed. It will separately negotiate with the ECOPRO about further purchase plans for 2022 to 2023.

Currently, GEM has battery raw materials production capacity of 60,000 tonnes per annum.

GEM separately at a platform run by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange “We will adjust production capacity based on demands in 2019 to ensure the orders from customers.”

Source : Reuters
Minmetals unit launches raw materials project for new energy battery sector

Global Times reported that a subsidiary of China Minmetals Corp, one of the country's top miners, launched the first phase of a new-energy battery raw materials project in top steelmaking city Tangshan in North China's Hebei Province, in an effort to extend the supply chain of its nickel mine in Papua New Guinea. The project is part of China's push to safeguard new materials resources amid booming demand for batteries.

China Metallurgical Group Corp which merged with Minmetals in 2015, said the project will churn out 40,000 tonnes of nickel-cobalt-manganese hydroxides, a key raw ingredient for lithium-ion batteries, and 20 tons of high-purity scandium oxide per annum in phase I, according to a company statement on Monday.

The two products are widely used in new-energy vehicles, as well as the energy storage and power generation sectors.

Mr Zong Shaoxing chairman at MCC's new material branch, said in the statement that "[The project] is a breakthrough in creating a complete supply chain from mining to full vehicle assembly... and the company will seize the opportunity of new-energy development to upgrade raw materials from Papua New Guinea.”

Minmetals has access to 140 million tonnes of nickel-cobalt resources in Papua New Guinea and the equivalent of 1.6 million tonnes of lithium carbonate at the Yiliping salt lake in northwestern China.

The project, located in the port region of Tangshan, will cost more than 4 billion yuan (USD 579.84 million) for two phases of development, and it will produce a total of 60,000 tonnes of NCM hydroxides and 40 tonnes of scandium oxide every year.

Source : Global Times
Hunan Zhuzhou Smelter begins operation

SMM reported that Hunan Zhuzhou Smelter Group's phase-one zinc project, with a capacity of 300,000 tonne, commenced production in the Shuikoushan copper-lead-zinc industrial base on the morning of December 26. The project is an upgrade from the smelter's previous outdated capacity in urban plants. New technologies and facilities were adopted, and the company planned to cut sulphur dioxide emission by more than 15,000 mt/year, and to reduce the discharge of heavy metals.

The smelter began relocation a year ago. Relocation will reduce outdated zinc smelting capacity by 550,000 tonne, and lead smelting capacity by 100,000 tonne in Hunan.

Source : SMM
China's LNG imports hit record in November 2018

China's liquefied natural gas imports hit record levels in November, customs data showed, with traders rushing to buy the fuel as households and businesses crank up their heating over the freezing winter months. LNG imports totaled 5.99 million tonnes in November, up 48.5 percent from the same month last year, data from the General Administration of Customs showed. That surpassed the previous record of 5.18 million tonnes hit in January this year. China has been pushing to switch parts of the country to gas for heating, shifting away from coal as it pushes to clean up its environment.

For the first 11 months of 2018, LNG imports were up 43.6 percent from a year earlier to 47.52 million tonnes, on track to beat 2017's annual record of 38.13 million tonnes.

Meanwhile, Chinese exports of gasoline and diesel fell in November from the year before, the data showed, with local refiners reducing production as profit-margins fall.

Source : Reuters
Chinese thermal coal imports fall to 16 month low

China's thermal coal imports in November fell to their lowest level since July 2017, suggesting that the government's stricter enforcement of import curbs is having an effect. Thermal coal imports - which include imported shipments of lignite, bituminous, and sub-bituminous coal - totalled 13.52mn t in November, down by 15pc from 15.97mn t in November 2017, according to China's customs administration data. The imports also fell by 18pc compared with the previous month of October when thermal coal imports totalled 16.45mnt. Overall coal imports - including coking and anthracite coal - displayed a similar bearish trend in November, falling by 13pc year on year to 19.15mn t.

November lignite coal imports fell by 23pc from a year earlier to 6.05mn t, while bituminous coal imports fell by 21pc to 4.61mn t. China's only increase was for sub-bituminous coal imports, which are mostly from Indonesia. They rose to 2.86mn t in November, up by 24pc from the year-earlier month. But this coal variety made up just over 20pc of China's total thermal coal imports.

The drop in thermal coal imports last month came despite thermal power generation in November rising by 3.9pc from a year earlier to 405.1TWh or 13.5TWh/d, according to the national bureau of statistics. This was also up by 15pc from October.

Quota enforcement
China's central government introduced a quota system in April this year to curb 2018 coal imports at levels not higher than last year. The government reinforced the system in November as several provinces had already exhausted their 2018 quotas and the total import quota set for the country was running out fast. Customs authorities asked major power plants to stop booking new cargoes and to postpone cargoes that had already been booked until at least next January.

Total imports for all types of coal for January-November have already reached 271.19mn t, which exceeds the 270.9mn t achieved over the whole of last year, according to the customs data. This means total coal imports have already exceeded the government's quota for 2018, which was set at parity with total 2017.

Imported thermal coal shipments totalled 201.1mn t for January-November, up by 17pc from the same period of 2017.

The stricter enforcement of import curbs from November slowed China demand and weighed on seaborne coal prices in the Asia-Pacific market. The price of Australian NAR 5,500 kcal/kg coal, which mostly sells to China, dropped by 10pc from the end of October to $57.91/t fob Newcastle on 30 November, according to Argus assessments. The price of GAR 4,200 kcal/kg Indonesian coal, which normally sells in large volumes to east and south China, registered an even greater fall of 22pc month on month to $28.73/t fob Indonesia on 30 November.

Although the central government has not given a clear indication for import policy next year, a few of China's coastal utilities have booked imported cargoes for deliveries in the first quarter, expecting these imports to roll into the new 2019 quota. This has helped lift seaborne coal prices slightly since then, leaving the price of GAR 4,200 kcal/kg Indonesian coal at $30.52/t fob on 21 December, according to Argus assessments.

Source : Argus
Chinese to ban imports of waste foreign vessels for ship recycling

China Daily reported that China will ban imports of waste foreign vessels to protect the environment. The country’s ship-breaking yards, which have been tearing apart the world’s retired vessels from both civil and military sectors, and turning them into piles of steel scrap bound for mills for repurposing, will henceforth focus only on domestic ships. Many ship-breaking yards and nearby beaches were heavily polluted by heavy metals, oil and other toxic substances.

The new measures of banning imports were announced in April and will take effect on Dec 31. They cover 32 types of solid waste imports, including ships, auto parts, stainless steel scrap, titanium and wood.

Source : Xinhua
China warning against buying properties – Mr Tian

China Knowledge reported that Chairman of China Construction Bank, Mr Tian Guoli has issued a warning to property buyers to deter them from buying properties at the current high prices. Tian believes that any upside to property prices is limited and any purchases, now, will only result in the buyer getting trapped. CCB is one China’s largest state-owned banks and provides mortgage loans to millions of Chinese households, while Mr Tian himself is also an alternate member of the Communist Party Central Committee.

The warning by Mr Tian comes at a time when the China’s policymakers are divided on whether soaring property prices can help boost the country’s slowing economy or that these prices will eventually result in a bust which will cripple its economy.

Property investments have been one of the most lucrative markets during the past 2 decades in China, leading to regulators proclaiming that properties are for living in and not speculation during the recent Central Economic Work Forum in an effort the curb runaway home prices.

The combined value of properties in China has reached USD 40 trillion, higher than the USD 30 trillion in the U.S. At the same time, real estate loans also account for 28% of China’s total lending at USD 5.5 trillion in outstanding loans.

However, the number of vacant urban homes in China has increased to 65 million units in 2017 compared to 42 million units in 2011, with vacancy ratio increasing to 21.4% from 18.4% across the same period.

Source : China Knowledge
WeLab stelt beursgang Hongkong uit - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) WeLab Holdings stelt zijn gang naar de beurs van Hongkong uit. Dat meldde persbureau Bloomberg vrijdag, dat zich beroept op mensen die bekend zijn met de situatie.

Met de beursgang van de online geldschieter, die in juli van dit jaar was aangekondigd, was 500 miljoen dollar gemoeid. Het uitstel zou te maken hebben met de huidige volatiliteit op de aandelenmarkten.

Het uitstel komt op het moment dat de beurs van Hongkong zich in zwaar weer bevindt. In het afgelopen jaar is de belangrijkste graadmeter, de Hang Seng index, met bijna 15 procent gedaald.

Wanneer WeLab Holdings wel naar de beurs gaat, is niet bekend. Mogelijk haalt de startup nu kapitaal op buiten de beurs om.

Het bedrijf wilde niet op het bericht van Bloomberg reageren. Eén van de investeerders in het bedrijf is ING Bank. WeLab had Morgan Stanley en JP Morgan uitgekozen om de beursgang te begeleiden.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
JPMorgan in Hong Kong beboet voor witwassen - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) JPMorgan heeft van de autoriteiten in Hong Kong een boete opgelegd gekregen van omgerekend 1,6 miljoen Amerikaanse dollar vanwege het schenden van de regelgeving tegen witwassen en het financieren van terrorisme. Dit schreef persbureau Bloomberg vrijdag op basis van een verklaring van de Hong Kong Monetary Authority.

De regels zouden door de Amerikaanse bank tussen april 2012 en februari 2014 zijn overtreden.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
China refined zinc imports surge 41pct in Nov

SMM reported that China’s imports of refined zinc jumped 40.9% from October to stand at 113,500 tonne in November. This is 7.6% lower than November 2017, according to the latest data from China Customs, in January to November, imports gained 8% on the year and came in at 621,600 tonne.

Australia led the list of nations and accounted for 29% of China’s overall imports in November. Spain and Belgium were the second and third biggest exporters to China.

Source : SMM
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Fugro +1,23%


Van Lanschot ... -10,01%
Corbion -9,28%
BESI -4,14%