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China's coking coal future rallies to 15-month high amid tighter supply - Report

Reuters reported that Chinese coking coal futures jumped to their highest in nearly 15 months, supported by tighter supply amid safety checks at coal mines, while coke surged nearly 6%t to a five-week high. The most-traded January coking coal contract on the Dalian Commodity Exchange rose as high as CNY 1,464 a tonne, its loftiest since mid-September 2017. It closed up 3.1% at CNY 1,455. The price of coke - the processed form of coking coal - settled 5.3% higher at CNY 2,063 per tonne, after peaking at CNY 2,074, its strongest since October 29.

China's coal mine safety watchdog launched inspections of mines across the country from late October to end-June next year to improve safety conditions. The move followed an accident at a coal mine in eastern Shandong province in October that killed eight people, prompting authorities to order 41 coal mines there to halt production for security checks.

Mr Richard Lu, analyst at CRU consultancy, said that "As the year-end approaches, the government's priority is safety. Even though coal mines are ramping up production they have not reached normal capacity so coking coal supply is restricted."

Mr Lu said the surge in coke prices was largely linked to the improved sentiment in the steel market earlier this week following the 90-day ceasefire in the trade dispute between the United States and China.

He said that "Coke producers are running at very high utilisation rates, we haven't heard any kind of restrictions related to environmental protection."

Source : Reuters
China's unbridled export of coal power imperils climate goals - IEEFA

An investigation by AFP has shown even as China struggles to curb domestic coal-fired power and the deadly pollution it produces, the world's top carbon emitter is aggressively exporting the same troubled technology to Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from these Chinese-backed plants could cripple global efforts to rein in global warming caused by the burning of fossil fuels -- especially coal, analysts warn.

Mr Tim Buckley, director of energy finance studies at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), said that "China is a world leader in terms of embracing the policy and investment needs to progressively decarbonise its economy." But internationally, China continues to invest in a range of coal project in direct contradiction to its domestic energy strategy."

Globally, coal use accounts for 40 percent of CO2 emissions, and is on the rise after declining slightly from 2014 to 2016. More than two-fifths of the world's electricity is generated by coal-fired power, nearly double the share of natural gas and 15 times as much as solar and wind combined.

A quarter of coal plants in the planning stage or under construction outside China are backed by Chinese state-owned financial institutions and corporations, according to research by IEEFA, an energy finance think-tank based in Cleveland, Ohio.

Remove India from the picture, and the share of coal development supported by China rises to above a third.

Christine Shearer, an energy analyst for CoalSwarm and lead author of the research, which is slated for publication later this month, "The risk is locking these countries into something that won't be good for them in the long-run, and that is incompatible with the Paris climate agreement's temperature goals."

Many of the recipients of China's largesse -- Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Senegal, Zimbabwe and half a dozen others -- currently have little or no coal-fired power, and no coal to fuel future plants.

Shearer told AFP that "That means they will have to build import infrastructure, or even coals mines."

Source : AFP
Norway's 2nd largest bridge built by Chinese firm opens to traffic

Xinhua reported that a ceremony was held Sunday to officially open Norway's second largest bridge that has been built by a Chinese company and its partners some 220 km inside the Arctic Circle. With a total length of 1,533 meters and a free span of 1,145 meters, the Halogaland Bridge near Norway's northern port city of Narvik is the longest suspension bridge within the Arctic Circle.

It is China's Sichuan Road and Bridge Group (SRBG) that delivered the steel constructions and was responsible for the mounting of the bridge, which contributes to a significant shortcut on European route E6 -- the main north-south road through Norway and the west coast of Sweden.

In 2013, the SRBG won the steel contract for the bridge in a tough competition with the world's leading builders. The steel contract includes preproduction of all the parts -- cables and steel boxes and site construction. The production of the steel parts was carried out in four different factories in China.

Source : Xinhua
Alle curves steil omhoog: hoe arm China dankzij Deng 'glorieus rijk' werd

Straatarm was China veertig jaar geleden. Wie een foto wilde maken van autoverkeer in Peking, moest het stoplicht extra lang op rood laten zetten. In december 1978 besloot Deng Xiaoping dat het anders moest. De gevolgen zijn bekend. Het Chinese wonder in zes grafieken. Met enkele kanttekeningen.
Als er één goede graadmeter is voor de economische ontwikkeling van China in de afgelopen veertig jaar, dan is het misschien wel de export van Duitse auto's naar de Volksrepubliek. Chinezen zijn er dol op.

De Duitse vereniging van autoproducenten in Berlijn moest even zoeken, maar in 1978 exporteerden de Duitsers precies 94 auto's naar China. Veertig jaar later is een vijfde van de 24 miljoen verkochte personenauto's in het land Duits. Een groot deel wordt bovendien in Chinese fabrieken gemaakt.

Volkswagen is populair in China. Een knalgele T-Roc was op 16 november te zien op de 16e China International Automobile Exhibition in Guangzhou.Stringer - Imaginechina

Ross Garnaut, hoogleraar economie in het Australische Melbourne, verbleef in 1979 als jong wetenschapper een aantal weken in Peking. Wat hij zag was een ontwikkelingsland, met veel armoede. 'Mensen waren erg arm, armer ook dan in andere ontwikkelingslanden in Azië.'

Auto's waren een zeldzaamheid in het Chinese straatbeeld toen. Minder dan 2 miljoen waren er, op 956 miljoen Chinezen. In het minuscule Nederland reden er toen twee keer zoveel rond. Een fotograaf die in die tijd een foto wilde nemen van een van de avenues in Peking vroeg de politie het stoplicht wat langer op rood te zetten, zodat er meer auto's te zien zouden zijn.

Dertig jaar communistische experimenten onder Mao Zedong hadden het land geruïneerd. Na een mislukte poging om het land te industrialiseren, de Grote Sprong Voorwaarts, volgde de Culturele Revolutie. Tientallen miljoenen Chinezen verloren het leven.

'Er was weinig buitenlandse handel, er waren geen buitenlandse investeringen, en vrijwel geen uitwisseling van technologie en ideeën met het Westen', vat Garnaut, van 1985 tot 1988 Australisch ambassadeur in Peking, de uitzichtloze situatie destijds samen.

40 jaar in drie delen
Het FD staat deze maand stil bij China. 40 jaar geleden koos het land voor economische hervormingen. Die keuze heeft tot op de dag van vandaag ingrijpende gevolgen voor de hele wereld.8 december Terugblik: 1978, cruciaal jaar voor China's economische vernieuwing.15 decemberBedrijven: hoe Chinese ondernemers hun vleugels uitslaan in het Westen. 22 decemberToekomst: welke rol speelt China straks op het wereldtoneel, economisch en politiek?

Dikke onvoldoende
Na Mao's dood in 1976 zou dat ingrijpend veranderen. Uit de machtsstrijd kwam in 1978 Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) naar voren als sterke man. Veertig jaar geleden, op 22 december 1978, besloot het Centraal Comité in Peking onder zijn leiding tot ingrijpende economische hervormingen.

'De rol van Deng in het verhaal is cruciaal', zegt Elizabeth Economy, China-expert en lid van de prestigieuze Council on Foreign Relations in New York. 'Hij nam afstand van het maoïsme en stond positief tegenover invloeden van buitenaf.'

'Het doet er niet toe of een kat zwart is of wit', zei Deng ooit, 'zolang zij maar muizen vangt.' Hij besefte dat het regime in Peking kwetsbaar was. Japan, Zuid-Korea, het koloniale Hongkong en ook de oude tegenstanders uit de burgeroorlog aan de overkant van de Straat van Taiwan, ze deden het economisch allemaal veel beter.

China was volgens de Wereldbank in 1978 goed voor een schamele 1,7% van de mondiale economie, China's erfvijand Japan voor 11,9% en de Verenigde Staten voor 27,5%. De communisten in Peking scoorden een dikke onvoldoende. Ook de Russen deden het beter.

Bezoekers van een expositie in Peking over veertig jaar economische hervormingen staan voor een scherm waarop de oud-leider Deng Xiaoping te zien is.REUTERS

Varkens fokken
Deng analyseerde het succes van de buren en kopieerde wat bruikbaar was. Hij stuurde tienduizenden studenten naar het Westen die, na terugkomst, het land met hun kennis en ervaring moesten helpen moderniseren. Áls ze terugkwamen. 'China stuurde de knapste koppen', lacht Economy. 'De eerste jaren keerden er heel wat niet meer terug. Ze werden niet alleen verleid door de manier van leven in het Westen, maar ook door Westerse waarden.'

Deng begon eerst de onder Mao gecollectiviseerde landbouw te hervormen, om te voorkomen dat het volk ten prooi zou vallen aan een nieuwe hongersnood, zoals in 1959. Boeren kregen een stuk land toegewezen dat ze mochten bewerken. Het werd ook weer toegestaan om varkens en kippen te fokken. Tijdens de Culturele Revolutie was dat verboden als 'kapitalistische activiteit'.
Een aantal zakenmannen die na de machtsovername van Mao in 1949 in het land waren gebleven en (vaak ook) vernederd, werd volgens Garnaut gevraagd om nieuwe, marktgerichte staatsbedrijven te leiden.

Deel 2

Ruig kapitalisme
De belangrijkste vernieuwing in de eerste jaren waren, vanaf 1979, de oprichting van Speciale Economische Zones, waar buitenlandse investeringen werden toegestaan en de bureaucratische teugels werden gevierd.

'Het signaal dat daarmee werd gegeven was dat China bereid was zich te openen voor andere landen', zegt Max Zenglein, hoofd economisch onderzoek van het Berlijnse Mercator Instituut voor Chinese Studies. Het ging er ruig aan toe. Zenglein: 'Er ontstond een vorm van ongereguleerd kapitalisme, zoals in de begindagen ervan in Manchester. Er waren geen arbeids- of milieuregels. Het lokaal bestuur kreeg alle ruimte om na te gaan wat het beste werkte.'

Investeerders uit Taiwan en Hongkong legden in die begindagen de basis voor China's latere boom. Zij zagen de kansen die de Speciale Economische Zones boden en doken er bovenop. Zenglein: 'Ze waren de katalysatoren die dingen van de grond tilden.'

Stormachtige groei
De cijfers vertellen wat er in de vier decennia na 1978 gebeurde. Tekende China in 1978 voor 1,7% van de mondiale economie, vorig jaar was dat 15,2%, waarmee het land na de VS de tweede economie op aarde is geworden.
De groeicijfers zijn en blijven, in vergelijking met veel andere landen, hoog. De Chinese economie was aan het begin van deze eeuw acht keer groter dan in 1978. In 2017 was de economie alweer tien keer groter dan aan het begin van de eeuw.

De levenstandaard van de Chinezen is in die veertig jaar enorm toegenomen. Het bruto binnenlands product (bbp) per hoofd groeide van $156 in 1978 tot bijna $9000 vorig jaar. Het aantal personenauto's steeg gestaag, van een te verwaarlozen aantal in de jaren zeventig tot 200 miljoen begin dit jaar.

Starbucks-filiaal in Shanghai. Westerse ketens openden in de jaren negentig op grote schaal vestigingen in China.dycj - Imaginechina

Toen de Chinezen meer geld in hun portemonnee kregen, kwamen ook de Westerse ketens. De eerste McDonald's opende in 1990 de deuren in Shenzhen. Luxelabel Gucci streek in 1997 neer in Peking, meubelreus Ikea in 1998 in Shanghai.
Van lijsten met Chinese miljardairs kijkt niemand meer op. Jack Ma, een van de oprichters van webwinkel Alibaba, voert die van Forbes aan, met een geschat vermogen van $34,6 mrd. Was het niet Deng zelf die ooit had gezegd: 'Rijk worden is glorieus'?

Bloedbad Tiananmen
Eénmaal liep de economische hervorming serieus gevaar. Het bloedig neergeslagen studentenprotest op het Tiananmenplein in Peking in 1989 viel samen met sociale onvrede over hoge inflatie en toenemende corruptie. Elders op aarde viel het ene na het andere communistische regime. Communistische hardliners, niet gecharmeerd van Dengs hervormingen en zijn geloof in de markt, grepen de studentenprotesten aan om zijn macht te kortwieken.

'Het was een echte terugslag', zegt Zenglein. De onzekerheid zou enkele jaren duren. Maar zoals Deng in 1986 al in een interview met de legendarische CBS-journalist Mike - '60 Minutes'- Wallace had gezegd: 'Er is beslist geen weg terug.'

Deng is alweer 21 jaar dood. Maar China groeide verder. Het lijkt een kwestie van tijd voor China de VS van de troon stoot als grootste economie op aarde.
Wat de uitstoot van het broeikasgas CO2 betreft was dat volgens gegevens van de Wereldbank in 2005 al het geval. Het is een keerzijde van de uitbundige groei.
Of het Chinese succes aanhoudt? Zenglein ziet dat de staat onder Xi Jinping meer greep wil op de economie. 'De controle op succesvolle private bedrijven wordt vergroot. Dat is een groot risico voor de toekomst', zegt hij.

Economy vindt dat het land onder Xi afdrijft in autoritaire richting. 'De sfeer is negatief. Mensen sturen hun kinderen naar het buitenland.'

De ergernis in het Westen over China's economische aanpak, van belemmeringen voor buitenlandse bedrijven tot diefstal van kennis, neemt toe. Vooral sinds de financiële crisis, zegt Economy: 'Toen begonnen de Chinezen over zichzelf te praten als wereldleiders.' De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump gaat openlijk het gevecht aan, met China en met zijn multinationals. Zoals Huawei, door de VS beticht van spionage.

Economy moet nog zien dat China de VS inhaalt: 'Wij denken allemaal dat China doorgaat met groeien. Dat baseren we op de gedachte dat de Chinezen slimmere en betere planners zijn dan de rest. Dat is niet waar.'

China verwijt Canada schenden van afspraken

Gepubliceerd op 10 dec 2018 om 20:37 | Views: 676

PEKING (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - China is boos op Canada vanwege de kwestie rond de opgepakte financieel directeur Meng Wanzhou van Huawei. Het Noord-Amerikaanse land zou bilaterale afspraken niet zijn nagekomen. Zo heeft Canada volgens China verzuimd het Chinese consulaat in te lichten over de arrestatie. Dit wordt door Canada overigens ontkend.

,,Als een Chinese burger door de Canadese regering wordt gearresteerd, moet de Canadese regering de Chinese ambassade onmiddellijk op de hoogte stellen", zei een Chinese regeringswoordvoerder. ,,Dit heeft Canada nagelaten." Canada zegt op zijn beurt dat het de Chinese gezanten op de dag van de arrestatie op de hoogte heeft gebracht.

Meng werd in Canada opgepakt voor uitlevering aan de Verenigde Staten, waar Huawei wordt verdacht van het schenden van handelssancties tegen Iran. Afgelopen weekend riep Peking afzonderlijk de ambassadeurs van Canada en de VS op het matje. China dreigt met maatregelen tegen Canada als Meng niet snel wordt vrijgelaten.
Update: China en Verenigde Staten zetten volgende stap in onderhandelingen

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De onderhandelingen over een handelsakkoord tussen China en de Verenigde Staten zijn met een telefoongesprek op het één na hoogste niveau in een volgende fase aangeland. Dit meldde Dow Jones Newswires.

Naast de Chinese vice-premier Liu He namen ook de Amerikaanse minister van financiën Steven Mnuchin en de Amerikaanse handelsgezant Robert Lighthizer deel aan de telefonische onderhandelingen.

Onderwerp van gesprek betrof volgens ingewijden de inkoop door China van agrarische producten en aanpassingen in het fundamentele economische beleid van China. Ook zou overwogen worden enkele veranderingen aan te brengen in het zogeheten China 2025-plan. Dit plan voorziet erin dat Chinese bedrijven een dominante positie verkrijgen in verschillende sectoren, waaronder in kunstmatige intelligentie en robotica.

Het Chinese ministerie van economische zaken gaf in een korte verklaring aan dat het gesprek was bedoeld om de volgende stappen te zetten in de onderhandelingen en een tijdspad af te spreken.

Volgens ingewijden reist Liu in het nieuwe jaar af naar Washington.

Analist Stephen Innes van Oanda noemde het een positieve ontwikkeling, maar waarschuwde ook dat een handelsoorlog nog niet van tafel is.

Update: om reactie analist toe te voegen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Update: China kijkt naar lagere heffing auto's uit VS - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China werkt aan een verlaging van zijn importheffingen op auto's die in de Verenigde Staten zijn gemaakt. Dat meldde persbureau Bloomberg dinsdag.

President Donald Trump pochte al direct na het Chinees-Amerikaanse handelsoverleg in Buenos Aires enkele weken geleden dat hij deze concessie had losgekregen.

Dinsdag gaf hij weer een optimistische boodschap af op Twitter. "Zeer productieve gesprekken gaande met China! Kijk uit naar wat belangrijke aankondigingen!"

Een voorstel om de importheffing op auto's uit Amerika te verlagen van de huidige 40 procent naar 15 procent is ingediend bij het Chinese kabinet om in de komende dagen te worden behandeld, meldde het persbureau op basis van anonieme bronnen.

Aandelenkoersen van autofabrikanten zoals BMW, Ford en Tesla stegen 2 tot 3 procent het nieuws.

De stap is nog niet definitief. Hooggeplaatste vertegenwoordigers van de Chinese en Amerikaanse regering spraken dinsdag over de telefoon, wat erop wijst dat de handelsdialoog tussen beide landen doorgaat, ondanks een diplomatieke rel over de arrestatie van een prominente Chinese zakenvrouw.

Update: om tweet van Trump toe te voegen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
China extends pollution war on steel slag waste

Reuters reported that China's war on pollution is extending to a new front: the solid waste that makes up thousands of slag heaps around the country, a byproduct of its record steel output. Hundreds of steel mills have been shut over the last few years for failing to comply with tougher environmental rules, with others forced to install better equipment to curb emissions and use higher-quality raw materials such as iron ore and coking coal. But now industrial debris like slag is increasingly coming under the spotlight as well, potentially pressing steelmakers to tackle the pilings problems head-on at a time when they are grappling with weaker profit-margins.

Underscoring the government's ramped-up drive against steel waste, this year it began imposing a blanket CNY 25 levy for every tonne of solid waste generated by industrial companies.

The environment ministry also said it would urge local governments to deal with solid waste issues, undertaking a special campaign to crack down on violations. It did not give further details.

Source : Reuters
China's unbridled export of coal power imperils climate goals

AFP reported that even as China struggles to curb domestic coal-fired power and the deadly pollution it produces, the world's top carbon emitter is aggressively exporting the same troubled technology to Asia, Africa and the Middle East. The carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from these Chinese-backed plants could cripple global efforts to rein in global warming caused by the burning of fossil fuels—especially coal, analysts warn.

Mr Tim Buckley, director of energy finance studies at the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), said that "China is a world leader in terms of embracing the policy and investment needs to progressively decarbonise its economy. But internationally, China continues to invest in a range of coal project in direct contradiction to its domestic energy strategy."

Globally, coal use accounts for 40 percent of CO2 emissions, and is on the rise after declining slightly from 2014 to 2016. More than two-fifths of the world's electricity is generated by coal-fired power, nearly double the share of natural gas and 15 times as much as solar and wind combined.

A quarter of coal plants in the planning stage or under construction outside China are backed by Chinese state-owned financial institutions and corporations, according to research by IEEFA, an energy finance think-tank based in Cleveland, Ohio.

Remove India from the picture, and the share of coal development supported by China rises to above a third.

"The risk is locking these countries into something that won't be good for them in the long-run, and that is incompatible with the Paris climate agreement's temperature goals," said Christine Shearer, an energy analyst for CoalSwarm and lead author of the research, which is slated for publication later this month.

Many of the recipients of China's largesse—Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya, Senegal, Zimbabwe and half a dozen others—currently have little or no coal-fired power, and no coal to fuel future plants.

Shearer told AFP that "That means they will have to build import infrastructure, or even coals mines."

The 2015 Paris treaty calls for capping global warming at "well under" two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), and a landmark report by the UN's climate science panel warned last month that even the 2C target may not be ambitious enough to avert catastrophic impacts.

With only one 1C of warming so far, the planet has seen a crescendo of lethal heatwaves, flooding, drought and storms surges made worse by rising seas.

SE Asian coal boom
And yet, Chinese banks and investment agencies have committed more than USD 21 billion to developing 31 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired capacity in a dozen countries, and an additional $15 billion is on offer to support projects that would generate 71 GW in 24 nations, for a total of more than 101 GW, IEEFA found.

Worldwide, there are nearly 2,500 30-megawatt-or-larger coal-fired stations in operation, with a combined capacity of about 2000 GW, according to the Global Coal Plant Tracker.

Mr Heffa Schuecking, director of Urgewald, an environmental NGO based in Germany which tracks the coal sector, told AFP that "A glut of new coal infrastructure would bury our chances of keeping global warming well below 2C. The Chinese government needs to stop bankrolling new coal plants both at home and abroad."

Any pathway to a 1.5C world—even one that allows for "overshooting" the target and depends heavily on extracting CO2 from the air—requires the near elimination of coal from the energy mix by mid-century, according to the UN.

A "sustainable development" scenario laid out by the International Energy Agency (IEA) sees coal power dropping 60 percent by 2040.

Spectre of stranded assets
But their shares were dwarfed by China's, whose financing covered as much power generation as Japan and South Korea combined. The three East Asian rivals supported 90 percent of the 135 GW built since 2013 or in the pipeline.

Chen told AFP "China is winning more bids, and Chinese firms are more willing to consider countries and markets with high risk profiles."

All this external funding comes at a time when financial institutions in the rest of the world are starting to shy away from coal.

Cheap solar and wind energy combined with mounting concern about climate impacts have cast a shadow over coal-fired power, raising the spectre of stranded assets.

At least 19 major insurers with more than $6 trillion in assets—20 percent of the global total—have divested from coal, up from $4 trillion a year ago, the Unfriend Coal Scorecard, which tracks divestment in the insurance sector, reported this week.

Insurers Generali, Lloyd's, Hannover Re, AG2R La Mondiale and Groupama all announced new divestment policies this year.

Investors, pension funds, export credit agencies, and multilateral development banks—including the World Bank—have also pulled back, as have many private banks.

'China has to choose'
"Every conference, every discussion is about how to green the Belt and Road Initiative," she told AFP upon returning from a round of meetings in Beijing.

Domestically, the barriers to rapidly drawing down coal use—despite a cap on coal production—are evident.

"China has built up an enormous coal-power generation industry—workers, companies, technology manufacturing—and now they have a lot of surplus," said energy analyst Shearer.

At the same time, China's juggernaut economy is slowing, which has left these state-run behemoths "looking for new markets".

Source : AFP
China's leads Zimbabwe cities revamp

Bulawayo24 reported that the future has arrived, and it looks nothing like what anyone expected. In the midst of a debilitating economic crisis, Zimbabwean urban centres are plagued by pollution, poverty and crumbling infrastructure. Each year, schools, universities and colleges churn out thousands of job-seeking young men and women. But there is one revolutionary idea, all-encompassing, which could tackle all the current social problems — an entirely new experimental city, built with the latest technology and entirely free of pollution. The idea is being spearheaded by the state working with the Chinese government and its private sector who are pouring millions of dollars towards the construction of the new parliament building in Mt Hampden on the outskirts of Harare.

The building is expected to herald a massive construction project for a completely new densified capital, which will serve at least 1,2 million residents.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa officiated at the project's groundbreaking ceremony seven days ago, although works have already begun on site.

Unlike other projects, which have left the country saddled with debts to Beijing, the construction of the new parliament building — located on a hilltop to give a panoramic view of the surroundings — is being done courtesy of a US$677 million grant from China Aid, a Chinese government-owned global development aid agency.

Chinese construction giant Shanghai Construction Group (SCG) is the contractor after it won the bidding process, which was done in the Asian country exclusively for Chinese firms.

Local Government minister July Moyo this week described the project as "the second largest such project in Africa after the African Union (AU) headquarters" which China built in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for free. The mammoth building was handed over in 2013.

An estimated USD 90 million will be used for constructing the main building, while the remainder is earmarked for off-site infrastructure such as residential areas, a shopping centre and a parliamentary village for legislators. The village is meant to do away with the idea of booking MPs in expensive hotels during parliamentary sittings as is the case currently. It is derived mainly from Malaysia, where Chinese money was also used to construct the same, and South Africa.

The building - an expansive superstructure with glamourous marble finishes, according to the proposed layout—will house up to 650 legislators in its main chambers. Zimbabwe currently has a total of 350 MPs, comprising of 270 who are usually crammed into a tiny Westminster-style lower chamber designed to accomodate about 120 MPs and 80 senators.

Meanwhile, the new place will have extra facilities for conferencing and will have 12 committee rooms. The temptation would be to think that this grandiose structure will be a massive lone building surrounded by expansive farmlands stretching into the distance but, according to plans, it is set to be the first of massive construction projects culminating into a wholly new, smart mega city which will be financed by the Zimbabwean government, private local and international investors, according to Moyo.

Source : Bulawayo24
Topman Google: nog geen zoekmachine in China

Gepubliceerd op 11 dec 2018 om 19:35 | Views: 286

WASHINGTON (AFN/RTR) - Google heeft momenteel geen plannen voor de lancering van een zoekmachine in China. Dat zei Google-topman Sundar Pichai op een hoorzitting in het Amerikaanse Congres.

Pichai sloot overigens niet uit dat in de toekomst er wel een zoekmachine in China gelanceerd kan worden. Volgens hem is toegang tot informatie een belangrijk mensenrecht en moet Google zich sterk inspannen om wereldwijd informatie te leveren.

Google is sinds 2010 in China geblokkeerd. Er zijn zorgen bij beleidsmakers en ook veel werknemers van het bedrijf dat als Google probeert terug te keren naar China het dan akkoord zal gaan met de strenge regels rond censuur en toezicht op internet in het land.
China zou werken aan aanpassing Made in China 2025

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) China werkt aan aanpassingen van het 'Made in China 2025' plan van Bejing. Dit schreef The Wall Street Journal woensdag op basis van bronnen.

De aanpassingen zouden bijvoorbeeld meer ruimte bieden voor buitenlandse bedrijven om een positie te verwerven op de Chinese markt. Daarmee komt China tegemoet aan de wensen van de Verenigde Staten.

De aangepaste plannen zouden begin volgend jaar naar buiten moeten worden gebracht, wanneer China en de VS hun onderhandelingen over een handelsdeal vermoedelijk zullen intensiveren.

Ook zouden kwantitatieve doelstellingen voor marktaandelen van Chinese bedrijven worden weggelaten, zeiden de bronnen tegen de zakenkrant.

De laatste maanden refereren Chinese bewindslieden in het openbaar niet of nauwelijks meer aan het Made in China 2025 plan.

"China gooide het China '25 plan weg, omdat ik het heel beledigend vond", zei de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump al eens.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Megafusie Chinese chemiebedrijven bijna rond

Gepubliceerd op 12 dec 2018 om 09:54 | Views: 1.291

DSM 16:50
75,82 +1,12 (+1,50%)

PEKING (AFN) - Een fusie tussen de twee Chinese chemiebedrijven Sinochem en ChemChina is bijna rond. Het voorbereidende werk voor de samenvoeging, waaronder het wegnemen van knelpunten, is door de top van beide bedrijven al afgerond, meldden ingewijden aan persbureau Bloomberg. In de komende weken kan het akkoord worden bekendgemaakt.

De fusie tussen de twee staatsbedrijven is al minimaal twee jaar in de maak. Door het samengaan ontstaat een bedrijf met een waarde van meer dan 90 miljard euro. Sinochem en ChemChina houden zich bezig met alles van olie tot chemicaliën. Met het samengaan beogen de twee bedrijven schaalvoordelen te behalen die tot meer efficiency en hogere marges moeten leiden.

Als gevolg van het samengaan stoot het nieuwe fusiebedrijf mogelijk enkele bezittingen af. De opbrengst daarvan kan worden gebruikt om de schulden van ChemChina, dat veel geld leende voor de aankoop van de Zwitserse pesticidemaker Syngenta, af te lossen.
Beursgang Tencent Music levert 1,1 miljard op

Gepubliceerd op 12 dec 2018 om 08:35 | Views: 1.041

HONGKONG (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De beursgang van muziekdienst Tencent Music in New York levert het moederbedrijf en investeerders 1,1 miljard dollar op. Dat komt naar voren uit stukken die Tencent heeft ingeleverd bij de aandelenbeurs van Hongkong, waar de technologiegigant zelf is genoteerd.

De 82 miljoen aandelen van Tencent Music worden woensdag voor een introductieprijs van 13 dollar per stuk verhandeld in New York. Dat is de laagste prijs van een eerder afgegeven bandbreedte van 13 tot 15 dollar.

Met de beursgang wordt Tencent Music als geheel een waarde van 21,3 miljard dollar toegedicht. Dat is minder dan de waarde van 23,3 miljard dollar van concurrent Spotify. De Zweedse streamingdienst is tevens een van de investeerders in zijn Chinese evenknie.

Tencent Music zou aanvankelijk in oktober naar de beurs gaan, maar die plannen werden wegens ongunstige marktomstandigheden afgeblazen. De aandelenbeurzen kenden ook de afgelopen weken een grillig koersverloop, onder meer door handelsspanningen tussen de Verenigde Staten en China.
Aandelen Tencent Music stijgen 10 procent bij beursgang

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De aandelen van Tencent Music Entertainment zijn woensdag bij de beursgang van de streaming muziekdienst in New York met 10 procent in waarde gestegen.

Tencent Music, onderdeel van de Chinese internetgigant Tencent Holdings, heeft met de beursgang ongeveer 1,1 miljard dollar opgehaald. De introductieprijs van het aandeel was 13 dollar.

De muziekdienst heeft meer dan 800 miljoen unieke maandelijkse bezoekers. Moederbedrijf Tencent Holdings is zelf aan de beurs van Hongkong genoteerd.

Tencent Music stelde in oktober zijn beursgang nog uit, vanwege de verkoopgolf op de mondiale aandelenmarkten.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Chinese auto sector in a painful period as November sales dip 14% YoY – CAAM

According to the data released by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), China's vehicle outputs and sales in November reached 2,498,400 units and 2,547,800 units respectively, climbing 7.02% and 7.05% over a month ago, while both presented double-digit YoY decline of about 14%. It was the steepest decline since January 2012, when the timing of the Lunar New Year holiday hurt auto sales putting China on track for an annual sales contraction not seen since at least 1990. For the first eleven months, China saw its YTD vehicle outputs and sales edge down to 25.4 million 2.59% YoY, showing YoY downturn the second time of the year. Xu Haidong, CAAM assistant secretary general said “Economic shifts, weakness in smaller cities and international reasons hurt November sales. We’re currently in a painful period, and this process is really tough.”

By the end of November, the PV sector has suffered YoY sales decrease for 5 consecutive months. Meanwhile, the YoY drop in PV monthly sales has increased to 16.06% in November from 5.3% in July. Last month, China's CV sector achieved positive YoY growth in both Nov. sales and Jan.-Nov. sales. Compared with the sales performance a month earlier, the car, SUV, MPV and minibus segment all gained positive increase in November. However, all four segments failed to outperform the same period a year ago. Especially, the MPV segment encountered a YoY decrease up to 30.81% in terms of November sales.

As for the Jan-Nov performances, the car and SUV sales slightly fell 1.4% and 0.83% over the previous year. Yet, the YTD sales of the MPV and minibus segment were relatively worse since both of them faced YoY drop of over 15%.

Source : Strategic research Institute
China’s losing its taste for nuclear power. That’s bad news.

Once nuclear’s strongest booster, China is growing wary about its cost and safety.
by Peter Fairley December 12, 2018“

Most beautiful wedding photos taken at a nuclear power plant” might just be the strangest competition ever. But by inviting couples to celebrate their nuptials at the Daya Bay plant in Shenzhen and post the pictures online, China General Nuclear Power (CGN), the country’s largest nuclear power operator, got lots of favorable publicity.

A year later, the honeymoon is over.

For years, as other countries have shied away from nuclear power, China has been its strongest advocate. Of the four reactors that started up worldwide in 2017, three were in China and the fourth was built by Beijing-based China National Nuclear Corp. (CNNC) in Pakistan. China’s domestic nuclear generation capacity grew by 24% in the first 10 months of 2018.

The country has the capacity to build 10 to 12 nuclear reactors a year. But though reactors begun several years ago are still coming online, the industry has not broken ground on a new plant in China since late 2016, according to a recent World Nuclear Industry Status Report.

Officially China still sees nuclear power as a must-have. But unofficially, the technology is on a death watch. Experts, including some with links to the government, see China’s nuclear sector succumbing to the same problems affecting the West: the technology is too expensive, and the public doesn’t want it.

The 2011 meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant shocked Chinese officials and made a strong impression on many Chinese citizens. A government survey in August 2017 found that only 40% of the public supported nuclear power development.

The bigger problem is financial. Reactors built with extra safety features and more robust cooling systems to avoid a Fukushima-like disaster are expensive, while the costs of wind and solar power continue to plummet: they are now 20% cheaper than electricity from new nuclear plants in China, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Moreover, high construction costs make nuclear a risky investment.

And gone are the days when nuclear power was desperately needed to meet China’s soaring demand for electricity. In the early 2000s, power consumption was growing at more than 10% annually as the economy boomed and manufacturing, a heavy user of electricity, expanded rapidly. Over the past few years, as growth has slowed and the economy has diversified, power demand has been growing, on average, at less than 4%.

China’s disenchantment with nuclear power corresponds with an overall decline in nuclear generation elsewhere in the world. Utilities are retiring existing plants and have stopped building new ones. If China, too, gives up on nuclear, it could sound the death knell for a steady, carbon-­free energy source that many see as crucial to slowing climate change.

Fukushima changed everything
China’s energy planners launched its nuclear industry in the 1980s with the construction of plants like Daya Bay. In 2005 the country began a massive building spree that was intended to solve persistent energy shortages and combat worsening air pollution from the country’s numerous coal plants. By 2009, government planners expected 2020 nuclear capacity to be 10 times what it was in 2005.

Then the Fukushima disaster happened. China’s leaders watched in shock as the biggest utility in one of the world’s most advanced industrial countries proved powerless to prevent a series of meltdowns. They knew that if a similar accident occurred in China, the damage wouldn’t be limited to the explosion and nuclear fallout. Such an event would call into question the government’s competence. “If an event like Fukushima punctures that image of competence, that’s very, very consequential,” says William Overholt, a China expert at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. “That would delegitimize the regime.”

Within days of Fukushima, nuclear reactor construction in China was frozen. When building resumed months later, after a wave of inspections, Beijing insisted that future nuclear power projects adopt more advanced designs with extra safety features.
The damage to public confidence, however, had already been done. In 2013 over a thousand people assembled in Jiangmen, east of Hong Kong, to decry a planned uranium fuel plant. Within days the state-run project was scrapped. In 2016 local officials suspended preliminary work on a site in Lianyungang, in northeastern Jiangsu province, after an uproar caused by revelations that it might host a recycling plant for spent nuclear fuel. In the wake of that protest, China’s State Council amended its draft regulations on nuclear power management, requiring developers to hold public hearings before siting projects.
Sticker shock
Last June two of the world’s most advanced reactors began operating in China: a US-designed AP1000 and a French-German EPR. In theory, these reactors are at greatly reduced risk of a Fukushima-style accident. At the Japanese plant, tsunami waves swamped the backup generators needed to keep coolant pumps running, and the catastrophic loss of coolant caused three of the plant’s six reactors to melt down. The AP1000 design stores water above the reactor that can be gravity-fed to keep it cool if the pumps fail. The EPR reactors employ multiple redundant generators and cooling systems to lower meltdown risk.

But adding safety adds cost. At 52.5 billion yuan ($7.6 billion) for an AP1000 plant with the typical configuration of two reactors, the construction cost is nearly double that of the conventional technology commonly used in China. Wenke Han, a former head of the Energy Research Institute, an arm of the powerful National Development and Reform Commission that plans China’s economy, calls nuclear power “very expensive.” He adds, “Nuclear power in China has begun to face price competition, and will certainly face more competition in the future.”
Deel 2:

Coal remains the cheapest source of power in China, but grid operators face demands from the government to use more renewable energy to limit air pollution. With pressure from both directions, even the nuclear plants now operating are underutilized. On average they used 81% of their generating capacity in 2017, 10% less than five years earlier, making the electricity they produce even more expensive.

Dwindling options
The government has lately said little about nuclear policy. Its official target, last updated in 2016, calls for 58 gigawatts of nuclear generating capacity to be installed by 2020 and for another 30 GW to be under construction. All experts agree China won’t reach its 2020 goal until 2022 or later, and pre-Fukushima projections of 400 GW or more by midcentury now look fanciful. Han says he is betting that after the country builds the 88 GW in its 2020 plan, it will move on to other energy sources.

Others believe that China will continue building reactors but at a slower pace than in the past. The country is developing its own advanced design, the Hualong One, and may want to protect the nuclear industry, including its nascent efforts to export the new reactor. CNNC is building two in Pakistan, and CGN is seeking design approval in the UK. CNNC is also building two at its Fuqing power plant in southeastern Fujian province. Construction began in 2015, and CNNC says it will have one reactor operating in 2019, ahead of schedule.
If the Hualong One proves too expensive, China’s lingering nuclear hopes will be pinned to its advanced-reactor program—an effort to develop a new generation of technologies that include high-­temperature gas-cooled reactors, designs cooled with sodium metal or salt, and smaller versions of pressurized-­water reactors. These various designs are meant to be cheaper to build and operate—and much safer—than conventional reactors.

But so far there is little evidence that any of them will solve nuclear’s problems. A sodium-cooled reactor completed near Beijing in 2011 has had familiar technical glitches such as problems in its coolant systems. And the rising cost of a pair of high-­temperature gas-cooled reactors nearing completion at Shandong Province’s Shidao Bay ended plans for a further 18 such reactors at the site.

There’s always the possibility of a breakthrough that would make nuclear safe and cheap enough to compete with renewables and coal. But even China’s nuclear giants are hedging their bets. Both CGN and the state-owned firm funding China’s AP1000 investments rank among the world’s top 10 renewable-power operators.

Shifting toward renewables and away from nuclear may be a sound business strategy for these companies. But it could mean one less carbon-free option for a world facing the threat of climate change. If China’s nuclear ambitions wind down, it may be the nail in the coffin for the technology’s viability elsewhere.
Peter Fairley is a freelance energy journalist based in San Francisco and Victoria, BC.

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China Hits the Gas in Bid to Avoid Another Freezing Winter
By Aibing Guo , Dan Murtaugh , and Stephen Stapczynski

?9? ?december? ?2018? ?17?:?00? ?CET Updated on ?10? ?december? ?2018? ?01?:?49? ?CET
Milder weather helps but nation is also far better prepared
Prices are steady after traders stocked up to avoid crunch

China has gone all out to avoid a repeat of last winter’s crippling gas shortages. The early verdict: so far, so good.

China’s gas needs peak for its so-called winter heating season. It’s a time of surging demand and firmer prices as the nation seeks to curb its reliance on dirty coal. The difference so far this year -- none of the widespread shortages that froze northern cities as early as November, and forced the government to allow some parts to revert to coal.

Milder weather is surely helping. But so has better preparation, smarter policy and improved infrastructure. Demonstrating reliable supply of the cleaner-burning fuel would be a victory for Beijing, which is trying to quell complaints about urban air pollution without the embarrassing criticisms of last winter’s effort. It would also burnish the credentials -- and profits -- of the companies leading China’s switch to gas.

“Better preparation definitely makes a difference, even if demand is still running high,” Liu Ming Hui, chairman of China Gas Holdings Ltd., said at a briefing in Hong Kong at the end of last month. “Upstream players have managed to secure more supplies, and industrial users knew what to expect, so all the surprise factors we saw last year have been completely taken away.”

Policy makers are taking a more measured approach on their coal-to-gas campaign, prioritizing supply for existing needs and scaling back the number of households that’ll make the switch from coal this year.

China National Petroleum Corp., the country’s biggest gas producer supplying more than half of winter demand, is running its fields at full tilt and has made more storage available after promising to increase supply to customers. CNPC has also hooked up its pipelines with domestic rivals to help better distribute gas from the south and east to the chillier north. And, the nation is buying more from abroad, helping to soak up a global glut of the fuel, with imports surging 34 percent in the first 11 months of the year.

Buying Binge
Chinese imports of gas have surged since the middle of 2017

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China’s gas use has jumped more than a fifth this year to 226 billion cubic meters through October. Better-organized supply and warmer weather have so far helped avoid last year’s failures, even though China is a month into the heating season, according to Aaron Xiao, an energy analyst at Jefferies Hong Kong Ltd. “We estimate 2018 gas supply, which is in the range of 282 to 285 billion cubic meters, will fully cover the increased gas demands in China, barring extreme weather conditions,” he said.

Investors are rewarding expectations that distributors will pass this winter’s supply test. Names such as China Gas, ENN Energy Holdings Ltd., Kunlun Energy Co. and China Resources Gas Group, which benefit from increased sales, have rallied in recent weeks and months. Producers like CNPC, meanwhile, also reap the benefit of the winter premium on prices.

Still, prices, while seasonally strong, are far below last year’s peaks -- evidence that the feared gas crunch hasn’t materialized.

No Surge
Domestic LNG prices in China have stayed calm so far this winter

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Tanks at China’s import terminals are near full capacity, after buyers snatched up cargoes to avoid another winter of shortages, according to traders surveyed by Bloomberg. That’s helped steady domestic prices after they more than doubled from September to December last year.

The brimming stockpiles and forecasts for a milder winter have affected gas markets beyond the country’s border, pushing the Japan/Korea LNG Marker, the benchmark for spot cargoes throughout northeast Asia, to the lowest since July.

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