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China nieuws berichten

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Steel linked metals zinc, tin and nickel slide on China demand woes

Reuters reported that steel linked metals zinc, tin and nickel sunk on Tuesday as demand worries escalated on Chinese steel price weakness and mounting US-Sino trade tensions. Three-month zinc on the London Metal Exchange hit its lowest since mid-September at USD 2,420.50 a tonne, and closed down 2.1 percent at USD 2,435 a tonne, while nickel ended down 0.9 percent at USD 10,775, having hit its lowest since last October at USD 10,720. Tin closed down 3.3 percent at USD 18,275, having hit its weakest since August 2016 at USD 18,215.

US President Donald Trump told the Wall Street Journal he expects to raise tariffs on USD 200 billion of Chinese imports to 25 percent from 10 percent. He is due to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires this week.

Source : Reuters
China Hongqiao to close up to 550,000 T of aluminium capacity for winter

Reuters reported that China Hongqiao Group, the world’s biggest aluminium producer, has been ordered to close up to 550,000 tonnes of annual smelting capacity this winter. The city of Binzhou in Shandong province, where all of Hongqiao’s 6.46 million tonnes per year of aluminium capacity is located, listed pot closures at five Hongqiao smelting facilities in a document outlining winter restrictions. Some of the closures, which in total amount to 8.5 percent of Hongqiao’s capacity, only apply to December and January rather than the full four-month heating season from mid-November to mid-March.

Consultancies AZ China and CRU estimated that the city directive meant Hongqiao would have to cut up to 550,000 tonnes of aluminium output on an annual basis. That is about equal to 1-1/2 days of aluminium consumption in China, noted AZ China Managing Director Paul Adkins. CRU put the size of Hongqiao’s aluminium cut at 350,000-550,000 tonnes.

The Binzhou document also requires that 1 million tonnes of annual alumina capacity each is cut at two Hongqiao alumina refineries for the full four months. This 2 million tonne cut is almost 13 percent of the company’s total operating capacity for alumina, a substance used to make aluminium.

Source : Reuters
SK Holdings to invest in Chinese copper foil producer Lingbao Wason

Business Korea reported that SK Holdings, the holding company of the SK Group, announced on November 27 that it will invest in a Chinese producer of copper foil, which is a major part of electric vehicle (EV) batteries. SK Holdings has decided to acquire about KWR 270 billion shares of Lingbao Wason Copper Foil Co. to become the second largest shareholder of the Chinese copper foil anufacturer.

SK Holding said "There are only six companies in the world that are capable of producing high-quality copper foil that meets the standards of global automakers. Lingbao Wason is the only Chinese company among the top six.”

Lingbao Wason, which was established in 2001, has huge potential for growth as it is planning to push for an IPO.

According to SK Holdings, the market for copper foil is expected to grow more than 30 percent annually by 2025 as the global EV market is growing rapidly. .

In addition, the amount of copper foil used for electric cars is 40kg per unit, 10,000 times more than its use for mobile phones (4g per unit). Copper foil prices are likely to rise as global supply cannot keep up with demand growth.

Source : Business Korea
Chinese ports throughput grew by 4.2pct in October 2018
China’s National Bureau of Statistics said that in January-October 2018, the largest ports of China increased their cargo throughput by 4.2%, YoY, to 7.67 billion tonnes.

In October, throughput of Chinese ports grew by 2.2%, YoY, to 770.53 million tonnes.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Wetenschappers boos op Chinese
‘babybouwer’: ‘dit keert zich tegen ons’

De omstreden Chinese onderzoeker He Jiankui heeft vandaag op een conferentie in Hong Kong vragen beantwoord over de ‘designerbaby’s’ die hij zou hebben gecreëerd. ,,Als je hoort wat hij heeft gedaan, rijzen de haren je te berge’’, zegt de Maastrichtse wetenschapper Guido de Wert, die in de zaal aanwezig was.

Annemieke van Dongen 28-11-18, 20:18 Laatste update: 21:04
Hij heeft iedereen overvallen met een ethisch zeer beladen experiment, waar de wereld niet klaar voor was

Guido de Wert, ethicus
Met zo'n zevenhonderd toeschouwers puilde de conferentiezaal uit, toen He Jiankui het podium betrad. Tot het laatste moment was spannend of hij daadwerkelijk zou komen opdagen, na alle kritiek die volgde op de onthulling dat in China een tweeling is geboren die door genetische manipulatie resistent zou zijn gemaakt tegen hiv. Tijdens de presentatie was het doodstil in de zaal, vertelt De Wert ’s avonds aan de telefoon vanuit zijn hotelkamer in Hong Kong. ,,Hij liet in ijltempo heel veel dia's zien, met heel veel grafieken en getallen. Dat ging zo snel dat er geen chocola van viel te maken.’’

Lange rij
Guido de Wert
Guido de Wert © Universiteit Maastricht
He Jiankui zei trots te zijn op het resultaat van zijn omstreden experiment. Daar zouden zeven echtparen van wie de man besmet is met hiv aan meedoen. Op dit moment zou nog een vrouw zwanger zijn van een genetisch gemodificeerd kind. ,,Bij de microfoon stond een lange rij collega's die vragen wilden stellen. Veel belangrijke vragen liet hij echter onbeantwoord. Hoe hij de ouderparen heeft gerekruteerd, of ze op de risico's zijn gewezen, hoe hij precies heeft getest of het dna van de baby's door zijn ingreep niet is beschadigd, bijvoorbeeld. Hij sprak moeilijk verstaanbaar Engels, dat hielp ook niet.’’

Ook de organisatie van de internationale top over genetische manipulaties bij mensen (human genome editing) werd maandag overvallen door He's onthulling over 'designerbaby’s’ Lulu en Nana. De in de VS opgeleide wetenschapper zou op de conferentie spreken, maar over een ander onderwerp.

De Wert, hoogleraar Ethiek van Voortplantingsgeneeskunde en Erfelijkheidsonderzoek aan de Universiteit Maastricht, is geschokt door het 'totale gebrek aan transparantie’ waarmee He Jiankui te werk is gegaan. ,,Ook zijn eigen universiteit wist nergens van. Hij heeft iedereen overvallen met een ethisch zeer beladen experiment, waar de wereld nog niet klaar voor was. Ik krijg het gevoel dat het hem louter om die primeur te doen was.’’

Op de conferentie, waar prominente wetenschappers uit de hele wereld samenkomen om te discussiëren over de voor- en nadelen van genetische manipulatie, overheersen volgens De Wert ‘verbijstering, verontrusting en boosheid'. Wetenschappers die hun carrière aan de zogenoemde crispr-cas-technologie hebben gewijd, vrezen dat de publieke opinie zich nu tegen hen keert, zegt hij. ,,Voor ouders die een hoog risico lopen om erfelijke afwijkingen over te dragen op hun kind, kan genetische manipulatie van een embryo op termijn misschien een goed alternatief zijn voor embryoselectie en prenatale screening. Maar pas als die techniek bewezen veilig is, en er maatschappelijk draagvlak voor is. Het gedoe rond deze cowboyactie leidt de aandacht af van die discussie.’’

Kijk hier naar de beelden van de Chinese wetenschapper:

China's December coal imports set to slump on new curbs

Trading companies and utilities told Reuters that China's coal imports are set to slump in December as traders and utilities wind back purchases following signals from Beijing that it will stop clearing shipments until next year. Coal imports by the world's top consumer of the material used for power generation, heating and steelmaking rose in the first 10 months of 2018 to 252 million tonnes, up 11 per cent from a year ago and not far below last year's total of 279 million tonnes. However, domestic coal prices have eased in recent months, even as China enters its peak demand season over winter, with utilities sitting on record coal stocks amid a slowdown in electricity demand growth.

Zhang Min, senior coal analyst with Sublime China, said that "Customs have tightened up imports because domestic supplies are abundant. We did not see the usual winter stocking activities from utilities because they have so much inventory."

A senior executive with the company said that China National Building Materials International (CNBM), a major buyer of Indonesian and Australian coal, will stop buying foreign supplies in December for its utility clients.

A manager at Huaneng Group, one of China's major utilities, confirmed that he was told by the country's chief economic planner, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), to rein in purchases to ensure China's imports do not exceed last year's level.

International markets are taking note, with prices for Australian thermal coal cargoes for prompt loading from its Newcastle terminal falling this week below USD 100 per tonne for the first time since May.

China has in the past imposed coal import restrictions, which has had the effect of increasing local prices by lowering competition. Earlier this year it banned smaller ports from receiving coal and it has also carried out strict inspections on low-quality coal.

Source : Reuters
Chinese overheid: 'Babymaker’ He Jiankui moet onderzoek stoppen

De Chinese 'babymaker' He Jiankui, die zelf meldde dat hij ervoor heeft gezorgd dat genetisch gemodificeerde baby's zijn geboren, moet stoppen met zijn onderzoek. Dat heeft het Chinese ministerie van Wetenschappen bepaald.

Buitenlandredactie 29-11-18, 14:22 Laatste update: 16:04
Het departement noemt de baby's ‘van buitengewoon afschuwelijke aard’. De wetenschapper zou met de modificatie de Chinese wet hebben overtreden en in strijd met de wetenschappelijke ethiek hebben gehandeld.

He Jiankui oogstte maandag wereldwijd verontwaardiging en afkeuring toen hij de geboorte van de baby's bekendmaakte. ,,Twee mooie kleine Chinese meisjes genaamd Lulu en Nana zijn een paar weken geleden geboren, huilend en net zo gezond als elke andere baby’’, had hij via een video op YouTube bekendgemaakt.

Het zijn de eerste mensjes ter wereld die genetisch zijn gemanipuleerd. Via ivf is het sperma van hun vader Mark bij de eicel van hun moeder Grace gebracht. Vervolgens (ze waren toen nog maar één cel groot) zegt Jiankui ‘genenchirurgie’ te hebben toegepast op hun dna. ,,Daarmee is de toegangspoort weggehaald waardoor het hiv-virus naar binnen kan om iemand te infecteren’’, zegt hij. Met als resultaat dat één van de meisjes nu voor de rest van haar leven immuun zou zijn voor aids.

Het nieuws sloeg in als een bom. Wetenschappers en ethici in de hele wereld reageerden met verontwaardiging en afschuw. De Chinese regering gelastte een onderzoek.

De in de VS gepromoveerde wetenschapper meldde later trots te zijn op zijn werk en dat de wetenschap meer moet doen om mensen met ziekten te helpen. Gisteren verdedigde hij zijn werk tijdens een congres in Hongkong. Hij zei er ook dat nog een vrouw zwanger is die meedoet aan zijn omstreden experiment.

Trump dicht bij deal met China

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Amerikaanse president Donald Trump staat open voor een handelsdeal met China en meent "erg dicht bij" te zijn. Dit zei Trump tegen journalisten toen hij donderdag het Witte Huis verliet om af te reizen naar Argentinië voor de G20-top.

"Ik weet niet zeker of we dit willen", zei Trump. "Ik sta open voor een deal, maar eerlijk gezegd vind ik de deal zoals we die nu hebben goed."

Naar verwachting zal Trump zaterdag dineren met de Chinese leider Xi Jinping.

Vanmiddag schreef Trump op Twitter dat er nog een lange weg te gaan is met China.

"Er stromen miljarden dollars in de koffers van de VS, dankzij de heffingen die China worden opgelegd, maar er is nog een lange weg te gaan", aldus Trump op Twitter.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright 2018 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
Chinese industrie komt tot stilstand

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Chinese economie groeit niet langer. Dit bleek vrijdag uit officiële cijfers van het Chinese nationale statistiekbureau.

De inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie daalde van 50,2 in oktober naar 50,0 in november. Economen hadden gerekend op een stand van 50,1.

Tevens werd bekend dat de Chinese dienstensector in november nog wel groeide, maar in een iets lager tempo. Deze inkoopmanagersindex daalde van 53,9 naar 53,4.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 geeft aan dat er sprake is van groei, terwijl een cijfer beneden de 50 wijst op krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
China hoopt op oprechtheid VS tijdens G20

Gepubliceerd op 30 nov 2018 om 10:27 | Views: 2.450

PEKING (AFN) - China hoopt dat de Verenigde Staten oprecht het beste voor hebben met de voorstellen die zullen worden gedaan om de relatie tussen de grootmachten te verbeteren. Dat meldde het Chinese ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken voorafgaand aan de G20-top in Argentinië.

In Buenos Aires zal de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump zijn Chinese collega Xi Jinping ontmoeten. De landen liggen al tijden overhoop met elkaar, onder meer over importtarieven. Volgens Chinese diplomaten liggen alle opties om de spanningen de wereld uit te helpen op tafel.

Wereldleiders verzamelden zich donderdag voorafgaand aan de top in de Argentijnse hoofdstad. Vele ogen zullen gericht zijn op de ontmoeting tussen Xi en Trump. De Amerikaan stuurde kort voordat hij naar de G20-top vertrok nog gemixte signalen uit over het al dan niet bereiken van een akkoord met China. Trump beschuldigt de Chinezen onder meer van oneerlijke handelspraktijken.
China October exports of aluminium alloy wheels up by 18.3pct YoY

SMM reported that China's exports of aluminium alloy auto wheels in October gained 18.3% on the year to 89,300 tonne, showed data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers. According to CAAM data, exports in October amounted to USD 417 million, up 18.8% from a year ago. Export prices averaged USD 4.67/kg,

From January to October, China exported 817,000 tonne of aluminium alloy auto wheels, up 7% from last year, with value of the exports at USD 3,935 million, up 11.6% from a year ago. Export prices averaged USD 4.82 per kg during the first ten months of this year.

In January to October, Chinese aluminium alloy auto wheels exported to 166 countries, with the top 40 countries accounting for 97.8% of the overall value of exports.

Source : SMM
Minieme groei Chinese industrie

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie in China is in november fractioneel gestegen. Dit bleek maandag uit cijfers van Markit Economics en Caixin.

De inkoopmanagersindex steeg van 50,1 in oktober naar 50,2 in november.

Econoom Zhengsheng van Markit wees op de deelindex voor nieuwe export, die wees op krimp. Dat is volgens de econoom het gevolg van de handelsoorlog die China voert met de Verenigde Staten.

Vorige week wees de inkoopmanagersindex voor de industrie, berekend door de Chinese overheid, zelfs op stilstand, met een indexniveau van 50,0 in november.

Een indexstand van meer dan 50 wijst op groei, minder dan 50 betekent krimp.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Tencent Music stoft Amerikaans beursplan af

Gepubliceerd op 3 dec 2018 om 15:02 | Views: 658

HONGKONG (AFN/RTR) - De Chinese internetgigant Tencent ziet weer brood in een Amerikaanse beursgang van zijn muziekdienst. Dat blijkt uit stukken die zijn ingediend bij de beurstoezichthouder SEC. Aanvankelijk zou Tencent Music in oktober in New York naar de beurs gaan, maar die plannen werden afgeblazen.

De streamingdienst hoopt met de uitgifte tussen de 1,1 miljard en 1,2 miljard dollar op te halen. Het bedrijf stelt de precieze prijs per aandeel, die tussen de 13 dollar en 15 dollar zal liggen, dinsdag vast. Volgende week woensdag kunnen de aandelen worden verhandeld aan de beurs van New York.

De concurrent van Spotify blies de beursgang eerder af wegens ongunstige marktomstandigheden. Die waren mede het gevolg van de handelsspanningen tussen China en de Verenigde Staten. Nadat de twee economische grootmachten het afgelopen weekend een wapenstilstand hadden afgekondigd, schoten de beurzen in Azië en Europa omhoog.
Baowu to launch 20 million tonne steel project in Yancheng city in Jiangsu Province

Reuters reported that China’s top steel maker China Baowu Group will launch a 20 million tonne high-class steel production project in a coastal city in eastern China. The new project will be located in Yancheng city in the manufacturing heartland of Jiangsu province. The first stage of the Yancheng project, with annual capacity of 8-10 million tonnes, will start construction from 2019 and is expected to be completed within three years. It will include ports, coking plants, power utilities, sintering, iron and steelmaking as well as steel-rolling plants. The company expects the first stage of the project to cost CNY 50 billion (USD 7.20 billion), which will be paid by its own cash and fund-raising

Once launched, Baowu will shut one of its plants in Nanjing city, the provincial capital of Jiangsu.

The move comes as the government relocates steel mills to the coast from cities to help reduce the impact of lung-damaging air pollution.

Source : Reuters
China's official manufacturing PMI edges down in November - NBS

National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed that the purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's manufacturing sector came in at 50 this month, down from 50.2 in October. The sub-index for production edged down from 52 in October to 51.9 in November, while the sub-index for new orders dipped from 50.8 to 50.4 during the same period. NBS senior statistician Zhao Qinghe said "The growth of the manufacturing sector slowed down, but its industrial structure continued to improve."

A reading above 50 indicates expansion, a reading below reflects contraction, and a reading at 50 indicates no expansion or contraction in manufacturing activity on a monthly basis.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Shanghai aluminium hits new 2-yr low, posts third straight monthly drop

Reuters reported that Chinese aluminium prices fell to their lowest in more than two years on Friday and clocked a third successive monthly decline, as stalling manufacturing growth compounded plentiful supply amid relatively lenient winter output curbs. Shanghai aluminium shed 2.8 percent over November, which saw two-year lows hit several times, leaving smelters in China struggling to turn a profit and leading some to cut output even without being ordered to do so on environmental grounds.

The most traded January aluminium contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange fell as much as 1% to CNY 13,535 (USD 1,949.39) a tonne, the lowest since October 10, 2016, before closing on CNY 13,555.

Source : Reuters
Daimler wil Chinees belang vergroten - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Daimler AG wil zijn belang in de joint venture met zijn Chinese partner BAIC Motor vergroten tot een meerderheidsbelang, om meer grip te krijgen op de Chinese automarkt. Dat meldde persbureau Bloomberg dinsdag.

Volgens één van de anonieme bronnen zou Daimler interesse hebben laten blijken in een uitbreiding van het huidige belang van 49 procent tot ten minste 65 procent.

De gesprekken met het staatsbedrijf BAIC zijn in een verkennende fase en zullen mogelijk niet tot een overeenstemming leiden, aldus Bloomberg.

Daimler, dat onder andere auto's van het merk Mercedes maakt, gaf geen commentaar aan het persbureau en zei tevreden te zijn met de huidige configuratie in China. Een woordvoerder van het Chinese bedrijf ontkende dat er gesprekken lopen over een groter belang voor Daimler.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
China trade figures reveals strong metal imports

Reuters reported that China's imports of refined base metals have been running at a robust pace this year, with flows of copper, zinc and nickel up on a year ago and the country on track to be a net importer of lead for a second year running. Six months after the China's customs department stopped publishing detailed monthly reports via companies such as Reuters, some light has returned to what is happening with the world's largest metals buyer. It has done so in the form of a new customs department website with a searchable database for this year's trade flows. It's in Chinese only and decidedly user-unfriendly, but it's the real thing, cross-checking accurately with the first-quarter figures released under the old distribution system. Analysts at Refinitiv have reconstructed the country's headline trade in the six months of statistical darkness that followed the suspension of the old service. The picture that emerges is one of robust import appetite for refined metal but significant changes in flows of raw materials.

Copper - Refined copper imports rose by 20 per cent to 3.1 million tonnes in the first 10 months of this year. Although there has been a steady monthly flow of exports over the course of 2018, the pace has dropped 15 per cent on 2017 levels, meaning that net imports are up by 24 per cent at 2.9 million tonnes. Imports of concentrates have climbed by 19 per cent to 16.6 million tonnes (bulk weight), a record for the first 10 months of the year. A combination of increased supply and smelter outages in India, the Philippines and Europe has allowed Chinese concentrate buyers to step up purchases from the international market. Scrap imports, on the other hand, have slumped by 36 per cent, reflecting China's crackdown on imports of lower-quality material and the retaliatory duties the country slapped on US scrap in August.

Aluminium - Imports of primary aluminium were 21,000 tonnes in October, the highest monthly total since January 2017. However, cumulative imports over the first 10 months of this year fell by 33 per cent to 69,000 tonnes, still only a drop in the aluminium ocean and dwarfed by the flow of semi-manufactured aluminium products out of China. October's spike may reflect temporary tightness in ingot availability in the east of the country as shipments of aluminium from smelters in the northwest are displaced by high-priority coal freight ahead of the Chinese winter. The real stand-out in the aluminium figures has been China's flip from net importer to net exporter of intermediate material alumina. October's exports of 460,000 tonnes bring the year-to-date total to almost 1 million tonnes. Imports of aluminium scrap, by contrast, are steadily falling in response to the same drivers as those affecting copper namely higher purity requirements and duties on US scrap flows. Headline imports have dropped 27 per cent to 1.3 million tonnes, with both September and October imports falling below the 100,000-tonne level for the first time since February 2016.

Zinc and lead - Imports of refined zinc hit a year's high of 80,600 tonnes in October, the highest monthly figure this year. Cumulative imports have risen 13 per cent from last year's record flows to 508,000 tonnes. Mined concentrates imports have also been running at a healthy clip, up 19 per cent to 2.4 million tonnes bulk weight. The root cause of both higher raw material and metal imports is the strain on domestic concentrates availability as a host of smaller operators have been forced out of the market by Beijing's environmental crackdown. China's net imports of refined lead have bucked the broader trend, falling 35 per cent year on year to 47,000 tonnes for January-October.

Nickel - Refined net nickel imports in the first 10 months of this year increased by 14 per cent to 177,000 tonnes. The real story, however, is what has been happening in intermediate and raw material flows. Imports of ores and concentrates have risen by 37 per cent to 40.2 million tonnes, almost back to the levels before Indonesia banned exports of unprocessed nickel ore in 2014. Indonesia has since relaxed its ban and the resumed flow of ore in such quantities suggests that China's nickel pig iron (NIP) sector is also in robust good health. The flip side of Indonesia's changing nickel landscape has been a sharp drop in China's imports of Indonesian NIP as more material is diverted into a growing domestic processing sector, led by Chinese stainless giant Tsingshan.

Source : Reuters
As oil prices plunge, China is grabbing every cargo it can get - Bloomberg

Bloomberg reported that as oil prices plunge, there are plenty of signs that China is buying the dip - and in potentially large volumes - if shipping and trade data are any guide. Here’s some evidence to suggest the world’s biggest source of incremental demand growth for oil has ramped up imports - and that its buying remains undimmed.

1. Imports Data
The first, and perhaps most authoritative, piece of information comes from the country itself. Inflows last month were the highest for the time of year in customs data starting in 2004. One downside to the data is that they’re backward looking. Another is that China’s imports have tended to trend higher in recent years anyway.

2. West African Feast
So backward-looking data from the Chinese government aren’t your thing? No matter. Just look at the country’s purchases from West Africa. At 1.78 million barrels a day this month, they’re the highest since at least September 2011, and an astonishing 70 percent above November 2017. It’s important to note that the country may be replacing inflows from the U.S. against the backdrop of a trade war.

3. Cargo Counts
Okay, okay, you’re right to still be skeptical. West African flows don’t completely prove heightened buying either. After all, they’re still a relatively small part of total Chinese buying. Another good place to look is at cargo counts. Since the start of October, an average of 35 spot shipments from the Persian Gulf to Asia were arranged each week. The equivalent a year ago was 19.

4. China Bound Shipments
What! You still want more? You’re saying, quite rightly, that extra Middle East barrels could be going some place else in Asia? Here’s a rather more blunt way to look at it: How many of the world’s supertankers — that is, very large and ultra large crude carriers — are pointing to China? As of Nov. 23, there were 101 (or about 202 million barrels’ worth) signaling for ports in the Asian country. A year earlier, there were 77.

5. Knowledge in Prices
Still dubious? Noisy flows data don’t persuade you? Perhaps freight prices will help. As signs of an emerging glut and worries about demand cause crude futures to collapse, rates to haul the black stuff are moving in the opposite direction. Supertankers to deliver Middle East oil to China are earning almost $52,000 a day, close to the highest since at least February 2017, according to the Baltic Exchange. Somebody, somewhere is buying more in this price slump.

Source : Bloomberg
China coal project in Serbia adds to climate change worry

Washington Post reported that a foul smell permeates the air in this gray mining town where people rarely open their windows as thick smoke billows from huge chimneys of Serbia's main coal-fired power station. Things are to get only worse for residents living close to the Kostolac power plant complex in eastern Serbia which is currently being expanded with a USD 715 million loan from a Chinese state bank and constructed by one of China's largest companies.

When US President Donald Trump abruptly withdrew from the Paris agreement on tackling global climate change in 2017, China was seen as the champion in the battle to cut carbon emissions and prevent a global environmental catastrophe.

Experts said that while tackling pollution at home by implementing renewable energy projects and reducing the use of coal, by far the most polluting fossil fuel, China is pursuing a different strategy abroad.

Chinese companies are the world's largest investors in overseas coal plants. They are involved in the building of about a fifth of new coal-fired energy capacity around the world, mostly in the countries along its ambitious "Belt and Road" investment program which is seen in the West as an attempt by China to globally increase its political and economic influence.

Beijing has issued guidelines on foreign investments, urging environmentally friendly practices. But a major worry is that the guidelines aren't binding and that the power stations are built mostly in developing states which have low pollution emission standards, or no set standards at all.

China's special representative for climate change affairs, Xie Zhenhua, said in Beijing that "The (Chinese) central government explicitly stipulated that all Belt and Road Initiative projects should be green and low-carbon projects. Therefore, all projects underway introduced the most advanced technology to save resources and energy, and do its utmost to ensure emission reduction."

Ms Huang Wei, a Greenpeace climate and energy campaigner, said that China has "coal overcapacity" at home, so the market space for coal power companies "is shrinking a lot," prompting Chinese construction companies to seek lucrative deals abroad.

She said that "China is on the right track of fulfilling its domestic commitment on reducing carbon emissions. But its plan to invest in the 'Belt and Road' countries, especially infrastructure, could have a potentially big climate impact. So far they (the Chinese government) define 'green' as complying with local environmental standards, and we don't think that's enough because a lot of the recipient countries have very low environmental standards. So I think it's up to China, both China and the recipient countries to lift the standard.”

Experts said that the Paris agreement goals can only be met by cutting emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to net zero by 2050.

But the Paris deal let countries set their own emissions targets. Some are on track, others aren't. Overall, the world is heading the wrong way.

Last week, the World Meteorological Organization said globally averaged concentrations of carbon dioxide reached a new record in 2017, while the level of other heat-trapping gases such as methane and nitrous oxide also rose.

This year is expected to see another 2-percent increase in human-made emissions, as construction of coal-fired power plants, like the one in Serbia, continue while carbon-absorbing forests are felled faster than they can regrow.

Source : Washington Post
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BAM +2,48%
CTP +2,10%


Van Lanschot ... -10,11%
Corbion -8,43%
ASMI -5,69%
BESI -5,67%